It had been six years since the students of 1-A graduated from UA. Now they were some of the highest-ranking heroes in the world.
But a sad thing was that they hadn't seen Izuku since they graduated, but that was gonna change soon.
They all decided to fund the creation of a highly advanced mechanical suit that would allow Izuku to be a hero again. They gave the suit to All Might so he could give it to Izuku, and now they were at Momo's family mansion and waiting for Izuku to show up with the suit so they could celebrate his return to heroism.
As they waited in the common area of the mansion, they heard the doorbell ring. Momo went to answer it, but when she returned to the common area, All Might was with her, but not Izuku... and All Might still had the briefcase that contained the suit for Izuku.
"Where's Deku?" Ochako asked All Might.
All Might didn't say anything. He just placed the briefcase down on a table, sat in a chair, and looked at the floor.
"All Might, where's Midoriya? Why didn't you give him the suit?" Todoroki asked him.
All Might sighed.
"He doesn't want it." he finally answered.
"Huh?!" Ochako said in disbelief.
"He refused to accept the suit." All Might explained, "He said he doesn't need it."
"Why wouldn't he need it?! And how could he turn down such an expensive gift?! Does he even realize how much money we spent on it?!" Iida shouted.
"I explained that to him, but he said he didn't care. He said he doesn't need the suit to be a hero." explained All Might.
"What the hell is he talking about?! Of course he needs the suit to be a hero!" Momo said angrily.
"I don't know why he thinks he doesn't need the suit, but he said he wasn't accepting it and that was final." All Might said.
Everyone was silent for a few moments as they tried to comprehend all of this.
"I... I can't believe it..." Iida said in disbelief.
"Well I say we go find Midoriya and give him a piece of our minds. We spent a lot of money to have that suit made for him. He can't just let it all go to waste." said Jiro.
"Agreed." Bakugo said before turning his attention back to All Might, "All Might, do you know where he is right now?"
"I'm not sure. He just got back to Japan a few days ago and hasn't been talking to anyone much about where he lives now." All Might said.
"Back to Japan? He's been out of the country?" Ochako inquired.
All Might looked at her in surprise.
"You seriously didn't know?" he said to her.
"Didn't know what? What are you talking about, All Might?" Kirishima asked.
"Midoriya left Japan a month after you all graduated from UA. He's been out of the country for nearly six years. He only came back to Japan when I called him to explain that you all had something for him, that being the suit." All Might said.
The others were completely shocked.
"W— What?!" Ochako exclaimed.
"He's been out of the country all this time?! Why didn't he tell us he was leaving?!" Iida said.
"He told me he tried to contact you all about his departure, but you all never responded to any of his calls, texts, or emails." All Might said, "Have you all seriously been completely ignoring him all this time that you didn't even notice he was gone?"
"Well, we..." Iida tried to find the words, "We..."
That's when an alert went off on all the former UA students phones. They checked their pokes to see that there was a large villain going on a rampage downtown.
"We'll have a talk with Midoriya about the suit later. Right now it's time to go to work." Momo said.
The former UA students changed into their hero costumes and went to go deal with the villain. The villain was a giant green behemoth that was going on a rampage:
"COME FACE ME, SUPER ZEROES!!!" the behemoth roared.
"How the hell do we take down that thing?!" Mineta cried.
But the others didn't respond, they charged at the behemoth.
Todoroki tried to freeze the behemoth in ice, but the behemoth easily broke free from the ice.
Kaminari tried electrocuting the behemoth, but the behemoth's skin was insanely strong and able to protect him from Kaminari's electricity.
Bakugo blasted explosions at the behemoth, but they were ineffective.
The others all tried to attack the behemoth, but the creature was seemingly indestructible.
The former UA students were exhausted and heavily breathing from trying to take down the behemoth.
"How do we..." Sero said while heavily breathing, "... beat this thing?!"
The behemoth laughed.
But then... a man in some sort of outfit dropped down seemingly from nowhere.
He wore this outfit, but it's black and green, has different weapons strapped to it, and no goggles. Also he has normal hands and is slightly thinner:
Also he wore this mask underneath the hood, but the lights on the visor are green and there's so spikes on the mask:
Also he has these grappling devices attached to both his bracers on the outer sides but they're black instead of gold and have normal grappling claws instead of Assassin's Creed ones:
The weapons strapped to him are this katana on his back, but it doesn't say Arasaka on it and the red parts are green:
This pistol holstered on his right hip:
This revolver on his belt near his left side:
This gun on his back, but it's green and doesn't say Umbrella on it:
And these kinds of grenades on his belt. The first one is a flash bang grenade, the second is a glue grenade, and the third is an electric grenade:
"They may be no match for you, but I am." the hooded man said in a deep robotic voice that was filtered because of the mask.
"WHO ARE YOU, LITTLE HUMAN?! YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME?!" the behemoth mockingly roared.
"You can call me... Green Shadow." the hooded man said.
The former UA students looked at each other in confusion.
"Green Shadow? Any of you heard of him? Because I sure haven't." Kirishima said.
"I haven't either." Ochako said.
"Neither have I." Iida said.
The Behemoth laughed at Green Shadow.
"YOU A NEW HERO?! YOU WON'T LAST 10 SECONDS AGAINST ME!" the Behemoth shouted.
"We'll see about that." Green Shadow said as he pulled out his green rifle and switched it on.
"Who are you? Are you a new hero?" Todoroki asked Green Shadow.
Green Shadow responded by simply flipping off the former UA students.
"HEY! FUCK YOU, TOO!" Bakugo shouted at him.
The behemoth charged at Green Shadow, but he fired his green rifle directly into the behemoth's right eye. The rifle shot two miniature electric spikes into the behemoth's left eye and electrocuted the beast, who roared in agony.
"What the hell?! How come you were able to electrocute him, but I wasn't?!" Kaminari asked Green Shadow.
"His eyes are his weak spot. You should've been aiming there." Green Shadow responded without even turning to face Kaminari.
"LITTLE BASTARD, I'LL KILL YOUUUU!!!" the behemoth roared as he charged at Green Shadow.
But then Green Shadow holstered his rifle back on his back, then fired a grappling hook out of a mechanism that was attached to his left braced and it wrapped around a lamp post that was behind the behemoth. Then Green Shadow propelled himself into the air and pulled out his katana while doing so, then he stabbed his blade into the behemoth's right eye.
The behemoth screamed in even more pain as Green Shadow dropped to the ground and wiped the blood off his katana with his left arm.
"YOU LITTLE SHIT! I'M BLIIIIND!!!" the behemoth roared at the top of his lungs.
But then Green Shadow pulled out one of his glue grenades and threw it onto the behemoth's chest.
And then...
The grenade exploded a glue-like substance all over the behemoth, then it immediately hardened and trapped the behemoth in some sort of hardened white material.
"LET ME OUT OF... WHATEVER THIS IS!!!" the behemoth roared.
The former UA students were extremely shocked. They couldn't believe this person was able to take down the behemoth so easily when they couldn't. They decided to approach Green Shadow.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! How could you permanently blind him like that?!" Momo shouted at Green Shadow.
"I've done my research on this sonuvabitch. He always looked down on those weaker than him. I was simply giving him what he deserved." Green Shadow said.
"But how were you able to trap him? What is this stuff anyway? It feels almost as hard as me when I'm in Unbreakable Mode." Kirishima asked as he knocked on the hardened glue as if it was a door.
"Simple. I used my glue grenades. Custom gadget I made myself. In fact, most of my gear I made myself." Green Shadow replied.
"Well we appreciate your help, but we'd like to know exactly who you are and what you're doing. We've never heard of a pro hero like you and you seem to use far too many weapons and equipment. Are you a vigilante?" Iida asked him.
"No, I'm not a vigilante. Today's the day I finally decided to make my debut as a pro hero. I've already talked to the hero commission and they said that if I proved myself, then I could be an official hero." Green Shadow explained.
"Why would you need to prove yourself? Didn't you go to a hero school and graduate from there like the rest of us?" Ojiro asked him.
But that's when a number of reporters, police officers, and pro heroes showed up. Among the pro heroes were Lemillion, Nejire-Chan, and Sun-Eater.
The police all aimed their guns at the behemoth.
"Wow! Great job on taking down this villain, guys!" Mirio congratulated the former UA students.
"Yeah! Also what's this weird rock stuff you trapped him in? Did Momo create it? Also why did you guys blind him? Seems a little brutal, don't you think?" Nejire asked them.
"Um, actually... It wasn't us who stopped this villain." Ochako said.
"Really? Then who was it?" Tamaki asked.
"It was me." Green Shadow said as he walked past the former Big Three without even looking at them.
"And you are?" Mirio asked him.
"The one who's gonna replace you if you're not careful." Green Shadow answered as he continued to walk away.
But then reporters surrounded Green Shadow and tried to ask him questions.
"Are you a new hero? How were you able to take down this villain so easily?" one reporter asked him.
"There will be a press conference at UA tonight. All your questions will be answered there." Green Shadow said as he fired one of his wrist rope-launchers at a building and propelled himself into the air and onto the roof of the building.
The former UA students and Big Three stood there in confusion.
That's when there phones all got an alert.
They checked them to see that they each received a message from Nezu saying that they're all invited to the press conference at UA that Green Shadow mentioned.
"Guess we'll get some answers at UA." Shoji said.
Later that night...
The former UA students and Big Three all went to UA and saw a number of reporters sitting in front of a stage that had a podium on it. The former UA students and Big Three stood in the back, behind the reporters.
That's when Nezu walked up to the podium and hopped on a stool so he could reach the microphone.
"Ladies and gentlemen... tonight is an important night. Tonight marks a major change in the hero system. Please welcome the man who stopped a powerful villain and saved countless lives earlier today... Green Shadow." Nezu said.
Green Shadow dropped down on the stage, once again seemingly from nowhere.
"How does he keep doing that?" Sero whispered to the other pro heroes.
Nezu moved the stool away and Green Shadow walked up the podium.
"Hello, everyone." Green Shadow greeted, "You're probably wondering what's so important about my debut as a hero. How am I different from any other hero, you ask? Simple... I'm quirkless."
There were a number of gasps from the audience. All over the world, people watched the press conference and were shocked.
"W— What?" Ochako whispered.
A number of reporters stood up and began asking questions.
"I will answer questions at the end. Please sit back down." Green Shadow said to the reporters.
The reporters sat back down and Green Shadow continued his speech.
"For years I trained to be a hero without a quirk. And earlier today I decided to finally make my debut as a pro hero. The Hero Commission said that if I could prove myself by taking down a powerful villain and save lives, then I could be a hero, despite being quirkless. And today I took down that behemoth villain and saved a number of helpless individuals." Green Shadow said as he glanced for a moment at the former Class 1-A students in the back of the crowd.
"The fuck does he mean helpless?" Bakugo angrily whispered.
"But I'm here to make an announcement... I'm starting a program to train other quirkless individuals to be heroes, too." Green Shadow revealed.
There was even louder gasps from the audience.
"For decades, quirkless people have been looked down on by those with quirks. Well I say No more." Green Shadow said, "We are done being seen as weak and useless by society. The Hero Commission has granted me full authorization to start this program now that I've proven quirkless people can accomplish great things, and even better... the program will be at a new hero school. One that UA and the Hero Commission were kind and generous enough to fund. In one month... the Quirkless Rising Academy, also known as QRA, will open."
The world was even more shocked.
"But I'm sure you all have one incredibly big question: Who am I really? Who's the man behind the mask?" Green Shadow said.
Green Shadow removed his hood with one hand, and removed his mask with the other, revealing himself to be none other...
Than Izuku Midoriya.
There were gasps in the audience, as well as gasps from people all over the world.
"Deku?!" Ochako exclaimed.
Izuku smirked.
"That's right. It's me: Izuku Midoriya, formerly known as Deku." Green Shadow, now revealed to be Izuku, said to the audience.
The other former UA students were beyond shocked.
"What the fuck is this?!" Bakugo angry whispered.
"I will now answer questions." Izuku said to the reporters.
All the reporters immediately stood up and started asking questions.
"One at a time!" Izuku said.
One reporter raised their hand.
"Yes. You." Izuku said.
"Since when are you a quirkless fighter, Mr. Midoriya? We know you lost your quirk several years ago, but why return to heroism now?" the reporter asked.
"After I lost my quirk, I traveled around the world and learned from fighters and trainers from all over the planet to be a hero without a quirk. After returning to Japan for a very... pointless reason," Izuku said as he gave a quick glare to his former classmates in the back, "I decided I had trained enough and was finally ready to make a comeback."
"Pointless? The hell does he mean pointless?" Tokoyami said in a pissed off tone.
Izuku answered a few more questions for the reporters, then the press conference ended and Izuku was about to leave, but not before being stopped by his former classmates and the Big Three.
"What do you all want?" Izuku sneered.
"What the fuck are you doing, Izuku?!" Bakugo said.
"Did you not listen to any of the press conference? I'm following my dream and helping others do the same." said Izuku.
"Midoriya, you're going to get yourself killed this way! You need to stop this right now!" Iida said.
"Iida... Go fuck yourself." Izuku said.
The others were shocked.
"Excuse me?" Iida said, offended.
"You heard me. You all can go fuck yourselves." Izuku said with a glare.
"How could you say that, Deku? What's happened to you?" Ochako asked in disbelief.
"You know exactly what. But in case you don't want to admit it, let me explain... You all abandoned me." Izuku said.
"Izuku, what the fuck are you talking about?! We didn't abandon you!" Bakugo said.
"Yes, you did." Izuku said with a pissed off look, "After we all graduated from UA, you all didn't even bother to speak to me or reach out to me. After a month of being ignored by you all, I had enough and decided to leave Japan to begin my training... and none of you even bothered to say goodbye to me."
"We became super busy with our hero careers! You know that, Deku!" Ochako said.
"And yet, All Might told me you all didn't even know I had left Japan until earlier today." Izuku said as he clenched his fists, "Not a single one of you even noticed I had been out of the country for years because you were all too busy being rich and famous. I messaged you all via phones calls, texts, and emails to tell you all I was leaving, and none of you even replied or were there to say goodbye to me when I left."
Izuku's former classmates were silent for a few moments.
"W— Well, at least we're trying to be there for you now, Midoriya! We had that high-tech suit made for you!" Todoroki said.
"You did... after I had been quirkless again for literally years. You cannot possibly tell me it took that long to have that suit made. You could've had the suit made for me years ago. And don't give me that bullshit about it costing a lot to make. You, Iida, and Yaoyoruzu were already incredibly rich before become pro heroes and could've easily paid for the suit as soon as I lost One For All. I saved the entire world. I think I'm owed that, Todoroki." Izuku said to his former friend.
"Midoriya, look. We're sorry we didn't have the suit made for you sooner, but you need it. Without the suit you're eventually gonna get yourself killed if you keep fighting villains without it." Iida said.
"And not to mention the other quirkless people you plan to involve in your school. You could get them killed, too!" Momo said.
"Bull. Shit." Izuku said, "I was able to take on a giant indestructible villain earlier today and save your asses without a scratch, all without needing that fancy suit. I'll be fine, and so will my students with the proper training and equipment."
"Deku, please just accept the suit." Ochako pleaded, "We spent a lot of money on it and—"
"Oh, of course!" Izuku said in annoyance, "All you care about is your money being wasted! It's not like you all are filthy rich already."
"Deku, please!" Ochako said.
"Don't Deku me. That name means nothing to me now. From this day forward, I'm Green Shadow." Izuku said.
Ochako was stunned and hurt by these words.
"Midoriya, just listen to us. We're your friends; we're trying to help you." Kirishima said.
"I don't need your help. And you're not my friends anymore either." Izuku said.
The others were taken back by this.
"W— What?!" Ochako said.
"You heard me. You all stopped being my friends when you abandoned me years ago. Now... you're all dead to me." Izuku said.
Izuku then walked past his former friends while purposely bumping into Bakugo's shoulder.
But then, Mirio used his quirk to sink into the ground, then he emerged in front of Izuku.
"Midoriya." Mirio said, "You need to stop this right now—"
But then a split second later, Mirio found himself pinned to the ground by Izuku.
"Midoriya, what the hell?!" Tamaki said as he and the others got in fighting stances.
"Midoriya, let go of me!" Mirio grunted.
Mirio tried to use his quirk to escape Izuku's grasp... but he couldn't.
"W— What?" Mirio said in shock.
Izuku let Mirio go and walked away.
"I— I don't understand. How were you able to hold me in place even when I used my quirk?!" Mirio asked Izuku.
"Simple. A while ago I got my hands on some of your DNA and had it reverse-engineered and used to create my costume." Izuku said as he walked away, "You may be the number one hero, Togata, but you're not invincible. Stay out of my way, or you'll regret it."
Izuku activated one of his grappling hooks and left, while his former friends stood there in shock.
"What the hell happened to him?" Kaminari said.
I don't care if any of you hate these books of Izuku hating his former classmates. I'll write about what I want to write about.
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