Part Nine
Alexander set his phone down looking at the woman in front of him. He had to admit she really was beautiful, no one in their right mind could deny it, but he never thought of her as too good for him. Maybe his friends were right? No, surely they weren't, Alexander was pretty sure of it. "How are you out of my league?" He asked causing Eliza to look up at him and rais an eyebrow.
"What'd you mean? Are you talking about what your friends said?" She asked him with a somewhat amused look appearing on her face. She personally hadn't thought herself too good for him either but she did find it a bit funny how insecure he got about it. Even when it was pretty clear to her he had nothing to worry about.
"Yeah.... But I mean you can't be out of my league, it's not possible." He told her, trying to sound as confident as he possibly could.
"What do you mean it's not possible?"
"Well... we already slept together, which kind of means I'm at least, in your league..." He replied causing Eliza to laugh.
"You think just because you slept with someone, you're in their league?"
"Isn't that how it works?"
"No.... did you ever consider the possibility that I was doing it out of sympathy?"
"No, why would I- you're so mean, you sex with me cause you felt bad for me?" Alexander questioned a mixture of sadness, disappointment and confusion ringing through his voice. He'd never thought about that before, but didn't she say that she didn't think she was too good for him? 'God this woman is so confusing,' he thought.
"I mean no, but it could've happened that way..." she told him.
"Oh.." Alexander replies letting out a breath of relief.
"Awe you were really worried for a moment, weren't you?"
"No." He replied shaking his head as if the idea was completely crazy.
"Yes you were worried I didn't like you..." she cooed, pointing a finger at him.
"No, no I wasn't." He protested crossing his arms looking away from her.
Eliza laughed softly. "You know sometimes you're really cute." She said which was returned with an eye rolling from Alexander. "And then other times you're just annoying." She added on.
"Okay, come on we've been in break for way too long."
"Hey Liza?" Alexander questioned glancing from his laptop.
"Yes Alexander?" She replied as she stared at her laptop, clearly in deep thought.
"I think I'm going to be done for the night.." he told her pretending to yawn, this caused her to look up at him.
"Tired are you?" She inquired raising her eyebrows.
"Yeah... I'm all... tuckered out.." He said stretching and once again feigning sleepiness.
"So you wanting to be done with work has nothing to do with the cute, new, intern?"
"What? No, of course not... no.. not at all, no." He rambled out as Eliza rolled her eyes.
"God Alexander, no."
"No what? I'm going to sleep.." he told her trying to act as innocent as he could, which wasn't very.
"Yeah you're going to go sleep with the new intern, I mean god Alex can't you keep it in your pants?"
Alexander rolled his eyes at this. "You are so boring."
"I'm not boring, I just don't sleep with anything that walks."
"I don't do that, why do think so little of me?"
"I don't think little of you Alexander, I think you could be better."
"What'd you mean?"
"I mean I think you could do great things, you're extremely smart but I also think you're standing in your own way."
"Well.... what if I just slept with one person?"
"What?" She asked looking over at him sounding confused. "Well, I mean, I guess...." she said with a small shrug.
"Okay, well I'm going to my room." He said as he started to walk away.
"To sleep with the new intern?"
"Nope! I've got a plan, see you tomorrow!" He said before he was gone.
Eliza watched in the direction he'd left in, completely and utterly confused. She sighed softly to herself before closing her laptop. It was time for bed, if Alexander thought it was time he get to sleep, then she probably should've been in bed a half an hour ago. As she walked to her room she wouldn't help but wonder what he meant when he said he had a plan. Whatever it was she couldn't shake this feeling of dread about it that sat in her stomach. She just hoped that he wasn't about to do something stupid.
"I'm serious John." Alexander said for what felt like the billionth time.
"Okay, Okay.." his friend started on the other side of the phone. "So you mean to tell me your going to try to fu- sleep with the pretty lady from your Instagram?"
"Yes, Eliza, I've told you this already." Alexander said sounding impatient at this point.
"Right but I'm still trying to understand why you think she'd ever agree to this." John retorted.
"Well it's not like she hasn't agreed to it before, this time it's just, a little different.." he said to him.
"Yeah you want to become fuck buddies." John said flatly. "She's a classy lady, no way she'll agree to it."
"When you put it that way it sounds bad... how about 'friends with benefits'... no that sounds stupid too.."
"How about, you're out of your goddamn mind."
"Look, Eliza said that I can't just go around screwing with everyone, she's just one."
"I think you're missing her point."
"I think this is a great plan."
"And what if she says no? What if she rejects you, again?" He asked. "Look Alex, I don't want you to get hurt."
"If she says no, she says no, I can handle it John." Alex replied confidently. "It's not like she hasn't rejected me before." He joked, laughing to himself.
"I don't see how that's a good thing, but okay Alex." John said sighing. "Just go to sleep and tell me how it goes."
"Yeah, Okay, I will." Alexander said before hanging up. "This will go well.." he told himself as he laid down on his bed, more trying to convince himself that Eliza isn't going to reject him again.
"This will go well..." he repeated for the last before he found himself drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
Word Count: 1072
So I've been thrown off the schedule completely but I hope you all Okay with that. My school work have just gotten too much for me to keep the schedule.
But I will be updating whenever I can and hopefully I can back to schedule soon.
Until next time have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening!
~ Eliiizzaaa!
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