Part Four
Eliza groaned as a voice woke her announcing that they were finally in Manchester, New Hampshire. As Eliza's eyes fluttered open she noticed that she was leaning on someone, immediately sat straight up.
"Sorry, I-" she paused when she saw who it was, Alexander.
"It's quite alright dear, I didn't mind at all." He replied, a smirk clear on his face causing Eliza to roll her eyes.
"Well, fine then..." Eliza said clearing her throat before getting out of the van from right instead of her left.
Eliza closed her door to van before turning, taking in a deep breath, looking at the large building in front of her. The Washington campaign didn't have enough funds for them to be able to stay at any hotels, so they were staying at one of the Van Rensselaer's estates. Eliza and her family had been able to arrange this due to their relation. And the Van Rensselaer's, like the Schuyler's had many estates scattered throughout the country. Eliza in fact had been to this estate many times when she was younger, she used to love running around the halls with her sisters and cousins.
"In awe I see.." Eliza heard Alexander comment. "Never seen a place so big?"
"Actually I have." She replied mindlessly, not meaning to sound like a snooty brat, though honestly it came off like that just a bit.
"Well, lucky you." Alexander remarked before walking off.
Honestly Eliza had no idea what his problem was, she didn't remember doing anything horrible to him. Sure she didn't want his number, but Eliza didn't see that as a reason to act like a total and complete asshole. She sighed to herself grabbing her bags from the side of the van before making way into the large house.
There are many rooms in the house but of course there wasn't enough for all of them to have their own room, there was far too many people. But by putting three people to a room they were able to have enough places to sleep for everyone. Now since the drive up had taken a good part of the day, they would have dinner, go to sleep and begin their work the next day.
"Schuyler?" A woman's voice asked tapping Eliza shoulder causing the girl to turn around.
"Yes?" She asked.
"You'll be in the suite on the third floor, your cousin, Kitty insisted on it." The woman told her.
"Alright, thank you very much." She said with a smile wondering if her cousin was actually here.
She hadn't expected them to be her as it was just one of their houses but not their actual home, though it would be nice to see her dear cousin. She walked up the stairs as fast as she could with all the wait if her bags and the amount of people going up and down the stairs. Making it up the stairs wasn't too difficult though it certainly wasn't very easy. And once she made it up the stairs she heard the distinct squeal of one Kitty Van Rensselaer, as the girl came barreling at her full speed.
"Kitty, Kitty, wait!" Eliza called but it was too late, she'd been knocked over by her cousins attempt to hug her.
"Oh Eliza, I'm so happy to see you!" The girl said happily.
"I'm happy to see you too Kitty, but could've said hello in a more controlled way." She told her with a small chuckle.
"Right... sorry for knocking you down lizzy." She said as she stood up. "Do you need help up?"
"No, no, I'm okay..." Eliza told her as she pushed herself up. "Just promise not to do that again?"
"Promise." Kitty agreed nodding her head. "Now come on, you're staying in my room." She said grabbing Eliza's free hand pulling her down the hall.
Eliza chuckled as she followed her cousin down the hall, gripping tightly onto her bags as she was pulled into her room.
"Oh did you hear?" Kitty asked sitting down in her bed as Eliza set down her bags.
"Hear what?" Eliza asked joining her on the bed.
"The Alexander Hamilton is here." She said with a smile.
"The?" Eliza questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"Have you not heard of him, he's only the hottest guy I've ever seen!" Kitty squealed causing Eliza to laugh a bit. "You wouldn't be laughing if met him."
"I did meet him, he's kind of an ass..."
"Yeah but he makes up for it by being sooo hot." Kitty said with a giggle.
"Have you even met him?" Eliza asked looking at her cousin confused.
"Yeah, a couple years ago, but he was afraid of papa so we never did anything... but I'm hoping since my papa isn't here that'll change.."
"Yeah but everyone has roommates how're planning to sleep with him if there's no bedroom..?" She asked.
"Well I was thinking you're only staying a few nights so maybe on the last night you could stay out a little later.."
"You're kicking me out so you can sleep with that asshole?"
"It'll only be the one night, plus you won't have to see him, plus it's not like you're sleeping with him.." Kitty said giving her cousin puppy dog eyes.
"Fine..." Eliza sighed. "Just as long as you don't date him, you deserve so much more than him."
Kitty smiled hugging Eliza tightly. "Oh thank you so much!" She exclaimed.
Eliza sighed softly as kissed her cousins cheek. "Of course.." she told her, though she felt a small tinge of jealousy. She knew Alexander wouldn't turn Kitty down, she was gorgeous and of course she didn't want him, he was so rude. But still, she felt the tinge of jealously burn in her chest.
Word Count: 960
2 out of 2!! So yeah, right now they don't really like each other, but they'll get there. I'm hoping to do a bit more of a slow burning instead of just throwing them together like I want to do.
Again I hope you like and it and as always have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening!
~ Eliiizzaaa!
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