Sports Fest Festival
Naomi was getting excited as she can't wait for the Sports Feast as she can hardly stay still making many to chuckle as Aizawa-sensei is still trying to do so really and still trying to get over what he saw a month ago really making her to apologies to him.
Many of the civilians think she has only a Inventory Space Quirk from what they saw really which wasn't far off really. Naomi keeps blasting ice on the school floor to get to class making many to enjoy it as she has great control over it.
Many of the students have great fun going down them really as many teachers try to stop it, but no luck making the students to laugh at them as this is too much fun making many of the teachers to sigh and give up on them all really.
But All Might kept it up making the students to pout at him as he's ruining their fun which he fully reminds them that this can be done outside as well, too making Naomi to do so as a siding trill ride making many students to have ten minutes of free time before lunch time.
Todoroki helps out as Naomi is like a sister to him and close to age as both did Else's castle in the school yard making her to teach him how to use his thoughts to help him make the ice like her's making him to like it as he does weapons with his also really.
He does the same with his fire side as ice blocks and fire attacks really making her to chuckle at him as he's like a dual-elemental knight really. Naomi was happy as she got One for All to seventy-five percent now making All Migh to be happy about it really.
It's making her to come up with new moves and to be careful as she doesn't plan to use One for All as that's overkill making All Might and Nezu to chuckle as Naomi really loves those things and keeps watching them a lot of the time really.
The first obstacle making her to smirk as she fixed it up behind their back as mines is too much fun and the robots will try to capture them and in the spikes is water filled with alligators making both to freak once they figure it out about it.
Naomi also had some monkeys throwing fruits at them and trying to give them wedges up the ass. Naomi can't wait as once it starts, she was gone fast making Iida to race her as she dodges the fruits being thrown at her and their many wedges.
It's making many to not make it really as it's making everyone to laugh and be shocked as Naomi laughs as this is fun really making many to agree with her as Nezu and All Might had figured out she had done this behind their backs really.
"NAOMI MIDORIYA! YOU ARE SOO GROUNDED FOR TWO MONTHS!" All Might and Nezu screamed at her together as they can't believe she did this behind their backs making her to laugh as she looks at her drone cameras as she said it to them personally may she not be near them.
"Much more fun! Oh! Alligators! Who's up for a swim?!" Everyone saw them thanks to the cameras and the floating screens for the competitors to see what's going on ahead of them making many to pale and lose color in their faces as fear went through their bodies.
"NO!" Naomi pouts as she fully complains that they're all party poopers as she jumps making her to reach each one of the rock pillars and still managed to get cross making many to come up with different ideas as those alligators look hungry really.
Momo fixed as she had lots of water buffalos created to feed them all with as many got across and the robots was even more of a challenge as she dodges them as she loves this one really as she fixed them up to capture more than fire lasers really.
"Don't get caught or else your out! Plus... WATCH OUT FOR THEIR CAGE! THEY ALL LOVE TO KEEP PRISONERS!" Now they are fully complaining making her to laugh as she enjoys spending time with Nezu and learning from him really.
It's making them to yell they're going to get that mouse making Naomi to smirk as she turns to the drone and the competitors as she was waiting for one of them to say that really making Nezu and All Might to pale a bit at that look.
"That's right. It's me, Nezu, the one who could be a dog or a mouse or a bear, but more importantly... I'm the principal!" Naomi said in her best impression of her Kyoufu shocking many of the competitors as they demeaned she didn't do that again.
It's making her to do it fully again anyway making them to freak out even more as Nezu laughs at the site as he didn't think that could scare them all really. Naomi got to mines and she was smirking like she was the devil on the lose really.
It's making her to jump high as she spins in the air as a twister forms around her making her to miss the whole mine field before she breaks free and runs a bit, but stops to watch as Bakugou and Todoroki was there making her to grin really.
And for a good reason as out of nowhere, once the mine went off, robot hands grabs you and your out making the two to dodge as they saw Naomi smirking at them as she's enjoying this really making them to get her back for this really.
Some blasts sends you back to the previous task making many to just complain as Naomi giggles which has everyone blushing before she bolts to the arena making Nezu to see a major obstacle as not only do they need to dodge mines, but also robot hands and a major blast to send them back to the previous one.
"I think we both can lessing her grounding if she made this a major obstacle for them really." All Might could only smile as she's napping on Midnight's lap right now making many to coo and try to not wake her up really as she looks cute really.
It's also making him to get that phone call from Sir Nighteye and this time, it's about what Nezu was thinking which was on his phone's speaker phone really making Nezu to hear him and All Might is trying to hold in his laugh as he can't wait for Nezu to say it.
"I didn't do this. She did."
"WHAT?! She's been hanging out with you for too long!" All Might holds his laughter as his daughter is a riot as she loves doing this, though there is times she would sing 'Monster' from 'Frozen, The Musical' making her to feel like she's a monster really.
'Which I hate the most as she's not a monster no matter what.' All Might thinks as he looks down to his daughter and smiles at her really. He saw how the many other competitors are doing really and it seems Naomi's stunt was just too much really.
Bakugou, Todoroki, Hitoshi, Ojiro, Ochaco, Iida, Kirishima, Mina, Fumikage, Momo, Monoma, Denki, Jurota Shishida, Mei, Jiro, Sero and Tsuyu making the second round to be cancelled and to move onto the third round immediately shocking everyone really.
"There just isn't enough people as everyone is either captured or couldn't make it in time!" It's making Naomi to yawn and rubs her eyes cutely.
"! ! ! !" Everyone was blushes as Naomi has one hand near her left eye above it and the other is below her right eye making many to take pictures which got destroyed by Hound Dog and Power Loader making many to freak really.
"Obaa-san, why is it that both Power Loader-oji-san and Hound Dog-oji-san are over protective of me?" It's making Midnight to say another time to explain it to her which she nods to as she's still confused to it as she tilts her head to the left and has a finger on her lips.
Everyone was shocked at what Naomi has called Midnight, Power Loader and Hound Dog really as Midnight chuckles at their many shocked faces while many blush at Naomi's cuteness making the two 'oji-sans' to growl and mumble about laser bazookas really at them all really.
Nezu was to quickly explain that Naomi is a adoptive daughter to one of the staff members and lives in a dormitory like Todoroki has as both are neighbors to each other really inside the building making many to be shocked really.
"WHAT?!" Everyone shouts loudly as Naomi's fox ears came out and she has tears at the corners of her eyes making Midnight to have her whip out and a sadistic smile on her face as Naomi is holding her ears down making Hound Dog to give out a warning growl.
Meanehile Power Loader is loudly mumbling about lasers and robots making many to freak as they are far too overprotective of Naomi really for this to be healthy for anyone to handle really. Naomi ignores it as she goes see her 'baa-sama' a.k.a Recovery Girl.
"EEEEEEEEEEEHHHH?!" Everyone shouts as Naomi ignores them and Hound Dog's growls and Power Loader's mumbles of 'bombs that can shoot rubble bullets out of them' making many to scream for their mommies really at those two really.
Jurota vs Hitoshi is the first match and Hitoshi managed to control Jurota in his beast form making him to be playful and when Hitoshi throw a ball, Jurota chased after it and out of the rings making Midnight to ask if he's going to keep him like this.
Which Hitoshi said he doesn't even know as this isn't want he though would happen and will let Eraserhead help him to undo it really. Once Hitoshi left with Jurota following him to get Eraserhead to undo his Quirk, Denki vs Tsuyu was next.
It's making her to jump all over the place while Denki tries to hit her with his Quirk before she wraps her tongue around him and sent him out of the ring making Denki to whine as that's not fair really as he was hoping to show off to Jiro really.
"Life's not fair, Denki-kun! Life's not fair!" Naomi shouted down at him making him to whine life sucks making many to laugh as this is hilarious really. Naomi vs Fumikage was up making Naomi and Fumikage to smirk as it was an all-out war down there.
It's making many to have popcorn and drinks as both weren't giving up that easily. Naomi dodges a lot of his attacks and unleased her ice to make the ground a staking rink as there's strong sides making her to give herself ice staking stakes.
At which it is making her to stake away from Fumikage making him to have a hard time holding himself on the ice before he lose his cool and Dark Shadow got bigger making Naomi to think ten times faster as this is not a good thing really.
Naomi was quick to stake straight towards Dark Shadow before doing a jump and used her stakes to hurt Dark Shadow before taking out a stun gun and fully stuns Fumikage unconsciously as she needs to know why he lose his cool as that might not be a good thing at all.
Naomi noticed Dark Shadow has taken that negative and used it to get stronger which is not a good thing at all really. Jiro vs Kirishima was next making Naomi to wonder how the match is going to go as she keeps writing down what she finds.
It helps Aizawa with his lessons for them making him to get a good idea of the whole thing and how to train them, but she wants that damnna it ero murasaki to kuro moyashi to be in another class. Trying to peek onto the girls while they were all changing.
"If I didn't use a water gun to have hot pepper juice inside and hit him in the eyes since he switched to his another eye and I had to hit him in that eye, too, he would of seen us in our bras and under wears fully, sir." Aizawa didn't like that really.
She had to have Momo make the semi patch for it on their side only really until the school can fix it making Nezu to wait and see about the festival really before doing that. Jiro went for her sound kicks making Kirishima to harden his eardrums.
It's making Naomi to shout loudly and fully call him an idiot as he can damaged his own eardrums if he does that making him to have blood leaving his ears making Naomi to call out to stop the match as he could get it worse really.
It's making Midnight agrees and have Robot Girl quickly check who whacks him up the head for that stunt as he could of lost his hearing if he pushed it too far making him to blush as he didn't expect that to happen really at all.
"Naomi is right in calling you an idiot." Jiro won cause of this even if she got wounded as he charged at her and got good hits onto her. Naomi wasn't happy and she'll make sure Bakugou letchers that idiot which he agrees to as that was not a good idea really to do to yourself really.
Mina vs Bakugou was next making Mina to get some good hits as Bakugou's jacket and pants have holes, but nothing 18+ is showing making Bakugou to have a blood lust in his eyes as Mina shivers, but returns the look back to him.
It was making them to go all-out until Bakugou has won the match with some of his clothing missing as Bakugou lose his jacket and his shirt with him in his under wear plus a shoe and a sock is gone while Mina has only some pieces covering her private parts.
The ones on her bosom is close to snapping and showing off to just about everyone as her jacket is gone and her pants only have the front covered making Midnight to declare Bakugou the winner of the heated battle making many to agree with her there.
"Too many paedophilia Heroes in the crowd really!" Naomi calls out many everyone to blush as they shout they aren't as they were just agreeing with Midnight really as Momo went out there thanks to Todoroki as she makes a blanket to wrap Mina in.
The piece on her bosom snapped and Momo got to her just in time really as Mina is carried away to Robot Girl. Todoroki vs Ojiro was next as Momo left with Mina to get back to her seat making Naomi to wonder how this fight will end really.
Ojiro charges with his tail to strike as Todoroki has to dodge, but Ojiro got him in the sides making him to use a fire whip at him as he dodges making Endeavor to be very shocked as todoroki looks different somehow and he saw the ground was iced once again really.
It's making Ojiro to stake with Todoroki as many were shocked at the fight before Todoroki had toss Ojiro in the air and had ice send him out of the ring making Ojiro to laugh as he should of seen that one coming really as Todoroki laughs with him.
Iida and Mei were next, but it was just Mei showing off her 'babies' making both Power Loader and Naomi to slap their own foreheads as Mei may be a genius within the Support Department, but this is far too ridicules really for her to do really.
Ochaco vs Momo vs Sero vs Monoma was next making this to be perfect as Momo and Ochaco teams up to defeat Monoma and Sero making them to shiver a bit, but other wise Monoma didn't complain once as he copied Ochaco's Quirk and managed to dodge so many hits.
Then he copied Momo's Quirk and created Aizawa's cloth and he had trapped the three in it as Sero was trying to capture the three of them really with his tape and finish the match then making Monoma to win the royal match really making Naomi to be worried.
Naomi vs Todoroki was next making both to smirk as they had ice shields and fire swords before they started to fight making many to be shocked as Naomi and Todoroki had been looking up sword fights and how to properly hold them in their hands.
It was making them to have so much fun learning about them really as Naomi is actually the one teaching Todoroki how to wield duel-style really. No one knew about this as they kept it a secret for a surprise for them really.
Naomi and Todoroki were having too much fun as they sword fight against each other as they throw in some new attacks like Flame Slice or Ice Wall Shield making it to be fun as they hide behind the ice walls and then sneak up if they can on the other.
Cuts and wounds would show up from time to time as they fight making many to be cheering them on as Bakugou, Nezu, All Might, Midnight, Power Loader and Hound Dog were shocked on how they are fighting each other really as they seems to be having fun.
Naomi and Todoroki let lose as Naomi changed her shield from ice to fire and her sword from fire to ice and it glows blue as it fully charges up and Todoroki did the same with his fire as he charges it before they sent it at each other really.
It was making Naomi to change her shield to full body shield as Bakugo was shocked as Naomi is different and not only that, she's crazy as shit really! She knows how to just fully strengthen a Quirk and how to make new moves really.
When he was doing the first round of the festival, he was shocked that SHE did that really to them all, then he was shocked that she even knows how to use a guns and swords really as she scared him on that day as he never ever seen her like that really.
'But now... HOW THE FUCK DID SHE GET FUCKING THAT MUCH POWERFUL?! I was sure she was Quirkless! Did they come in late? Or was she hiding her Quirks this whole time really?' Todoroki was knocked out and Naomi was still standing.
It was making many to cheer for her loudly as that was the best fight ever making Naomi to feel small and closed in making her to bow and then leave with Todoroki on her back as she tries to calm her heart as she couldn't take it really as her ears were flat and her tail was in between her legs.
Nezu let's her cuddle him as she's in a panic attack before her ferret, Shadō-no-Hantāzu showed up and nibbles on her ear loop calming her down as All Might holds her on his lap with Todoroki on another bed before Recovery Girl saw Endeavor at the door as he fiddles with his fingers really.
"How's... um... I saw the match... And..." Endeavor was trying to saw something, but couldn't find the words really as he is still in shock really to what he saw and what had happened out there really in the fight against Naomi and Todoroki really.
"Todoroki-kun is fine and Naomi is slowly calming from a large panic attack. The crowd got too loud and she felt closed in really." Endeavor nods and went to see Todoroki as he saw All Might helping her calm down and he'll ignore the site for now really.
Hitoshi vs Jiro was the next match and Naomi managed to stay calm enough to watch in the medical bay that she fixed up to have space if the person is badly wounded or/and no one is allowed to go too close to them for doctor fear of switches coming out really.
Todoroki was awake after Naomi has calmed down enough to watch the match and Endeavor was so having a hard time to find the right words to say to him really, Todoroki slowly reached for his father's face shocking him greatly.
"Dad..." Endeavor grabs a hold and actually has tears coming down his face and he was kneeling as his face is hiding as he finally said it to Todoroki.
"I'm so proud of you, son. You've grow so much that I couldn't see it. Please forgive me." Naomi made sure it was live making many to awe at them while a sorting elder brother has tears going down his face as that's all he wanted his dad to say to them all.
"Dabi?" He looks up to his sleepy girlfriend as she was rubbing her left eye and holding onto a large stuffy of a panda bear that he made for her which was an ass as he keeps poking damn his fingers and groaning about stupid teddy bears really, but it was worth it as she sleeps with it if he's out on a mission really.
"Come here, my blood miko." She keeps getting tired cause of the medication for those who got really badly wounded from Naomi and Himiko Toga was the worse of them all with fifty bullets, eighty sword slashes and sixty lasers had cause the most damage to her body really.
'That girl... She's one I don't want to mess with really.' Dabi thinks as he holds his girlfriend and takes a nap with her as she would get nightmares of that day really and Shigaraki would join in when it's too much to handle alone really.
Back at U.A, Hitoshi and Jiro were about to start as Jiro keeps quiet and Hitoshi had to dodge and get close as punches and kicks were traded making Jiro to try and get some space between them as she jumps back and swings her feet.
One across and then one from above and then below and the from the other side to hit Hitoshi in the head making Hitoshi to almost pass out, but he endured it and jumps Jiro. He has her pinned down and she had to surrender.
"Not bad, rock'n'roll girl." Jiro smirks at that comment as they shake hands really. Iida vs Tsuyu was next making Naomi to have a very bad feeling about the next match afterwards. All Might will make sure Robot Girl is stocked for anything really.
Iida was faster then Tsuyu, but she can jump out of the way and use her tongue on him, but she choose to hide herself before she took him out of the rings making Iida to accept it as Tsuyu was tough really making her to accept the friendly compliment.
Bakugou vs Monoma was the one Naomi was scared about as she hugs Nezu a bit too tightly making him to squeak as Endeavor, All Might, Todoroki and Recovery Girl saw her fears in her eyes as they watch the fight and Bakugou was knocked out.
"I didn't realized I made a bigger explosion than he did. I wonder if he's going to be alright. Will he still be able to be a hero?" Naomi screams and she wishes Bakugou was still awake and didn't lose his chance to be a hero making a second tail to show up.
'Even if he hurts her, she still cares for him really.' All Might thinks as he hides the two fox tails and Bakugou knows something was wrong as he can't get up and he knows he was out cold, but felt something waking him up as he looks around him.
"Oh? Still awake?" Midnight whips her whip at Monoma's feet scaring him and she shouts at him to shut up with his monologue as she fully announces him as winner of the match before Bakugou was sent to Robot Girl and Naomi cries on his chest once he was bandaged up.
"She's the reason your awake and not going to lose your chance of being a hero really." All Might said as Tsuyu vs Hitoshi was going on making Bakugou to look fully back down to Naomi as she still worries about him making him to wonder why really.
Hitoshi and Tsuyu was a bit crazy as Tsuyu keeps staying quiet and hopping around making Hitoshi to have a work out while also still dodging her tongue until he grabs it and when she told him to let go, he brain washed her making her to fall to the ground.
"Tsuyu is unconscious! Winner is Hitoshi!" Midnight shouts making Hitoshi to sigh as he falls to his knees shaking.
"That frog girl was tough. I never moved this much before." Hitoshi said as Aizawa smirks as he might need to do this with Tsuyu more often really. Naomi was up against Monoma making her to calm and go out there as her ferret never left her shoulders and her extra tail is hidden.
Monoma wonders what she really is like as he's curious about her really as the match starts. She dodges him and kicks him as she tries to keep him from touching her. She even has to jump above him to avoid him really making him to be angry at her.
"Coward. All you have been doing is dodging." Naomi flinches as she keeps her eyes on him.
"I ain't letting you copy my Quirk! I ain't letting it happen!" Naomi shouts making him to glare before he noticed her eyes were fox like making him to smirk.
"Says the fox girl hiding her ears." Naomi was wide-eyes as he copied that quirk making him to enjoy the speed as he jumps her and she kicks him in between the legs making him to whine like every other male is really as that's harsh really.
She starts to panic as she stays away from him as he moves towards her making her cute, sweet ferret to growl and morph from a ferret to a giant demon version making Monoma to freak out badly really.
"Sha... Shadō-no-Hantāzu?" Naomi asked as her beloved ferret has a Quirk making her to love him even more as Monoma was fully knocked out of the ring harshly by Shadō-no-Hantāzu's tail as he kept the spikes away from his body.
He went back to normal and then climbs up Naomi's clothes and he nuzzles her making her to hug him as she's happy she brought him that day really. Naomi needs to calm down and Hitoshi allows it as she looks like she might have a panic attack again.
Nezu was letchering Monoma for what he did once he woke up. Naomi vs Hitoshi was the last match as Shadō-no-Hantāzu stays near Midnight making her to fully gently pet him as the match starts. Naomi let's ready as she stays very quiet really.
She uses her Wing Chun Dragon Pole fighting style on Hitoshi making him to dodge and block the best he can as Naomi has a good grasp on this making him to think of learning it as well since those movements make this to look interesting.
Naomi was quick and whacks his legs out form underneath him and he stops her as she managed to pin him down as he wasn't going to be surrendering that easily making him to kick her off him and she stabs his stomach with her pole really.
Hitoshi rubs there and he grabbed his own cloth that Aizawa gave him to get use to it being around his neck and use it to wrap her up, but she managed to get out of it from what she had written on Eraserhead really which Nezu was shocked as no one needs to know about this.
Hitoshi was also shocked before she pinned him down and she was on his back making him to have a hard time getting up making him to fall down as he was on his hand and knees before making him to surrender there and then really as finally Naomi got off of him.
"Winner! Naomi Midoriya!" Midnight called out so proudly to everyone making them to cheer and clap for her as Naomi was very pleased as she had it early since she keeps getting a bad vibe about something and it's actually connected to the Iida family.
Iida's older brother got attacked, but one of her drones saved him keeping the guy away as Robot All Might took him to the hospital making the family to be looking for the person who saved their family member. Nezu didn't say anything as it would be marriage.
'Naomi... Seems she has been fully unconsciously been using a Quirk from One for All making her to have Danger Sense unlocked early really. At least she can control Black Whip now and learn to float high using Float really.
I hope Toshinori can figure out who the other four users are and there Quirks really as it's Naomi, himself, Nana, Sixth User, Daigoro Banjo, Fourth User, Third User, Second User and All for One's Younger Brother, Haiko Shigaraki. Naomi got use to Danger Sense Quirk quickly.
I pray she can handle the future.' Nezu thinks as he's worried about her really and Gran Torino fully showed up when All Might was taking a nap with Naomi and Shadō-no-Hantāzu making him to turn to Nezu who nods and he brought him to his office.
"Do you want to know?"
"Child or lover?"
"His student/adopted daughter." He nods and Nezu told him that she can control forty-five percent of One for All really shocking him as that's a good amount for a new user really.
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