chapter 2: Meeting him
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*
I don't know how long I've been out here, a storm had hit not too long ago and white snow clouded my vision. Which way was up? Which way was down? I'm lost, I'm not sure how I'm going to survive...yesterday I had another one of those attacks but I refuse to drink human blood.
I'm not going to be one of them, I'm not going to be like her I'm not going to tear peoples lives apart for my own sake. I refuse!
I heard footstep trudging in the snow so I stopped abruptly, was it behind me? In front? To the side? UGH!!! The wind is so loud I can hardly hear myself think! I turned around swiftly when I felt a hand on my shoulder "little girl...are you lost?" a man asked, he had a crows of other men, standing behind him.
I don't like the look of this, they probably want trouble but...their scent -- vampires. I decided the best bet would be playing innocent; maybe I could distract them and get away, but with what? There's nothing but snow for miles!
"Y-yes" I stuttered, he grinned and I could smell his rancid breath from where I stood "well, we're lost too, and cold, are you cold?" he questioned, leaning closer to my face. I tried so hard to hide the look of disgust on my face and hopefully it worked "yes..." I said again widening my eyes slightly to make me look more innocent.
"We could warm you up! we have some blankets here...but for a price" he said darkly "and what is that mister?" I asked, "your blood" he replied as his and his followers' eyes began to glow a sinister red, I stumbled back a bit in an attempt to appear frightened.
They kept advancing, every time I take a step back they take a step and a half forward. I really couldn't keep this up any longer so a scowl painted my features. All of them stopped in shock "what? But you were scared a second ago!" the leader exlaimed, I rolled my eyes "oh please, ever heard of acting?" I asked.
They seemed to get out of the initial shock and the leader growled at me "ooh! I'm so scared of the big bad vampire, and his little followers" I said in a nasally voice, "watch it kid, you're on thin ice now" they growled again.
I looked to my feet to make sure he didn't mean it literally, and thank God he didn't. With a sigh I put my hands on my hip in a sassy manner, I rested my weight on one leg and glared up at them, letting my head fall to the side slightly "look, are you going to attack or what?" I asked, impatience biting at me.
"We'll teach you to make a fool out of us" one of his followers spat, I was slightly scared but I masked it well "you were the ones who made fools out of yourselves, you didn't need me to do that" I retorted shifting into a defensive position.
Before Tsubaki d-...died, she taught me how fight and not to brag or anything but she said I was even better than her, but against 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-, 11 vampires, I don't think I'll be able to do it- get a hold of yourself (Y/N)! Now's not the time to doubt yourself! I shook my head of the discouraging thoughts and narrowed my eyes at the pitiful vampires.
~The fight (author-san is not too good at these so please bare with it)~
The leader of the group was first to engage, he took a swing at my neck but I ducked and took the chance to swipe his feet, he fell to the ground with an 'oof' eyes narrowed, as a smirk crawled it's way onto my face "get her men!" he yelled.
I stood up and jumped back a pace as a follower attempted to kick me in the face, not expecting that I would be able to dodge his leg went all the way around and kicked his friend in the family jewels. "ugh! watch what your doing idiot!" the follower that got kicked exclaimed. The other quickly apologized and they turned their attention back to me.
The smirk I held left as soon as it came, as I stared at them "something wrong gentlemen?" the 10 year old me asked they growled and came at me all at once. The last of the colour my cheeks held began to drain in fear.
I winced a little bit as one of the vampires' fangs grazed my cheek, letting out a couple drops of blood, the vampire licked some up and stopped abruptly, as did everyone else "well? speak up!" the leader yelled, "I-I-it's the most...ADDICTING THING I EVER TASTED!!!" he yelled he started running towards me a crazed look in his eye "more...more....MORE!!!" he grabbed me by the arm so tight I think he broke it "l-LET GO OF ME!!!" I yelled and tried to pull my already damaged arm out of his grasp.
He lowered his face to my neck, and started trailing his tongue up to my jaw, "stop him!" I yelled to the rest but they were in a daze. His fangs almost sank into my neck when--
Blood squirted onto my stunned features, the male who tried to bite me fell to the floor, my eyes widened. This is just like that day when my family was taken away, there's so much blood. In a flash everyone was dead on the the snow laying in a pool of there own blood. Staining the pure white substance, crimson.
"Strange..." I heard voice from my left say, I turned my head to look at him, my eyes blurry from the shock "they weren't even level E's" he mumbled. The turned his head towards me, his slightly long brown hair whipping in the wind, blood staining his hands and porcelain like face, he smiled gently.
" remind me of my dear Yuki, except maybe a little braver. Possibly even cuter as well~" he said, if I was in any other situation I would of blushed but not in this case "" I whispered quietly but he seemed to have heard me.
"Your smell...not normal... vampire" I muttered still in a daze, before I knew it I was falling sideways, but gentle yet firm hands held me steady "look at you...starved and dehydrated, and you even had the strength to fight a group of vampires. I'll take you to a good friend of mine he has two other children, actually he just got zero yesterday, you'll be safe there" that was the last thing I heard before darkness overtook me.
~few hours later~
I snapped my eyes open, but regretted it immediately as the lights glared down on my face, groaning softly I sat up in the bed- wait bed? I looked around frantically and tried to slide out of the bed, but I couldn't seeming as I couldn't move with the cast around my arm.
"Oh. You're awake?" I heard a soft female voice ask, before I went to attack I noticed she smelled human so I stopped myself "where am I?" I asked "you're at Mr.Cross's house, I'm Yuki and you are?" she asked "Y-Yuki?" I tested the sounded familiar.
"You remind me of my dear Yuki" I remembered what that man had said "the man that brought me here..." I said, she blushed slightly "oh...Kaname" she mumbled "so Kaname is his name? well he said I reminded him of you" I said, her eyes brightened "really? I can tell we're going to be great friends...uh...I didn't get your name" she mumbled, light pink dusting her cheeks.
"Oh! It's (Y/N), (Y/N) (L-....just (Y/N)" I cut myself off, clearing my throat. Yuki was curious as to why I stopped myself from saying my last name, but seeing the sad look on my face she didn't push me any farther "well just (Y/N)...welcome to the family"
sorry I hadn't updated in a while...been busy, anyway I will try to update more frequently because you know they say and update a day keeps the fangirls at bay....-_- no? ok. well I will update as soon as I can. see ya love's, ciao ^.^
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