Part Fourty Nine
Election night: 7:00 pm
Washington: 70 electoral college votes
Adams: 80 electoral college votes
"We're behind." Eliza said with a frown as she and everyone else watched the news coverage of the votes coming in.
"We'll catch up." Peggy replied not confident about this in anyway whatsoever.
"What if we don't?"
"Then we lose," Alexander said, "and we'll have to figure out another way how to enact change."
"That's ridiculous Alexander, we won't lose." Angelica rolled her eyes.
"Angelica there's a very real possibility that we will lose, just because we did our best doesn't mean anything- so we must be prepared for any out come, or we'll not be able to defend our country properly."
"How very eloquently put Alexander." A strong voice came from behind them.
"Sir? What are you doing here?" Alexander asked as a few of them turned to look at the strong figure of George Washington.
"I've come to watch the poll reports," he started.
"Where's Mrs. Washington?" Eliza asked curiously as she looked behind him hoping to find the woman there. The past two weeks Mrs. Washington had been so kind and helpful, out all the people traveling with Eliza she's the only one who's ever been pregnant. So her advice was helpful and when she told her it would be okay, Eliza actually believed her.
"She won't be coming, she's gone to bed, she believes if she watches the polling numbers it might encourage a bad outcome."
"I didn't realize she was so superstitious." Angelica commented, everyone turning back to the tv, Washington taking a seat next to Eliza.
"She isn't too terribly, but, she said this was too important to take the chance."
Angelica laughed and when Washington smiled indicating he was also amused, people began to join in. Eliza, however, did not as she felt a sharp pain in abdomen causing her to clutch her stomach, sucking in a breath.
"Are you Okay? Are young going into to labor? Should go to the hospital?" Alexander rambled taking Eliza's left hand, looking at her with eyes full of worry.
"No- no, I'm fine..." she said as the pain filled and disappeared. "It's just a Braxton Hicks contraction, they've been happening all week sporadically... I'm fine."
Alex didn't look convinced, still, he nodded and kissed her temple. "If you think even for a second it's time, tell me."
"I'll tell you if I do."
"Okay..." He said softly as he gave her hand a small squeeze.
Eliza smiled as her attention slowly went back to the television, breathing deeply. Could this be it? Every time she had one of those fake contractions, part of her wanted it to be. The other part was terrified, she was about to become a mother. Was she even ready for the responsibility of another human being? Truth is, she wasn't sure.
8:00 pm
Washington: 99 electoral college votes
Adams: 89 electoral college votes
Eliza breathed heavily as she felt another sharp pain just like before. She practically doubled over as the pain coursed through her body. How was it possible to deep this much pain, like seriously she never thought she could ever feel this much pain at once.
Thankfully she was alone, which meant she wouldn't have anyone pestering her about if she should go to the hospital. She couldn't go to the hospital, it was time yet, she just knew it, it wasn't time for her to give birth.
This gd baby had stayed inside of her three weeks longer and had a feeling that it could stay in for a few more days still. Her breathing calmed as the pain once again dulled and faded away.
"Eliza? Where'd you go?!" Alexander called as he walked down the hall.
"I'm in the bathroom babe, I'll be out in a minute!" She called back so thankful he he'd just missed what happened.
"Are you sure you don't need help getting in and out your chair?" He called and rolled her eyes.
"I'll be just fine, they said I shouldn't walk, not that I'm not able to, and I think the baby can handle me getting on and off the toilet."
"Okay... well, if you need anything."
"I know." She said trying to stop herself from groaning.
Lately he was always on edge, constantly ready for her to pop a baby out. And any times she ever felt any pain- he instantly thought she was going into labor. She loved him so much, but, it was getting so freaking annoying.
"I love you, my darling." He called, his tone soft and sweet like it always got when he told her how much he loved her. And it always made her heart melt, even when she was annoyed with him.
"I love you too."
9:00 pm
Washington: 120 electoral college votes
Adams: 123 electoral college votes
It was happening again- what the hell- it was happening again. Eliza has been wheeling herself back over to the tv when she was once again taken over by pain. She yelped as she stopped instantly, grabbing her stomach.
"Eliza!" Alexander ran over to her, worry running through his bones. "What's wrong? Talk me baby." He said softly as he gently touched her arm.
But she couldn't speak, the pain was so excruciating that she thought she might actually die.
"Come on Bets... I can't help if you don't talk to me."
"It's a real contraction." Angelica announced as she went to Eliza's other side. "We're gonna have to take her to the hospital."
Eliza shook her head quickly, she couldn't go to the hospital. She wasn't even giving birth yet, there would be no use in going to the hospital. "No.." she managed as the pain slowly began to fade. "No, I'm fine... see I can talk, I'm good."
"No you're not, you're about to give birth and you need to go to the hospital."
"No, no- I'm not ready to give birth- my body, it's not ready because I'm not going into labor."
"Eliza, I know you scared..." Alexander started.
"No you don't, you're not the one who has to shove a baby out of your own body."
"I know, I'm not as strong as you are Betsey, I can't do half the things you can." He whispered softly to her. "And I swear if I could do this for you I would, but, I can't and it's time... we have to go to the hospital."
"I can't... Alex I can't do it." She breathed. "I can't do it."
"Do what?"
"Any of it, all of it- I can't do it, I'm gonna fail. My dad was right, I'm not ready and I'm gonna ruin our kids life."
"Don't say that, don't you dare say that." Alexander said, his voice simultaneously sharp and soft at the same time. Two contradicting adjectives yes, but, it's how he sounded nonetheless. "You make everyone's life better, everyone. And that kid inside you right now is the luckiest god damn kid on the planet cause they have you, and that's best gift whole world."
Eliza smiled, tears forming in her eyes. She didn't know what to say, all she could think of was just crying. She so overwhelmed with emotions, pain, love, happiness, anxiety and it was all sort of erupting out of her.
"We have to go to the hospital because baby, I don't want you to have to give birth in this rec center, it's filthy here."
Eliza managed a small laugh as tears poured down her cheeks. "Okay, okay... you're right..."
"It's getting to close to call as more and more votes come in, polling places all over the country have officially been closed and it's quiet a tight race."
The news was playing in the delivery room, Eliza had insisted it be on, meaning she screamed at one doctor and two nurses very threateningly. Something Alexander had in fact seen coming and tried to warn them. This pregnancy and campaign had been really hard on her. She knew tonight she had to give birth, but, she was going to know if they won- she wasn't going to wait.
She was now screaming over the tv in pain, so she couldn't even hear what was happening anyways. But, it didn't matter. She was in so much god damn pain, somehow more painful than before. She was sweating and crying and aching.
It was over, it was all finally over and Eliza was holding her small-ish son in her arms, tears in her eyes. "He's so beautiful..." she whispered softly.
"He gets that from you." Alexander told her, kissing her forehead.
"No, he looks like you." Eliza objected.
"He has your eyes." He pointed out.
"Then whose eyes do I have?" She asked looking up at him and he laughed, shaking his head.
"Bets, I'm supposed to make stupid dad jokes."
"Then you shouldn't just hand them to me like that." She told him, instead of responding he kissed her, it was sweet and soft, full of love, their love.
"I'll try not to." He whispered when they pulled apart.
"Alex, you know what I just realized?"
"What?" He asked, confused at the sudden change of pace.
"I don't know is Washington won or not."
"Eliza..." Alexander sighed.
"They turned off the tv when I wasn't payment attention." She said in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Well you were sort of in the middle of something."
"Just find out for me please?" She asked just as their son started to fuss.
"You are impossible." He stated, sounding just a tad annoyed with his girlfriends antics.
"Not as impossible as you."
"Babe, no could ever be as impossible as I am." Those were the last words he spoke before leaving. Leaving the young woman with the baby in her arms who was still fussing.
"Shhh, it's okay baby." She said softly. "Me and you daddy are gonna keep you safe and sound."
Word Count: 1662
Second to last chapter out! Wow- that's just crazy to think about. Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and as always I hope you have a wonderful morning/ afternoon/ evening!
~ Eliiizzaaa
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