Part Fourty Six
E.Schuy Guess who's overdue? This gal 👉🏽🤰🏽
Notable Comments:
Userone damn that must be uncomfy E.Schuy
Usertwo that gotta suck
E.Shhuy Oh Yeah Userone
Ahamman Awe my poor girl
Userthree Jesus this man is adorable
E.Schuy 💗💗💗💗 Ahamman
Lafaye hahahahaha Alex is adorable 😂😂😂 Ahamman
Ahamman 💕💕💕 E.Schuy
Ahamman 🖕🖕🖕🖕 Lafaye
Angie.Schuyler This is just a wonderful interaction
E.Schuy Yup that's the father of my child right there Angie.Schuyler
Tjeffs funny I didn't know children could have children
Userone buuuurrrn
Ahamman funny I didn't assholes could speak
JohnnyL Get em' Alex, Get em' Ahamman
Tjeffs oh yes so clever
Ahamman Get a life Tjeffs
Tjeffs Get a Brain Tjeffs
Ahamman oh that's rich coming from you
Pegg.Schuyler is this actually happening again??
E.Schuy they have even more fights on Twitter Pegg.Schuyler
Tjeffs anything's rich coming from me, I'm rich- remind me what alum you live in again? Ahamman
Ahamman remind me how you ever got elected Tjeffs
Angie.Schuyler remind me, Don't these men have lives?
Tjeffs I know what the people want. That's how. Ahamman
Ahamman you lived in France for like fifteen years!!! Tjeffs
E.Schuy babe, calm down Ahamman
Tjeffs says the immigrant
Ahamman I am literally from an island in the United States!!! SO SHUT UP! Tjeffs
E.Schuy or not... I guess that works too
Tjeffs getting awfully defensive for a U.S citizen Ahamman
Ahamman you son of a bitch! Tjeffs
E.Schuy babe! Babe! The baby's kicking, come quick
Ahamman on my way!!
Userone awwwe that's so sweet
Userfour ikr
Userfive uuuugghh I hate them
Ahamman you lie, the baby wasn't kicking
E.Schuy Ik, But I distracted you
Ahamman 😑😑😑
E.Schuy love yoooouuu 😘
Ahamman love you too 💕💕
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