U.S.J Attack
Naomi was tired as Overhaul is still sending his men to that room and with illusions, she deals with them and had managed to let Sir Nighteye the ones attacking her is low level and knows nothing making him to understand really.
He's happy that she has moved into the dormitory making him happy she's safe, though wish he knows what she looks like. She can't making him to check and he's Quirk told him she was going to be an intern for the internship that U.A has.
It's making him to warn everyone and to have be ready for when they attack Overhaul as she is going to help them out. Naomi has finally made that drone that maps things and sends sound waves to know the whole lay out in full 3D really.
Power Loader was pleased with that one has it took her a whole month to work on it and now she's going to test in U.A at night really making Hound Dog to know and Power Loader will help with Midnight as they try to find it really.
But not knowing that Naomi made it invisible as she can't have it be found really that easily making her to chuckle with Nezu. The whole placed was mapped and now she can map that fucking place and hand it over to Sir Nighteye.
It's making her to wonder how much information he needs as she saw some that looks to be a bit high and once she did the act to trick them, they started to babble making her to collect a lot of information on the bastard really.
Once done, she ends the recording and shots them in the head before sending the information to him by mail delivering drones making it to be easier for him. She did tell a white lie and said they had guns in an place with no security cameras.
And that's before she managed to grab a gun and fired at their heads killing them as there was six man there. She also mentioned she's going to be going to therapy for it as the bodies were drifting down a river making Sir Nighteye to see lots of bodies.
Sir Nighteye had noticed that they were wearing a mask for their lower half of their faces making him to know someone has killed them and found the six she said she had killed in self-defense making him to go to contact All Might, but...
He stopped as he noticed him in his skinny form and he was gently pushing a child on the swings who was smiling and laughing making him to hear "Higher, tou-san! Higher!" making him to feel pain in his heart as it's like he lost something really.
It's making him to look away and not contact All Might ever again if he's happy as he was hoping he would changed his mind about them. Naomi knows something is wrong and had her invisible drones that were protected from everything is in every part of U.S.J.
It's making her to be on full guard before she saw why and had them all activated as this is going to be live making many to be shocked as Naomi has a second one of her hero costume making her to be ready for anything fully really.
Separating them wasn't one of them and she freaked when two can shoot them down with bullets from their Quirks as Ojiro was shot in the liver before his left lung took a great hit making her to jump onto him with a barrier to protect them.
Hitoshi is with them making her to have a weird look in her eyes making her to be stuck in a very worse episode and a bad one at that as her eyes hazeled over and the barrier is flickering very much dangerously as the bullets are still hitting it really.
"Oi, Deku?" Hitoshi calls out to her before she bites where Ojiro got hurt and sucks the bullets out of him before she turns away from them with her mouth wide open as the bullets were spinning inside of her mouth before her fox tail shows up.
She had healed Ojiro's wounds making them to see it was green flames which was Psychic Flames. Once he was healed, Naomi fully released the bullets and they hit the two in the head making her to be in battle mood badly as she had her tail vanish.
She had teleported them to the stairs making them to stay there as a barrier is keeping them from escaping that place. She has to find the others as the drones won't follow her as she went invisible to stay low as she ain't losing her friends really.
She shot her hand guns at six who were going to hurt Denki, Jiro and Momo making her to have them teleported to Ojiro and Hitoshi as she checks on the others and was quick to get Iida out of the place to get help making her to worry they not make it in time.
'Which is why I'm killing to give time for those who need it really.' She went into sniper mood and shoots at the big thing with them making it to have a hard time trying to find her as she is fully invisible with her weapons going with her.
She keeps shooting at the purple mother fucker and he's still fully standing making her to swear a lot in her head as she promised her tou-san she won't swear at all and she's not going to be breaking that promise ever as she knows better really.
To say Hound-Dog was pissed off was an understatement. I mean, being Quirk and Guidance Counsellor for four hundred and eighty Pupils, across all areas of UA Highschool from the Prized Hero Course down to the Business Course was exceptionally draining really.
Add being a Pro Hero and one that was actively hired by the Rescue Services and hired as a tracking consultant for the Police, to say Hound Dog a.k.a Ryo Inui was nearly always exhausted was accurate and that's before Naomi helped him out really.
Thus his very evident displeasure at being used as a Pre-Quirk style Crash Test Dummy by one very distressed Iida Tenya. Fighting back his base instincts of growling and snarling, Inui grabbed the Engine Teen and held him steady.
"Why the haste? Should you not be at the U.S.J?"
"It's from the U.S.J that I ran from, Hound-Dog Sensei. I, Class 1-A, Iida Tenya under orders from Midoriya Naomi..." Hearing her name was enough to catch his full attention really.
"Pup? What does this have to do with her? What happened?! Cut to the point before I lose my patience!"
"Villain attack! Villains at the U.S.J, my Comrades and Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen-sensei were fighting them. My classmates are scattered throughout the zones and last I saw as I ran, Thirteen-sensei had been taken down... They also possess something they claimed was the 'Anti-All Might'."
"Why haven't we got a call from Aizawa? What about the other students?"
"They've jammed all of the many communications. They had even managed to override the whole lockdown to lock all of us in the USJ." Ryo nodded. Growled and grabbing Iida like a Lioness grabs a cub, effortlessly began to haul him up to the school.
As they entered the Entrance Hall of UA, they were met by the staff and three students. The first was a tall young man, with a well-built and muscled frame. He was clad in a white skin-tight top with the number 1,000,000 stamped in a bright block yellow font.
The trimming of his shirt and shoulder pads were clad in an identical formatting. There were two green lines on his waist, acting as belt which were also present on his shoulder pads. Baggy blue pants and white knee-high boots and red gloves completed attire with a bright yellow visor covering his face.
This was the Phantom Hero: Lemillion, member of the Big 3 and Sir Nighteye's intern; a lesser known fact at this point in time and also in Nighteye's rather zealous opinion for the next Symbol of Peace. Furthest away from Lemillion was a tall and skinny young man.
Clad in a black bodysuit decorated in bright gold plating around his arms and shoulders with a white tunic on top and white cape with gold on the hood of the cape and connected with a scarf-like collar. He, like Lemillion wore a mask, this purple instead of yellow.
To complete his attire, he wore an interlocking series of belts with purple food pouches on them. This was the Manifestation Hero: Suneater. In between them with leg length periwinkle blue hair, clad in a skin-tight bodysuit that left very little to the imagination with knee-high boots and pale green marks and linings and she wore bright yellow gloves and green bracers on her forearms and similar ones on her shins.
This was the Wave Rider Hero: Nejire-chan. These three students were known as the Big Three; their individual and collective power could rival some pros even a few members of the Top 10. Due to this, they were only three who were permitted to join the staff on this rescue mission.
"Young Iida, just what has fully happened at the Unforseen Simulation Joint?" Nezu asked already coming to the conclusion.
"A villain attack, a well organised and planned one."
"Then let us not waste any-more time."
"And sir..."
"Um... I heard... Guns being fired inside before I left... It was from Midoriya Naomi, sir." Dead silence before...
"SIR!" Everyone else was confused to Nezu and Hound Dog's reaction including Power Loader as back at the Conflagration Zone, here was one villain unaccounted for. He didn't last too long, for his quirk was one a reduction of kinetic energy dispersed upon solid impact.
In other words, he was hard to knock-out in melee combat, but then again, being on the receiving end of a large grenade expoloding in your face and then being used as a battering ram to leave the Conflagration Zone would knock out most people.
Her eyes widened and panic, then hatred and then panic funneled into her system. The monster had her sensei pinned down, the Hand-man was about to kill a few of her friends, she saw her sensei's elbow and knees making her to see the damage really.
It had been decayed slightly to show red muscles she thinks and she quickly realized what the Hand-Man could do with his Quirk and this doesn't look good really. She waited and the moment, Hand-Man was millimetres from grabbing Tsuyu, she fired a bullet through his hand.
At the Plaza, Shigaraki's hand has a hole in it now making him to scream in pain as he pulls away and saw a bullet hole in his hand as he glares from where the shot was and didn't see anyone making him to looks towards Eraserhead.
'I'm very angry and upset that I got shoot at really as I ain't going to like how I'm going to heal from this really.' Hand-man thinks to himself really.
"Eraserhead, your student had picked the wrong villain to mess with." Eraserhead looked in Shigaraki's direction, the Nomu gripping his skull. With one-eye shut from swelling, he managed to say one thing.
"What student?" Shigaraki's very confusing in Eraserhead's opinion was truly magnificent. It reminded him of one of the few times, Naomi had thrown a strop. Although, that strop was about Bakugou and his stupid over ego cause of the fucking teachers and she couldn't shoot them all for it.
Thankfully, Eraserhead had managed to get the whole story out of Bakugou and Naomi's side before she quieted the school to do the courses online really. More specifically, he ordered Bakugou to tell the trust or else he's kicked out of U.A and every Hero school in Japan making him to yell he was telling the truth.
Aizawa had Bakugou go to Anger Management Classes and therapy sessions as he told him that the teachers lied and that U.A doesn't like bullies. Going back to the temper tantrum of Naomi, it was also the only time Naomi had been shouted at or grounded by All Might cause of her many colorful swear words that no one knew she knew fully really.
Then there was the incident with the knife that had warranted a warning to never touch again. He didn't know it went missing last year and then four thousand were found with it to keep him stocked up incase any got damaged really.
Naomi promised she won't go near his knife again and he even saw it was for his birthday which was a year ago as he then realized that Naomi was smiling when she saw his knife which was one of the very new ones since his old one got damaged.
"Nomu... Kill the Erasure's gun shooting student... Slowly." Aizawa felt the Nomu let go of him, then it turned and slowly, but surely began to lumber towards his student from where they were firing. Naomi saw it and moves to another section as she needs to keep that thing busy.
She got another spot and went for a bazooka this time around really making it to lose it's limbs, but they just regrew back making her to be upset as she bolts fast as she just shoots at some who were trying to rape Ochaco and Mina.
She saw the villains were about to enter them as their dicks were fired off making them to scream as everyone saw their dicks were missing before Naomi saw Momo making new panties for the two before she fired at one trying to sneak up on Momo.
"Think you're clever and hiding yourself?! Fucking show yourself, fucking coward!" Shigaraki shouts making Naomi to fire at his left knee from behind him making him to scream as he holds that hole from behind as he glares at her thought can't see her as she fires at his right shoulder.
It made him scream as he can't take this anymore before she had jump and showed herself making everyone in Class 1-A and Hitoshi to freak. The reason they were freaking out was that she has a damn fucking bazooka in her hands really.
Plus no emotions on her face nor in her eyes making Aizawa to see what Shigaraki meant about shoot student as Shigaraki snarled in incoherent fury, reminding the duo of Hound Dog in one of his really bad moods
Naomi doesn't care really as she switched her weapons around and was ready to fire making many to panic as she was ready to defend herself and her friends plus her two teachers really as she knows no one is going to survive after she's down with them really.
"Please, Naomi..." He began before a deafening boom was heard as the solid, reinforced metal of the emergency lockdown panel on the front of the doors which had been prized open; were taken clean out of place as both All Might and Lemillion took the plates off the doors and the subsequent doors as well.
"NEVER FEAR STUDENTS, FOR I AM HERE!" Boomed All Might without a grin on his face.
"POWER!" Shouted Lemillion before they both and the other teachers plus the other two students had to watch in pure shock of Naomi holding onto a machine gun as it fires bullet after bullet into the Nomu that was STILL walking towards her.
That's all before she stops and the gun vanished freaking everyone as she then had two swords that looked like they can from Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA as she even had them changed to how Illya had them when she went up against Alter Saber.
It's making her to move so fast, that the Nomu had cuts all over the body and he can't regenerate at the fast rate she was moving making her to be grabbed by her leg and the swords vanished to be replaced with two bombs that looks familiar.
"FUCKING DUCK AND COVER! DEKU HAS TSAR BOMBAS! DEKU HAS TSAR BOMBAS!" Bakugou shouts as he pulls his classmates that are the closes to him and runs far away before he tosses them up behind rocks and swan dives fully behind the rocks.
All of the others also took cover as the bombs went off with a loud sound as the ground shakes badly making them to cover their ears and pray they don't die from this as Naomi is going crazy out with that 'man' really which looks very inhuman really.
(AN: It's the second one, but times two and it reaches two hundred million in height really)
Everyone saw how huge it was and how big the hole it as Naomi was falling down before she flips herself upright and they saw that the roof isn't gone meaning she kept it all inside by doing really something which Nezu, Power Loader, All Might and Hound Dog realized it was her cards to keep them all safe from the explosion of those two bombs.
"YOUNG LADY! YOU ARE SOOO GROUNDED FOR THIS WHEN HOUND DOG IS THROUGH WITH YOU!" All Might shouts father style making many to shiver as All Might is pissed before they heard "Ai! Ai! Ai! Ai!" coming from the Nomu as they saw him being blasted by a flame thrower.
He was then quickly regenerating his wounds making Naomi's eyes to go black as she had enough of this and needs to end this fight once and for all to protect her friends, her teacher and her papa making her iris to glow golden before she has a sword in her hands really.
White feathers were falling all around her as she holds it above her and a golden flames were coming off of her and the sword before vanishing and two blue lights circle like DNA Strands with space in between them as she powers it up as much as she can.
All without killing or even hurting herself as this thing needs to go making many to freak as they all don't know what she is going to do with that sword really and was too scared to ask her as she glares at the Nomu in front of her really with hatetress in her eyes.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The Nomu roars and charges a similar blast from it's mouth as it is a black version of her own light.
"EXCALIBUR!" The Nomu tries to stop it in it's track as it had unleased the black version of the attack straight at her as both attacks collided together as it's holding it's ground.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The Nomu is being pushed back a bit making many to be very shocked at what they are seeing as the Nomu is digging it's heels into the ground as it's trying to hold the attack back really.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" That last shout made her attack even more powerful as it's blasted straight at the Nomu and the blast destroyed the Nomu as a pillar of light with lots of smaller similar ones before they vanish when they got to a sorting point as the Nomu was no more shocking everyone.
(AN: The fighting scene of Naomi and the Nomu with Excalibur and the blast is near the end of the video and sorry if I didn't describe it properly. I had a hard time with it really)
The sword vanishes before two hand guns showed up and she shoots fast at two who were about to sneak up on Lemillion making him to jerk as he turns to look behind him shocked and he saw they were shot in the head as Nezu needs to clam her down making all the teachers to fight and quickly.
"SHE'LL STAY THAT WAY IF THE DANGER IS STILL AROUND HER!" Shigaraki wasn't happy with what Naomi has done as he glares at her from behind his hand.
"You fucking bitch! YOU KILLED MY NOMU!" Naomi turned to Shigaraki and readied her guns mkaing him to flinch as she shoots him in the liver and left lung making him to cough blood up as the weird human gets in front of him to protect him.
It's reminding her how her mother use to do the same if someone is about to hurt her in a bank if a robbery was about to happen inside of the bank really as she lowers her guns and just bows to the man before leaving to fight the others really.
"I have a funny feeling her mother before she was murdered used to do what he did to that blue-hair guy and she remembered her mother doing that hunch why she bowed to him like she did." All Might said not realizing he told everyone cause of Naomi's speakers that are everywhere to where everything shocking everyone really.
The surviving villains were quickly taken down. As the 1-A students rallied to the Evacuation Point, made by Shoji and a kid that resembled well a Chimera of Animals. The Chimera Teen had taken eight out by himself, the girl had taken five and the blonde teen had taken thirteen villains all by themselves.
These apprehended villains were being patrolled by the Clones of Ectoplasm. Everyone heard a loud moan and it was coming form Naomi as she had fainted after a sword fight showdown with one of the villains making Mirio to get her near Recovery Girl who came as fast as she can really.
Naomi's eyes were hazeled over and she was loudly groaning in pain as All Might rushed over to her. He gently holds her in his arms as she tries to find his face with her left hand making him to gently touch it and bring it to his face making everyone to know she's out of it and can't see anything.
It's making them to worry as she did so much for them and they couldn't do anything for her as Recovery Girl checks over her and was shocked as this is impossible really and yet it's happening to Naomi making her to be quick to tell Nezu and All Might really.
"All Might, Nezu. Her Quirk factor... It's at the secondary stage of Quirk Factor Disease and yet it's reversing from two outside AND two inside sources!" Everyone was shocked before they all saw two floating skulls with purple flames inside of them as they glow purple and All Might realized what is going on here and he smiles at the two.
"Your healing her, aren't you, Mr. and Mrs. Midoriya?" Everyone was in shocked as those are her parents?!
"Yes. It's the least we can do."
"She'll be more awake and will be seeing in four hours, so can someone knock her out please?" Midnight gently lowers Naomi's eyelids and she went back to sleep making everyone to know she'll be fine as All Might was shocked at how far she went for her friends and classmates. Sure, she scared them with her weaponizing weapons.
But she still saved their lives making her to be a hero in his eyes no matter what and he got up gently as he heads to the medical bay for her to sleep in a proper bed where she woke up and saw her papa sleeping on his left arm and his right hand is holding her right hand in his.
It's making her to still see some blurriness, but it's not that bad really. Recovery Girl saw her and was quiet to keep All Might asleep as Nezu was with her and was happy she was alright as everyone saw the live show she did really.
It's making many to be in shock including the villains as no one can do that and still have the drones working making her to blush as she nuzzle Nezu's left side of his head with her left finger making him to lean on her hand in happiness.
"Guess I'm grounded then, huh?"
"Damn right you are, young lady." They all turned to All Might who was up and upset, but still looking tired.
"Gomanesai, tou-san." Naomi said as she knows Sir Nighteye is going to be very shocked once he finds out who the girl fighting against the Nomu is really. All Might sighs as he's glad she's alive, but that took twenty years off his lifespan making her to giggle as she knows he's joking around with her really.
"Last restore only. The swords and Tsar Bomba really. What triggered an episode and me doing that was Ojiro-kun having been shot at his left lung and liver by two villains really." Recovery Girl nods at that.
"He told me and you sucking the bullets out of him and then you healing him. Good job, but the healing could use a bit of work." Naomi smiles before she yawns and pulls Nezu inside of the bed and sleeps on her right side really.
It's making Nezu to cuddle closer to her neck as it's his personal pillow during nap time really and sleeps making both Recovery Girl and All Might to take a picture and frame it up for later really plus one for Nezu's desk really.
AN: I hope you loved the fighting scene I did. It was a bit difficult to work out where to put things and what to do really. Some of this came from The Erasure's Daughter on Fanfiction for the U.S.J Attack scene and I used some of it only really. I don't own them, but darksider82 does the owning for that part. Gomenesai.
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