So I feel bad for lust so if you hate lust leave now but if you are a fan then stay so on to the story.
-Meanwhile in Errors room with Ink-
(Error's pov)
Ink came in my room crying so she is trying to tell me what happened a few minutes a go.
~flash back~
(Ink's pov)
"Dream stop please it hurts!!"
Dream: No!
Blue: Dream what's happening?.... D. R. E. A. M. S. T. O. P. N. O. W.
Dream: N. O.
-portal opens-
E walks out pissed off at dream.
Not my meme
Back to the story.
E:Dream. Me and you now. No buts.
Dream: Fine
E:Great. Blue take Ink to Error please thank you.
Blue: Ok.
E:Later blue.
Bb: later
(E's pov)
Dream that is not cool dude.
Really!? Do u not care about ink!?
-texting Error!sans-
E: Hey Error
E:Dream is a bitch
Er:Why is she a bitch?
E: She doesn't give a fuck about Ink
Er: That bitch
E:I'm going to text boss
-Texting slender mansion-
BM: Hey boss
Bm:Can ink spend a few nights?
Sm: Why?
Bm:Dream hates her.
Sally: Sure she can stay
Bm: thanks Sal
Sally: anytime
Nm: I heard what happened to ink.
Do u hate Ink Geno dream killer blue life goth? Let me know. I really don't mind but be honest. Love y'all
Word count: 238
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