Part Twenty Six
Hey Lizzy, I'm gonna be MIA for a few days and I cant tell you why right now. I was just hoping you could cover for me for a little while?
Of course Angie, whatever you need
What should I say is the reason you're gone?
Uhhh, just say that I've gone on one of those rich people 'find my soul' kind of thing
Yeah, okay, that's what I'll tell people
What's happened with you and Alex?
I'd prefer not to talk about right now, but, I swear I'll tell you
Okay, whenever you're ready
Eliza sighed softly as she set her phone down, her mind racing to think what could make her sister do this. Did they break up? But Peggy wasn't here yet and Alexander promised he would wait, he promised... what the hell did that man do to her sister? She felt like she was desperate for more information but she knew she wouldn't get any, that's when she heard a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" She called as she slowly stood up from her bed. She then heard some kind of noise on the other side of the door that she was sure was supposed to be words. "Who is it?" She repeated hoping to get an actual answer this time.
"Alex..." Is what she heard.
What is he doing here? Obviously something was wrong, was it whatever Angelica was leaving for? Why did he sound so sad? Why was everything so confusing right now.
"Alexander?" She questioned as she opened the door. "What're you..." her voice faded away when she saw the state of him.
He was a mess, his hair looked dirty, his eyes were puffy and red, his face had tears staining it, he clothes weren't much better.
"Can-can I come in? P-please?" He asked, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Oh- Uh, Yeah come in." She said moving aside so he was able to come in. "What's wrong?" She asked, closing the door after him.
"Everything.." He said in a grumble before flopping on to her bed.
"Could you be a little more specific than that?" She asked.
"Well first Angelica hates me now, I'm in love with you and you don't feel the same way and everyone is going to end up hating me." He said. "So everything is wrong."
"Okay... How about we break this down.." Eliza said gently as she went to sit next to him. "Why does Angie hate you?"
"Well first we've been fighting a lot lately.."
"She opposes almost all my ideas, then she tell me what to do like I'm a freaking child and when I tell her I'm not going to do it, I'm the bad guy." He said huffing afterwards. "Anyways we got into it the other day... I may have let it slip that I didn't feel the same way about her..."
"Are you-"
"I didn't mean to, but everything was getting too much... so she called me a coward.. and said I was a terrible person and that I would burn in Hell."
"Well you can see why she'd be upset.."
"I know, I get it, I've been really sucky... I mean who dates there exes sister? What the hell is wrong with me?"
"I'm not your ex, we never dated."
"Yeah... right..." He mumbled.
"And, you know I care about you Alex..."
"Yeah I know.... it just sucks you know, every time I fall for someone, they don't love me..."
"That can't be true..." she responded, her voice weak, not sure what to say. The truth was she loved him, so so much but she was scared. More scared than she's ever been because she'd never loved anyone quite like this before. Not only that, but, her sister, she couldn't do that to her, so she felt lost in her own emotions and didn't know how to get out.
"Oh it is, I remember the first time I told someone I loved them, it sucked." He said, quickly wiping his now runny nose. "It was all 'oh Alex, you're sweet but I don't think I can love you that way' or 'Ooh, Uh sorry but I'm in love with your best friend. Sorry.'" He groaned softly. "This is why just having meaningless sex is way better than trying to have real relationships, at least then both people are satisfied and no one gets hurt."
"Alex..." Eliza started but he wouldn't let her finish.
"I'm right Eliza." Alexander told her. "I mean I spent all this time connecting with you on a personal level and it didn't get me anywhere! I just ended up falling on my face and getting hurt." He rambled on. "It wasn't worth it."
"Alex... I do love you, I love you so much I don't know what to do with myself- but we- this... it can't happen.. Angelica, she'd probably hate me."
"Join the club."
"She's my sister, one my best friends since I was a little girl... I can't loose that." She told him as she looked down at her lap. "As much as I love you.. family is just so important to me.. I can't- just..." Eliza found words weren't coming the way she wanted them, her brain felt all fuzzy and tears were quickly welling up in her eyes.
"I'm sorry Alex.. this is all my fault, if I would've keep my stupid nose out of your business we wouldn't have this problem, I just haaad to screw everything up." She sobbed, wiping tears from her eyes.
"Liza you can't do this now."
"Do what?" She asked, still rubbing her eyes.
"Be emotional, I'm already being overly emotional- we cant have two overly emotional people, we won't be able to balance each other out."
"I- I can't help it, you're making me sad.." she complained and Alexander managed a small laugh.
"I'm making you sad, you're the one making me sad."
"Well then I guess we're making each other sad."
Alexander sniffed and wiped his face. "Well this sucks."
"Yeah, life is sucky." Eliza mumbled as she moved her hand, wiping a tear from Alexander face that he missed.
"Yeah, it seems to be that way.." he croaked in turn wiping a tear from her face, their eyes met and they didn't dare look away, they just stared into each other longingly knowing now how much the other wanted them. And for those few moments they stared felt almost like an eternity, an eternity that Eliza wished would never end.
"Hey Betsy?" He asked softly.
"Hmmm?" She hummed at the new nickname.
"Hold me..? Just for a moment?" He asked softly biting his lip.
Eliza thought for a moment then nodded her head softly and so she held him, but, much longer than a moment. They held onto each other all night, sniffing softly as enjoyed the warmth radiating off the others body.
'I love you so much Alexander..' she thought. 'But I feel so helpless now..'
Word Count: 1175
Happy pi day everyone! You probably don't care, but, I personally love pi day, not sure why.. probably because it reminds me of my favorite dessert..?
Anyways, lots of drama! But don't worry, things are going to get better for the otp, they'll be okay 👌
Like always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and until next time have a wonderful morning/ afternoon/ evening!
~ Eliiizzaaa
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