Part Twenty Seven
Eliza needed to psych herself up, but, no matter what she thought it always brought her back to her anxiety. It wouldn't go away, she was only going to lunch with Angelica, yet she couldn't help but think she would end up hating her. Somehow she would find out that she was in love with Alexander and she would hate her for it
"Eliza? Eliza?" Angelica's voice pulled her out of her own head.
"Yeah?" She asked trying to act as if she wasn't thinking about what she had been thinking about.
"Are ready to put to lunch?"
"Oh, yeah, definitely." She told her, standing up with an awkward smile.
"Alright, well the restaurant is just down the block."
The walk there was quiet, extremely quiet, so quiet that Eliza was overly aware of the silence. Angelica, however didn't seem to notice, she looked calm and steady as she usually did. This somehow made Eliza more anxious, Why was she so calm? Eliza couldn't stay calm no matter how much she wanted to, and she could stop thinking about how damn calm Angelica looked. Watching her from across the table, her eyes on the menu while Eliza stared in an awkward, standoffish way.
"Eliza what's wrong?" She asked looking up from her menu, giving her younger sister with knowing look.
"Wha- no, nothing. I'm great actually, amazing in fact, are you feeling amazing? Cause I'm feeling really amazing, super amazing, just all of the amazing, that's what's up... man..." She rambled awkwardly and Angelica raised an eyebrow.
"What...? Why are you looking at me like that?" Eliza asked, looking her older sister up and down.
"What are you hiding?"
"Hiding? Why do think I'm hiding something?" She asked, attempting to seem chill, it did not work.
"I know you Eliza, I can tell when you're hiding something from me."
"But I'm not hiding anything." She shot back, but could help think, 'you haven't noticed for weeks, so how do you notice now?'
"Just tell me what's up."
"I... I don't know if I can..." she admitted quietly.
"Why? Why can't you tell me?" Angelica asked, her eyebrows furrowing with concern.
"I just... You'll hate me..."
"Hate you? I could never hate you Eliza."
"Don't be so sure of that." Eliza mumbled causing her sister to give her a look.
"Just tell me, I won't hate you."
"Promise?" Eliza asked, it was clear she was afraid of something.
"I promise."
"I... may.. maybe.. completely, in love with... Alexander.." she said, gulping as she looked up at her older sister. Angelica was definitely in shock, but, now so many things made sense and she felt like an idiot.
"You're in love with him?" She asked remembering the night her and Alexander broke up, when he said something about being in love with someone else. Was he in love with Eliza? Why did go out with her?
"Yeah..." she said softly.
"You know I think he's in love with you too."
"I know..."
"Why do you sound so sad about that?"
"Cause you guys were dating and now... I can't date your ex, that'd be sucky."
"No, what's sucky is me dating the guy my sister is in love with." Angelica said with conviction. "What's sucky is me not realizing how much you cared about him and how much we were completely wrong for each other."
"What'd you mean?"
"We fought all the time and in probably the most unhealthy way possible... I called him names, like I was freaking five again." Angelica sighed putting her face in her hands.
"And I should've gotten suspicious when he wanted to cuddle you when we had a movie night." Angelica added on. "I just Though, 'hey they're really good friends.'"
"We were at the time, that's all we were and we were close and we both like cuddles-"
"He just wanted to be close to you Elizabeth." Angelica said sounding worn out. "He's so obviously in love with you."
"If it's so obvious, how come you never noticed? Huh?"
"Because I was distracted by his ass."
Eliza let a small laugh slip. "Seriously?"
"What? He has a nice ass." Angelica pointed out as if it were so obvious.
"Well, I know that, but that why? Really?"
"It's very distracting Eliza."
"Okay, okay..." Eliza said taking a drink of her water.
"Just talk to him."
"I did talk to him, and I told him-"
"Talk him again, if you want to be with him why would you let me stop you?"
"Everyone will hate me Angie, who dates their sisters ex boyfriend?"
"No one will hate you, we never said we were dating, I can just tell everyone we are friends and were never anything more."
Eliza sighed as she took a piece of bread from the basket, maybe she should just go for it? It's not like she's ever felt like this for anyone else. She loved him, it was weird to think about, but, she felt all confused.
"Okay... I'll talk to him." She told her sister.
"Right 'talk' to him."
"You are as disgusting as he is."
"Yeah but you love us both." Angelica said with a chuckle.
"Unfortunately.." she mumbled, both of them laughing softly.
Word Count: 873
So short chapter, sorry about that. But I'm real excited about what's to come so watch out for it!
Have a wonderful morning/ afternoon/ evening!
~ Eliiizzaaa
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