Chapter 28 : Rewards & Revenge
Shivaay left the house early morning. He wanted to clear all the mess he created so he fly to Delhi without informing anyone. Other Oberois were worried on Shivaay. They couldn't meet him today also. At first, Shivaay thought to meet Anika and apologize her. But later, he changed his mind and thought to settle other things first. He call Khanna and ask him to trace about Ashwin Kundra's whereabouts. While khanna searching about Ashwin, Shivaay drive towards the hotel where the incident took place. It was non other than Oberoi's Garden Hotel. Shivaay enters in with fast steps, while the manager greet him. Reaching the office room, he order all the ladies working under room servicing department to gather around.
Soon the office room occupied with so many ladies and slow wishpers heard here and there.
Shiv : I want whoever worked night shift on 16th July 2017 to stay and others leave.
Shivaay said sternly. Everyone started to leave and left 27 ladies behind. They look so tensed. Why their boss travelling to 3 years back suddenly, they confused. The manager have no idea either.
Shiv : Now, among 27 of you, there is someone who reported a case under molestation that night. I want that person to stay, others may leave without whispering.
Listening to his stern voice, everyone rushed out leaving behind a shivering lady around mid thirties. The lady who helped Anika. She was shivering terribly and scared as well. Shivaay understood her condition and ask her to take her seat. He offered her a glass of water too. At the same time, Shivaay requested the manager to leave too.
Shiv : So, you are miss..... (Looked at her name tag) Phajan. Miss Phajan it's you who filed the molestation case.. right?
In return she just nodded. She don't know what to answer.
Shiv : I think you can talk. There is no any physical inabilities stated on your resume. So may I know about yourself first?
Phaj : Si..r, I'm Phajan Preet Singh and I'm working here as the head of the room servicing department for last seven years.
Shiv : Good. I believe it was you who reported the case right?
Phaj : Ye.. Yes sir.
Shiv : Look Miss Phajan, I think it's better you tell me the truth? I know you wasn't the real victim.
Phaj : Sir, I... I... I'm sorry sir but yes you're correct. I wasn't me sir. I was on my night round that day then I heard someone screaming really loud which made me to doubt. Since I was the head I can unlock every room using my access card. When I enter the room I saw a guy on the bed with injured head and a girl holding wine bottle. I assume the guy try to harm the girl so I help her to run away and made myself the victim.
Phaj : I know sir, it might effect our hotel's reputation but I just don't want her to face unwanted problems. Since it's normal for hotel staffs to face such problems, police won't integrate more on this. But situations will not be the same for the girl. I don't know why she follow that guy to the hotel room but from her eyes I know that she's innocent sir, so I helped her. I'm sorry again.
Shivaay didn't speak anything further. Getting up from his seat he walk towards the door and talked with the manager for sometime. Turning to her, he told...
Shiv : Get your salary increment and promotion letter from our manager.
The lady was speechless, she couldn't understand anything and about promotion and salary increment was the last thing she think of. She was gaining her courage to hear a 'you are fired' from her boss. But this is totally unexpected. Knowing her facial expression Shivaay speak again
Shiv : You saved my life Miss Phajan Preet Singh. This should be happen long before, sorry for the delay.
Wait does she hear that? A sorry from her boss with all smiling face. She was still confused but that is not the matter. She is happy and she should celebrate now. She thanked him wholeheartedly and left the place.
Later Khanna inform Shivaay about Ashwin's whereabouts. Shivaay thought Ashwin will be at jail till now but no. He released from there after 3 months he arrested. He came out of jail using one of his customer cum friend's influence to get out from jail. He came out but why didn't he try to meet Anika?, Shivaay questioned himself. Is he trying something more big this time? Shivaay got suspicious. And someone told Anika that Ashwin is still in jail, that's why she shifted back to her patents house. That means sure he is planning something. But why he's taking so much time, that too three years? Is that more risky and dangerous than before. This time Shivaay got more frustrated and angry. "I don't care he is planning to harm Anika or not, I should teach him some lesson, no one should mess with Shivaay Singh Oberoi nor his belongings " Shivaay said with determination.
Shivaay reached the location Khanna gave him. Ashwin was in Delhi too. This angered him more. This guys is still roaming around in the same city his girlfriend staying. Shivaay meet Ashwin in his fitness centre. But it was empty and Ashwin was all alone there to only to make Shivaay's work easy. Khanna just followed Shivaay all confused. He have no idea what, why and for whom his boss is doing all this. His work is to protect his boss and he is doing it happily, that's it. Shivaay approached the man who made his life a living mess dangerously. Ashwin not at all expect Shivaay there. He was gulping around and his feet glued to the ground.
Shivaay never speak anything. Watching the spoiler of his life, Shivaay's anger has no limit. He just started to punch him furiously. Shivaay too got few punches in return from Ashwin while defending. But soon Ashwin was held by Khanna from behind tightly. Shivaay punched, kicked, and bit him without caring anything. Ashwin face turned blue black with swollen eyes, blood oozing out from his mouth and nose which is broken. While beating Shivaay roared "why" let it echo the whole building. Ashwin couldn't speak anything due to the continues punching from Shivaay and his body slowly started to giving up. If this continue then he might die. Knowing the situation well, Khanna made Shivaay calm down and was succeeded too. Taking a deep breathe Shivaay spoke.
Shiv : You know that you deserve this. Right? In fact you deserve more than this. I very well know that you're planning something to Anika and till I'm here I'll never let that happen. And kid, for your information we are still together I mean your Anika Didi and your Jiju myself. (Smirks and He lied of course)
All Ashwin could do is listen to Shivaay lifelessly. He couldn't even react and credits goes to Shivaays uncountable punches.
Shiv : By the way is that true what I heard Mr Ashwin Kundra? Omg you're so in a big trouble boy. I pity you kid.
Ash : (after so many difficulties he spoke)
Shiv : Oh you don't know? Okay.. I heard that all your protein shakes and energy drink powders that you're selling in your fitness centre contain drugs. That means your life going to be real hell. Okay let me look at you one last time. Smile please.
Ash : WHAT!?... NOOO
After Shivaay left the place police arrived and arrested Ashwin. His fitness centre was sealed and license cancelled. Shivaay make sure that he can not come out using any help and made him rod in jail for rest of his life. Coming to the allegation which is fake on Ashwin, of course it was done by our one and only SSO.
Shivaay was little relaxed that he could finally punish the real culprit. But he still couldn't figure out what he did to Anika after their break up. All he knows was, he did nothing and was waiting for a correct time. Reena refused to tell him further about it. The only person he could get the answer is Anika. Leaving all that aside for a while. Now he have to focus on the main problem. Anika. Seeking her forgiveness which is nearly impossible. Anika, the girl who hold the same ego and arrogance as him, more than him actually. But nothing is impossible for Shivaay Singh Oberoi. As dadi said, he should be patience now. He should bare all her anger and whatever punishment she wanted to give him because he is at fault and he deserve that. First, shivaay went to Anika's Delhi office and he was greeted by Chandna who was giving him a disgusted look with her baby bump. He deserve this too, he thought. Chandna inform him that Anika is on leave and refused to give further information. Then,Shivaay ask Khanna to drive to Anika's Delhi house. He still remember her address. Khanna finally could figure out that there was, there is something between his boss and gowry madam's sister Anika madam, the event planner.
Shivaay was impressed with the makeover Anika did to her house. It look so elegant and classy. There was a huge different on what he saw few years back and now. He only meet Anika once at Delhi, that too on her Father's death. He couldn't be more proud on her lady love. The hard work she put on to establish her own firm and supporting her family at the same time facing the society and struggle. She never fail to impress everyone. But to his disappointment, Gulab Maasi told him that Anika left to Mumbai last night due to some orders in Mumbai office. Sighing tiredly, Shivaay left Delhi sadly. He is eager to meet Anika as well as scared too. The great Shivaay Singh Oberoi is scared to face a girl. It sound funny but that's the bitter truth. He just wanted to squeeze her in his arms, pepper kisses all over her face and say sorry for uncountable times. Can he do that? Yes he can, if she forgive him. Can she forgive him? she will, if he seek her forgiveness genuinely. Is he ready to face her? Yes, he is, but HELL SCARED.
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