I am here!=All might. Hello, my dear=normal speech. THE HELL DID YOU SAY?!!=YELLING. [You have 7 days.]= phone/text. We are here with All Might=tv. Good evening=microphone
Kamino ward, 0700 hours
???: TEXAS SMAAAAASH!!! *throws a very hard punch at a giant robot*
All Might was now running out of precious time in his hero form and Izuku took note and smiled devilishly.
Although, despite Izuku's massive amount of planning for this day his robot malfunctioned and ejected him and he was surrounded by Eraserhead, Endeavor, Present Mic, Miruko, Hawks, the wild wild pussy cats, All Might, Green Magnet(Inko), and the big 3 and class 2A.
Izuku: Dammit all! Damn piece of rubbish!
Eraserhead: Give up now!
Eraserhead moved closer and he saw Izuku with a knife, which Izuku lunged at him with.
Eraserhead: FUCK! I was reckless! *gets stabbed in the shoulder*
Izuku then was about to stab him again.
Izuku: Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight~?
Before Izuku could stab Eraserhead, he was tackled by Katsuki Bakugo and he started pounding his face into the ground and when he stopped Izuku spoke.
Izuku: Ahahahaha! Oh Kacchan~ Don't you remember me? It's me, "Deku". *creepy smile*
Bakugo: I-I-Izuku...?
Then Izuku was handcuffed and All Might approached him.
AM: Izuku, is that really you?
Izuku: Hello, father... Hehehe...Hahahahahahaha!
Izuku was then sent to Tartarus(in the psychiatric ward) where he will be awaiting his doctor accompanied by a couple of pro-heroes.
They had showed up and Izuku was ecstatic.
Izuku: AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hello All Might, Green Magnet or do you prefer Father and mother?
Inko: Izuku...
???: Hello, I'm Himiko Toga. I will be your psychiatrist.
Izuku: Well, aren't you a doll?~
Toga: Aww, stop it... You'll make me blush!
Izuku: My bad, how rude of me my dear~ I am Izuku Yagi, but you may call me Joker.
Toga: Okay, now how are you feeling today?
Izuku: I'm quite happy.
Toga: Do you enjoy hurting others?
Izuku: That depends...
Toga: On what?
Izuku: On the day... You see, people... They're like wild animals they rape, murder, and torture each other all the time! I sometimes feel the obligation to free people from their shackles called life, other days I just do it for shits and giggles... Hahahaha!
Toga: Mhm... Can you describe what your childhood was like?
Izuku: Well, I'm the first born son of All Might and Green Magnet... It was shit, I was beaten and ostracized my entire life for not having a quirk. Do you know what that's like Himi? May I call you Himi?
Toga: Of course you can call me Himi, and yes I know it's hard to be treated that way.
Izuku: You seem very intelligent, I bet I can guess your quirk.
Toga: Have a go then.
AM: Are you sure this is alright, Dr. Toga?
Toga: It's quite alright, his psychosis is quite particular.
Izuku: Hmm... (She has fangs... Possibly a mix between a mutation quirk and a transmitter quirk... Aha!) Got it! Your quirk allows you to turn into anyone who's blood you consume!
Toga: Wow, your deduction was correct Mr. J! Now, what do you see?
Izuku: Hmm... *excited* Blood splatter!
All Might, Inko, and Toga all face palmed.
Izuku: What? Oh c'mon! You guys are lame...
Toga: All Might, you wanna ask a question?
AM: Yes, I do... Why do you want to kill me?
Izuku: Hahaha!! Kill you? I don’t wanna kill you, what would I do without you? Go back to rippin’ off mob dealers… no, no, no… no you, you complete me!
Toga: Then why did you make plans to kill him?
Izuku: Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just… do things. And I won’t kill you because you’re just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever. Hahaha hahaha!!
Toga: Why do you believe you are like this?
Izuku: You want to know why I'm mad? Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away… forever.
Then the session was over and the heroes left with Toga and Izuku went to his cell and began laughing while thinking.
Izuku: Hahahahaha... (This will be fun... Himi) Hahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!
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