Dawning The Mask (Taking Up The Mantle)
You immediately get to work.
As time goes by, you slowly begin to make yourself a suit. You first used a simple outfit to conceal your identity, that being a dark jacket over a t-shirt with Spider-Man's symbol and jeans, accompanied by a black mask with red sunglasses and a beanie to mask your face. You began taking down low-class scum who were prying on innocent people in an attempt to find Flint Marko. So far, you had come out empty handed. But you will find him.
In school, you had told Harry about what you were doing and he was fully supporting you. Though you didn't tell Gwen since you couldn't get too many people involved. You didn't want her hurt, but she has been noticing that you've been acting different.
Like one time when when were hanging out with her, just the two of you. A car suddenly speeds by with police cruiser right behind it. Acting on instinct, you take pit your phone as you pretend Natasha was calling you. Once you finished the "call", you turn back to Gwen.
Y/n: "Hey, I gotta head to the Compound. Nat needs me for something."
Gwen: "Uh, y-yeah. Go ahead."
You thanked her and apologized, not realizing how disappointed she sounded before running off to your car. However, you actually changed into your makeshift suit and went after the car chase. Gwen noticed that you didn't even go in the direction of your car, though.
Back at the Avengers Compound, you and Harry were in the workshop as you thought up some ideas for your suit. Harry's idea.
Harry: "Okay, so we gotta start small."
Y/n: "Okay."
Harry: "You already got a suit, which we're changing later, but do you have the webshooters?"
Y/n: "Uh... FRIDAY?"
FRIDAY: "Already bringing up blueprint designs for all possible webshooters."
Almost immediately, holograms of webshooter designs flood the workbench. You and Harry look at them before looking at each other.
Harry and Y/n: "Oh, boy..."
You immediately got to work on the webshooters. You chose a simple design that was small and could easily be hidden. You and Harry worked on the web formula, trying to recreate what Peter had done and maybe even make it better. There were ups and downs, but you two had finally finished the webbing and the webshooters. Now they just needed to be used.
In the dark of night, a man was getting mugged by two people. However, no one could even wrap their heads around what happened. Before anyone knew it, the muggers had been attacked and trapped on the alleyway walls by some kind of... webbing.
At school, you were at your locker before Harry came up to you.
Harry:"How're the webshooters doing?"
Y/n: "Pretty good. And their easily hidden, too."
You roll up your sleeves to show your best friend your new webshooters which were still attached to your wrist. Harry smiled at them.
Harry: "Alright."
Y/n: "Thanks again, Harry."
Harry: "No problem... Spidey."
You couldn't help but laugh a bit, not noticing that Gwen was watching from her locker.
Back at the Compound, Natasha had returned from Wakanda since leads were pointing towards that the thief was in New York. She had already berated him over the phone for getting suspended, but she lectured you again. You then apologized to her, again, before showing her what you and Harry were doing. You showed her your new powers and the webshooters, and explained what you were doing. She lectured you again about how being a hero isn't something to be taken lightly, which you already knew. She then agreed to help you out, suggesting a training session every-so-often to hone and perfect your skills as a crime-fighter.
You loved your aunt.
Back to being a vigilante, you had taken down more and more criminals in your search for Flint Marko. You haven't found him yet, but you felt good taking down the scum of New York. But the police force didn't really appreciate you, especially Captain George Stacy. Gwen's father. He doesn't like you, but at least he didn't know it was you. Mainly because you never met him. Gwen never wanted you to meet him since she thought he'd shoot you on sight.
Harry: "Okay, your suit needs an upgrade."
Back in the workshop, Harry was scrolling through holograms of designs of Spider-Suits Tony had made for Peter over the years. Other than you, Tony was hit the hardest because of Peter's death. He had kept himself busy with suit designs to try and make it feel like Peter was still there. He had stopped three years ago, but there were still hundreds of suits to pick from.
Y/n: "I don't really understand why. My suit is just fine."
Harry: "You look like a criminal yourself. If you're going to be the next Spider-Man, you need to look iconic."
Y/n: "I don't want to be Spider-Man. I'm just trying to find Marko."
Harry: "And you'll need to have the best you can get to do so." *stops at a suit design* "What about this one?"
You look at the suit before asking FRIDAY to enlarge and bring color to the image. It was your usual red and blue Spider-Suit, and with the design of the suit it made it look bad. You liked the design, just not the color.
Y/n: "FRIDAY, switch around the blue and red."
The AI does so, but the suit still looked bad. So you asked to have the entire suit to be all black and have the eyes and spider symbol be red. After one last look, you smiled.
Y/n: "Bingo."
It was early nighttime with New York only slightly quieter than the daytime. However, a black and red blur swings through the air as it passes by a skyscraper. A few more thwips and flips later, and the dark blur pulls itself forward to reveal... you.
You swung through the air in your new suit. It was mostly black with red eyes and both spider symbols, on your your and back, were red as well. The suit was super comfortable and flexible, even though it was basically skin-tight. You had also learned that you had a power that Peter didn't have: venomous claws. Well, they weren't exactly claws, your fingernails were just sharper sharper usual and you could excrete some kind of paralyzing venom from them that didn't affect you. So you had metal claws made into the fingers that can be sheathed and unsheathed at will, and can even be laced laced your venom.
The suit also had advanced systems and you had downloaded a software that allowed FRIDAY access to your suit so you could talk to her. While Harry was your guy in the chair, FRIDAY would be your extra set of eyes and ears.
You swing onto a skyscraper and cling to it. You look at yourself in the window's reflection, admiring the suit which you had to thank Harry for picking. You had to admit, you looked intimidating.
FRIDAY: "Y/n, we have an attempt at grand theft auto nearby. Two blocks down."
Y/n: "I'm on it."
You flip off the building and swing two blocks down, landing onto another building. You look down to see a parking lot to see a man by a car, and you narrow your eyes as your lenses zoom in.
The man was using some kind of device to unlock the car. You couldn't allow that, so you dropped down to confront the car thief.
Said car thief had succeeded in unlocking the car and opened the door. He steps inside and sits down, closing the door as he grabbed the steering wheel.
Car Thief: "Alright."
"You know, if you wanna steal a car, don't dress like a car thief."
The man jumps and turns his head to see you sitting in the backseat.
Y/n: "I mean... it just makes it obvious and easy for people like me to catch you."
Car Thief: "The fuck are you? A cop?"
You looked at the car thief with a blank face under your mask. You then look at yourself before looking back up at the man.
Y/n: "I'm wearing skin-tights. I have a spider on my chest. Do I look like a cop to you?"
The man immediately tried to open the car door to get out, but you simply fire a web at it and shut it again.
Y/n: "Nope."
He looks at you and goes to open the door again. You close it with a web again.
Y/n: "Try again."
The car thief begins to panic and starts to roll down the window. You encourage him on this and he crawls out of the car, falling to the ground. He then stands up and pulls out a gun, only to find you no longer in the car. He lowers the firearm in confusion, only to be grabbed by you and you throw him against a nearby wall.
Car Thief: "GAH!"
Before he falls back down to the ground, you web the car thief to the wall. You walk up to him and push his head against the wall. On your mask HUD, FRIDAY had already ran a scan on the man which revealed his name and criminal record.
Car Thief: "This stuff coming out of you?"
Y/n: "Shut it, Suarez."
Suarez: "How do you know my name?"
Y/n: "That doesn't matter. Now I'm gonna ask you some questions, and if you answer them, I won't have to hurt you anymore."
Suarez: "Anymore? You haven't even--"
You cut the man off by slamming your palm into the man's fingers. They crunch upon impact, making the thief cry out in pain.
Y/n: "Got the message?"
Suarez whimpers and nods.
Y/n: "Good. Tell me about Flint Marko."
Suarez: "M-Marko? What do you want with him?"
Y/n: "Personal. Now tell me where he is."
Suarez: "I don't kn-know, man. I don't work with him."
Y/n: "You got arrested last year, and you admitted to working with him when that happened. Which means you're lying to me. And do you know what liars get? Broken bones."
You grab the thief's othed hand and pull it forward, breaking his wrist. He screams in pain.
Y/n: "Now I know you know where he hides. So unless you want a whole arm snapped like a twig, you better tell me."
Suarez: *crying* "I don't know, man! I swear! I don't work with him anymore!"
Y/n: "Then what're you doing here?!"
Suarez: *crying* "It was a drug pickup! My boss assigned me to get the drugs in the car!"
This caught your attention.
Y/n: "Where?"
Suarez: "In the trunk! Please, just don't hurt me anymore...!"
He sobbed in front of you, looking pathetic. Especially for a thief. But you do back away from him and walk towards the car's trunk. You pull it open to see bags upon bags of drugs.
Y/n: "FRIDAY, can you find out what that stuff is?"
After a quick scan, the AI answers.
FRIDAY: "Unknown drug compound detected. Want me to run a diagnostic on it?"
Y/n: "Nah. The police should be on their way now. They'll take care of it."
And as if right on time, you heard sirens edging closer to your location. You walk away from the trunk as a police motorcycle pulls up and the officer looks at you. He pulls out a gun and aims it at you.
NYPD Officer: "Hands up!"
Y/n: "I'm not the bad guy here. I just caught him."
NYPD Officer: "I said hands up! And don't move, or I will open fire!"
Y/n: "C'mon..."
You flip into the air and over the officer. His aim follows you and fires three bullets, all which miss. You land behind the officer and pull his gun away with a web.
Y/n: "I do about eighty percent of your job, and this is how you repay me? Nuh-uh."
You toss the gun aside and turn back to the officer. You point at the car filled with drugs.
Y/n: "There are drugs in the trunk of that car. I'm sure you know what to do with them."
You turn and run through the parking lot before leaping into the air. You web-swing away, flipping through the air as the cop handles the criminal and the drugs.
One Week Later...
At school, it was nearing the end of the day. You were walking away from your locker with Harry as the two of you talked about the search for Flint Marko. It wasn't going very well, but you had a feeling you'll find him eventually.
"Hey, guys! Wait up!"
You and Harry stop and turn to see Gwen running up to you. Once she does, she looks at you.
Y/n and Harry: "Hey."
Gwen: "Hi."
Y/n: "How's it, uh, going?"
Gwen: "Good. We're you headin' after school?"
Y/n: "Uh, Harry needed my help with something. Why?"
Gwen: "Nothing, it's just... You've been disappearing a lot lately. What's going on? Are you okay?"
Y/n: "Yeah, I'm fine. Just been... busy with my new job."
Gwen: "You got a new job?"
Harry: "Yeah, he did. It's, uh, up in Upstate, though."
Gwen: "Oh... Well, that sucks."
You looked at Gwen in confusion. Why'd she sounded so disappointed?
Harry: "Hey, I'm gonna head to seventh period. I'll see you guys around."
The Osborn turns and heads to his final class of the day. You watch him leave before turning to Gwen.
Y/n: "So, uh..."
Gwen: "What happened to your eye?"
Y/n: "Huh?"
Gwen: "Your eye. It's bruised."
Damn. You completely forgot about the bruise you got from that guy who hit you with a crowbar last night.
Quick! Act dumb.
Y/n: "What eye?"
Not that dumb!
Gwen, however, simply snorted and laughed. She must've believed you were making a joke, which made you smile. You liked her laugh.
Gwen: "Hey, do you like brenzino?"
Y/n: "Brenzino?"
Gwen: "The fish."
Y/n: "Yeah, I know what it is. Why?"
Gwen: "My dad is making brenzino at eight, and I just wanted to hang out with you. It was... my mom's favorite dish."
Right. She lost her mother like everyone else did. To the snap.
Gwen: "Plus, I thought it was time for you to meet my dad. He may like you."
You've actually met her dad. He's shot at you. Solid guy.
Y/n: "Um... I don't know."
Gwen: "Right. Of course. But if you want to..."
She takes out her phone and types in something. Then you get a notification on your phone and see a message from Gwen. It was her address.
Gwen: "... just go to that address. Can't believe I haven't told you it yet. Heheh. Oh, and 1965. That's the apartment number. Why didn't I put that in the text?"
You simply smiled.
Y/n: "Don't worry. I'll remember it."
Gwen smiled at this and the bell rings. You both bid each other goodbye for now before splitting up and heading to your classes.
Avengers Compound...
You immediately dashed into the gathering room where Natasha was. She was watching TV with some popcorn on her lap, but she looked up at you like your were crazy.
Y/n: "I need your help!"
Natasha: "What? Why?"
Y/n: "Gwen invited me to dinner and her place! Is it a date?"
Natasha: "Like hell I know. But you better damn act like it."
She pauses the movie she was watching and sets the popcorn aside. She stands up and begins dragging you to your room.
Y/n: "Whoa, whoa. What're you doing?"
Natasha: "I'm helping. Now don't struggle, or this is gonna be a lot worse than training."
You gulp as you decide to just go with it. If whatever Natasha has planned could turn out worse than your training, then it'd be best to not struggle at all.
Gwen sat in her room as she examined the photos on her camera. She had recently gotten a new job as a photographer at the Daily Bugle. J. Jonah Jameson was annoying and berating, but his pay was good. He also loved her pictures, especially of the new Spider-Man that has appeared. However, he doesn't berate him. He actually praises him, unlike her father.
She heard something outside her window and looks up at it. She stands and walks over to it, opening it up. She got a complete shock when she saw you right outside smiling at her with some flowers in your hand.
Gwen: "Hi."
Y/n: "Evening."
Gwen: "You actually came. How'd you get out there?"
Y/n: "The, uh, fire escape. Your doorman's intimidating.
Gwen: "That's almost twenty stories."
Y/n: "Not that bad of a climb, though. Got some exercise in for today."
Gwen laughed at your joke.
Y/n: "May I come in?"
Gwen: "Yeah, sure."
The blonde moves aside and you easily crawl through the window and into her room. You look around, realizing how nice and clean and organized her room was. It was completely different from yours.
Gwen looked at you, taking in your looks. You had cut your hair, which Natasha expertly did, and you were wearing a light jacket over a (F/C) collared shirt with some of your nicer jeans. You looked nice, but she secretly preferred your messy, naturally handsome and rugged good looks.
Y/n: "Uh, these are for you."
You offered the flowers you had with you which she took.
Gwen: "Oh. Thanks."
You smile as Gwen takes the flowers and smells them. She sighs with a smile on her face. You could tell she loved them, and that made you happy.
The door suddenly opened, and both you and Gwen turned to see George Stacy enter in.
George: "Hey, hon. Dinner is almost--"
He stops mid-sentence when he sees you. You tense immediately, but...
George: "You must be Y/n."
Y/n: "Yeah, I'm... Y/n."
George: "Nice to meet you, young man."
Y/n: "You, too, sir."
You say and walk up to the captain of NYPD. You offer a hand and he shakes it.
George: "Gwen's told me a lot about you."
Gwen: "Dad, oh, my God!"
George only chuckles at this, and you couldn't help but smile.
Y/n: "Good things, I hope."
George: "Only. Hope you like brenzino. I'm not my wife, but I think it's pretty good."
Y/n: "Who doesn't like brenzino?"
At that warehouse full of cars and other vehicles being used to make drugs, men were getting some weapons ready as a big van was in the background. They were going to plant a bomb on the nearby bridge which would give them enough time to steal their drugs back from the cops. They were being transported across the bridge to another, more secure, facility.
Gang Member: "Alright! Let's load up!"
They all run over to the van and get inside, loading their weapons. The driver starts the vehicle and drives off.
Back At Gwen's...
You sat at the dinner table with the Stacy's. Gwen sat across from you next to her younger brothers and her father sat at the head of the table. In front of you lied a fish on a plate. You tried cutting it, but you didn't know how.
Gwen: "You need some help there, bug boy?"
You look up at Gwen and then back at your fish. You laugh nervously and scratch the back of your head.
Y/n: "Uh, yeah, actually. I don't know what I'm doing."
Gwen: "I gotcha."
You smile at Gwen as she pushes her plate of fish over besides you. She then stands up and walks over to your side of the table, sitting down next to you. She grabs a fork and a knife, and begins showing you how to cut a brenzino. You thank her and follow her hand movements, and one of Gwen's brothers speak up.
Gwen's Little Brother: "Hey, Dad. Did you catch that Spider-Guy yet?"
This immediately grabs your attention.
George: "No, not yet. But we will. He's an amateur who's assaulting civilians in the dead of night. He's clumsy, but still dangerous."
You grew confused by this. The only people you've assaulted were criminals. When did you attack innocents?
Y/n: "He's... assaulting people? Civilians?"
Everyone looks at you.
Y/n: "I-I haven't heard or seen anything about that. I mean, he only goes after the bad people, right? Like that drug dealer. I think most would say he's providing a public service... like Spider-Man did."
George couldn't help but sigh into his hand. He couldn't believe you brought up Spider-Man.
(Portrayed by Linden Ashby)
George: "Yes, some might say that, but they're wrong. That wannabe isn't Spider-Man. If I wanted that drug dealer off the street, he'd already been off the street."
Y/n: "Then why wasn't he?"
Gwen stiffled a laugh as her father looked at you.
George: "Let me illuminate. You see, the drug dealer was leading us to the entire operation and those who run it. It's been a six-month-long sting, or this thing called strategy. I'm sure you heard of it."
Y/n: "Yes, I've heard of it. I live with an Avenger. I'm seventeen. I know what strategy is."
George: "Good."
George went back to eating and you did, too. But you couldn't help but continue your argument with the captain.
Y/n: "Well, he obviously didn't know you had a plan."
George: "You seem to know an awful lot about this case. You know something that I don't?"
Y/n: "I live with Natasha Romanoff. I could know things about you that not even you know."
Gwen snorted a laughter, and tried to keep her food in her mouth. Her younger siblings laugh quietly to themselves as George narrows his eyes at you.
George: "Who's side are you on?"
Y/n: "No one's. I just saw a few videos on YouTube--"
George: "Oh, you saw videos on YouTube. Well, then the case is closed."
Y/n: "No, I'm just saying if you watch the video--I could send you a link? It seems like he's trying to help."
You were telling the truth. You did want to help. But when Flint Marko was behind bars, you would stop. New York doesn't exactly need another superhero.
George: "Yes, I'm sure the Internet has made this new 'Spider-Man' out to be another masked hero."
Y/n: "That's not what I'm saying at all."
George: "Then what're you saying?"
Y/n: "I'm saying that the world has enough heroes. Maybe he just wants to help out and maybe do something the police can't."
George: "What we can't? What do you think we do all day? Eat donuts and sit with a our thumbs up our asses?"
Gwen: "Dad!"
Gwen's Little Brother: "Up what, Dad?"
Y/n: "I just think he stands for what you stand for, sir. Protecting those who can't protect themselves. So that maybe someone's dad can wakk home safely and enjoy a nice meal with their family!"
George: "I stand for law and order, son, that's what I stand for, okay? I wear a badge, he wears a mask and skin-tights, dressing like Spider-Man. He's hunting down a bunch of criminals that either look or act the same, like he's got some personal vendetta against them."
You hadn't realized it, but now you do. You have been going after people who remind you of Flint Marko.
George: "And I will tell you this, Mr. Parker: he is not protecting innocent people."
Gwen drops her fork onto her plate and looks at you.
Gwen: "Y/n, why don't you go get some air? I'm gonna talk to my dad, and I'll join you in a bit."
Y/n: "Uh... alright. Mr. Stacy, thank you for having me and I'm sorry if I offended you. It wasn't want I wanted."
George: "You're welcome."
Y/n: "It was nice meeting you, sir."
You stand from your seat and walk out of the dining room. When you did, Gwen turned to her father with a "are you serious?" look. He ignored it.
George: "So this a thing now... the two of you?"
Her look worsened and George raised his hands.
George: "I'm not saying he's bad. From all that you've told me, he sounds wonderful. But he has some strong opinions."
Gwen: "Yeah. So do you."
She turns and walks away, leaving to go find you.
With you, you had walked up to the roof to indeed get some air. You looked around, getting a good look at the city. You always loved views like this--
Your hair suddenly stood on end. You turned and looked around as hundreds of sounds invaded your ears. You continued searching for the source of it all before you turn towards the bridge, and everything focuses towards it. You immediately knew that something was wrong.
Gwen soon walks onto the roof, trying to get your attention. However, she stopped when she saw that the roof was empty.
Gwen: "Bug boy? You there?"
She spins around to try and find you as she calls out to you again.
Gwen: "Y/n?"
What she didn't know was that you were already in your suit and halfway to the bridge where an explosion had gone off. On the bridge, men in masks and wielding guns were shooting around in the air. Fires were everywhere and people were running away in terror.
You swing onto the bridge and look down. FRIDAY helps you spot the criminals who had caused it and she predicted their trajectory, which was a police transport up ahead. Police officers already were stepping out of it to confront the criminals.
Y/n: "Time to get to work."
You leap off the ledge you were on and swing down to the road. However, you notice some cars teetering off the edge and begin to fall, so you swing to them and web them to the bridge. When When were done, you swung back over to the fight. You land on the roof of a car in-between the group of masked men and the police.
Y/n: "I don't think you guys are tourists."
Gang Member #1: "It's the Spider!"
Gang Member #2: "Shoot him down!"
They open fire at you, but they all miss as you leap into the air. You fire webs at their guns and pull them from their hands, even throwing one at one of their heads. He gets knocked to the ground and most of the men run at you whole the others run towards the police transport as they pick up their guns again.
One swings at you and another throws a kick which you dodge both. You grab the guy's leg and web the other guy's face and pull them together. The man gets knocked out from the impact while the other falls to the floor. You fire an impact web at him which keeps him from getting back up.
Gang Member #3: "Watch his webs! I heard you can't get 'em off!"
Y/n: "Wonderful advice."
You say and fire a trip mine onto one of the men. He looks down at it before one of the others run past the blue light, triggering its main function and firing a web at him. It pulls him towards the man you fired the mine on and they both get trapped in webbing.
Gang Membed #3 and #4: "Dammit...!/Shit!"
Y/n: "Couldn't follow your own advice, huh? Too bad."
Your senses go off and you jump, spinning in the air as you dodge some bullets. You fire a web at the man's face, blinding him as he stumbles back and grabs his face. You then fire another web at his chest and yank him towards you. You slams the bottom of your foot into him and send him crashing into two others. You fire another impact web at them which sticks them together and onto the road.
Y/n: "Seriously? Attacking a bridge at night like this? You guys know how many people can get hurt here?"
Gang Member #5: "Yeah! Like you!"
The gang member swings at you, but you catch his arm and break it easily. He screams in pain and you kick him away into a car.
Y/n: "Actually, I was thinking more--"
The man, however, gets back up and charges back at you, but you simply leap over him and swipe at him with your claws. You draw blood before you jump at him and wrap your legs around his neck. You spin around and slam him on the ground, knocking him out with Black Widow's signature leg grapple move.
Y/n: "--like you."
You stand back up and turn around to see the other gang members taking down the police by the transport. One turns to look at you before heading towards the van. You went to stop him and his friends, but a man's voice stops you.
Man: "Somebody help! Please! My kid is trapped!"
You look at the man and down towards the car he was referring to. It was one of the cars you had webbed to the bridge. Then you look back at the gang members who were getting inside the van to get away. You immediately made your decision.
You ran and swung over to the car. Landing on the trunk, you punch a hole through the back windshield and rip it off. Inside the car was a young boy crying for help.
Y/n: "Hey, hey, kid. It's gonna be okay. Look at me."
Kid: "Please, help!"
Y/n: "Look at me!"
The kid turns to you with fear in his eyes. His breath was heavy and quick, and FRIDAY had put on your HUD his heart rate. It was slowly rising.
Y/n: "Everything's gonna be fine, kid, alright. Now tell me your name."
Peter: "P... Peter."
Y/n: "Peter... It's nice to meet you, Peter. I knew a Peter once."
Peter: "You did?"
Y/n: "Yeah. Bravest guy I knew. Think you can be brave for me, Peter?"
The young boy nods and you nod back. You tell him to sit still as you crawl into the car and down to him. You didn't notice the gasoline dripping down the car.
Y/n: "Now I'm gonna unbuckle you, alright? You're gonna hold on, and it's gonna go on three. 'Kay?"
Peter: "Okay..."
You nodded and slowly started counting up to three. When you got to three, you unbuckled the seatbelt and the boy fell onto the seat in front of him. He looks up at you.
Y/n: "See? That was easy. Good job being brave so far, Peter. Now comes the hard part."
The sound of glass shattering catches your attention, and fire begins creeping up the car. It burns away your web, making the car fall toward the river. However, you fire another web and grab the car from the outside, tightly holding onto the bumper to make sure it doesn't drop into the water below.
Y/n: "Peter! You need to climb now!"
Peter: "I can't!"
Y/n: "Yes, you can! I know things are scary right now, but it'll be all over soon, I promise! You just gotta trust me."
Peter: "But what if I'm not strong enough?"
You reflected on the boy's words. They were your own once when you were a small child, and they were your cousin's as well. You knew the feeling of fear all too well, but you also know the feeling of loss. You couldn't let that man lose his son.
Y/n: "Everyone thinks that in their life, Peter, but you need to understand that you are. You're strong enough. You wanna know something?"
The boy just looked at you.
Y/n: "My friend Peter is the reason I'm doing this. Why I'm wearing this stupid suit and trying to save you. It's because he would've done the same."
Peter: "Really?"
Y/n: "Yeah. Now I need you to be brave, and strong, like him. You want to see your dad?"
Peter nods in response as tears were going down his cheeks.
Y/n: "Then climb, kid. And if you fall, I promise I'll catch you."
Peter: "You promise?"
The back bumper slowly begins to bend.
Y/n: "I promise!"
It takes the kid a moment, but he nods and grabs the seat in front of him. He slowly began edging his way up to you, and you kept on encouraging him and telling him how great he was doing. He was fueled by your words, inspiring him to keep going. He kept climbing until he began to reach out to you...
... only for the bumper to break off.
Y/n: "NOOOO!!!"
The car begins to fall to the water below, and Peter cries out in terror. However, you fire a web at his chest and catch him, grabbing him from the falling, flaming car which crashes into the water below. You sigh as you begin pulling Peter up to you.
Y/n: "Told you I'd catch you."
Peter smiles at your words and you begin pulling the two of you back onto the bridge. Over the railing, you hand the boy back to his father who hugs him tightly.
Peter's Father: "Thank, God. Peter, you're okay."
You watch the man hold and cry over his son who only smiled at him to tell him he was okay. You remembered when Ben used to hug you and Peter like that when he got worried, and he took the two of you to get ice cream afterwards.
Peter's Father: "Thank you so much. How can I ever repay you?"
Y/n: "... It's no problem at all, sir. You don't need to repay me. I'm just... doing my job."
You recalled what George told you earlier about how you're just some vigilante. That you attack random criminals for some personal vendetta that you have and ignoring the innocents. He was right. You haven't really been protecting them. You were just running around trying to be some kind of... hero like Peter. Like...
Peter's Father: "Who are you? Can you at least tell me that?"
That was the question, wasn't it? Who were you exactly? It was time to answer it, and tell the world who you are. No more grudges. No more personal vendettas. You were going to be a hero that would protect innocents from harm's way and keep them safe. You'll be what Peted was. A symbol. You'll be...
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