Part Five
@E.schuy: It's Never too early to register to vote! Your voice matters!
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@Ahamman: for once I agree @E.Schuy, register to vote people, you can make a difference
It's only been two days since Eliza and Alexander began working together, and already they'd gotten into at least three fights. He always disagreed with her, not matter what she said, he always had a reason why she was wrong. She accused him of being a self centered womanizer, he accused her of being a selfish little rich girl. So it was pretty obvious to everyone that they didn't get along, but no one else wanted to work with them because of how much they argued, so they were stuck with each other.
"We've already got the woman's vote, we don't need to advertise about Mr. Washington supporting planned parenthood!" Alexander yelled trying to get his point through to Eliza. "We need everyone's votes, not just from the far left we need the right side to!"
"You can't just seal the woman vote, they can change they're mind too! And if he doesn't campaign about supporting a woman's basic right, control over her body, you'll lose it!"
"We will not, plus you have nothing to back up your ridiculous claims."
Eliza groaned, "god you are so thick, I am a woman, and I've worked with many woman politicians dealing with these problems, it's important, wether your stupid male brain can see it or not."
"You are so narrow minded, how did you even land a job working here?"
"I'm narrow minded?! Oh that is rich coming from you, your more narrow minded than Thomas Jefferson."
"I am not!"
"Yes you are! You really want the woman vote like you say, maybe you should actually care about their issues you asshole." She practically growled before stopping off.
Alexander wasn't surprised at her anger, as she always seemed to be upset with him. But he was surprised by her stomping off, she never did that, she always stayed trying her best to win the argument. Neither of them ever did, it was always a tie because neither of them would ever give into the other. He just sighed going back to laptop so he could finish their assignment.
They had been working on a speech for George for the next campaign stop as it was the last night here and they wanted to be prepared for the next stop. Of course now he was in his own since Eliza had stomped off angrily, little did he know Eliza was writing her own version of the speech.
Cut to later that night, Alexander was in the library reading up on some of the issues Eliza had mentioned. While Eliza was staying as far away from Kitty and her room as she knew what her cousins plans were.
Eliza sighed to herself looking up at the stars from her place in the garden, wondering how long Kitty and 'prince charming' would take, because she wanted to go to sleep at one point. And she also didn't want to bump into Alexander on the way to go to bed. She was tired and couldn't not deal with him anymore today.
It wasn't that she hated him, she didn't even want to not like him. He was frustrating, so big headed and never seemed to actually listen to what she said. Sometimes she just felt like she was talking to a brick wall. She just didn't understand why he couldn't just listen to her, admit that he wasn't always right. Then again maybe she was asking too much from a guy like him.
Inside the library of the Van Rensselaer's estate, Alexander's eyes were trained on his computer screen. He'd been searching woman's rights issues for hours trying to understand why Eliza got so mad at him. Okay he understood it was important but there were other issues as well. He sighed to himself as pushed through another article about equal pay in the work place.
Part of him felt like he might be wrong, while the other was trying to stand his ground, find any excuse to makes these seem less important. He was at a loss on both ends, so he shut his computer deciding he should just be done with this for the night. That's when he heard someone come in, causing him to turn his head.
"Hello?" He called out hoping for a quick response instead of a creepy long pause.
"Alexander..?" He heard a soft voice call back, he'd heard that voice before, but where. "It's Kitty Van Rensselaer."
"What are you doing here?" He asked as he saw her come into view, he definitely knew her, he'd flirted with her a bit when he'd first come to America. Though he knew nothing could happen with them, considering how strict her father is.
"Looking for you." She told him, sitting in the chair next to him.
"Oh?" He questioned. "And why were you looking for me?"
"I was hoping..." she started moving her hand over his. "We could reconnect..." she said as she wrapped her fingers around his hand.
"Oh..?" Was Alexander could get out, a little surprised by her forwardness as he really wasn't expecting it.
"I know you didn't want upset my father before... but my father isn't here and he won't find out..." she said leaning closer to him.
"Umm.." Alexander started, clearing his throat. "Kitty, I'm very flattered, truly, really, I am... but, we shouldn't..."
Kitty stopped, her face falling. "W-What?" She asked. "But I thought, I thought you liked me..."
"I do, but Kitty, you're my friend..." he started. "I don't want to hurt you.."
"I'm not looking for a relationship, I promise, I won't get attached."
"I'm beautiful, why don't you want me? You should be begging for me.."
"Don't get upset Kitty, please, try to understand.."
"I understand plenty, you just lead woman on just to hurt them." She said pulling away only to be stopped by Alexander taking her hand.
"Kitty we haven't seen each other for quite some time, haven't you considered that my feelings could have changed?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.
Kitty paused, sinking back down into her seat. "Oh... right... I suppose that could have happened... I'm sorry.."
"It's alright..." Alexander told her. "Plus you don't want me, I suck. One day you'll meet someone perfect for you, but don't focus on that, you should put yourself first."
Kitty smiled at him, giving his hand a squeeze. "You're sweet, honestly I don't know why Eliza doesn't like you, you're wonderful."
"I don't either Kitty, I really don't.." He said with a small sigh. "Well I should go to bed, goodnight kitty." He said letting go of her hand as he stood up with his laptop.
"Night Alex..." kitty replied as Alexander left.
Word Count: 1149
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, my life got crazy for a minute, but I have an update for you all today! Hope you all enjoy it!
Hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening!
~ Eliiizzaaa!
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