Naomi was feeling better and all of her female classmates with Midnight and Nejire went to take her out shopping which she fully doesn't do as she never shopped for clothing since she makes them herself really making them to not allow it and pulls her to the mall making her to be taken to ones the girls think would suit her really.
She sighs as she looks around and just grabs something and went to put it on as she has some leggings on making her to hate this as she likes opt make her own clothing as the department meant for the costume making for heroes loved her design and wants to make a better one in the same style, but different fabric which she has nothing against really.
"Ah." Naomi realised she'd actually put on a dress and not a shirt. It bound her breasts tightly and was loose from the hips and down over her leggings as the dress goes to her ankles which was leaving fabric for her legs to move and stretch as she needed. How convenient, she wouldn't need bindings like this!
She brought the dress and some other stuff before leaving to seat on the bench outside making the girls to see her in the dress outside the store making them to pout as she's ignoring the many boys and shooing them away as Midnight walks up and told Naomi they're heading to the next store making her to nod and pick up her bags as she walks with them making the many boys to think babysitter.
Naomi saw a fabric store and brought lots with some fake fur to use to make some stuff animals with really as she saw a hardware store and got some wood and stuff as she might build a shelve or a bird house really. She even went into a music shop and got a piano with a violin with books to play them as she also got some extra strings for her violin.
Naomi even got music she likes making her to listen to some and then pick out the ones she likes as she also got material for making books and some leather work stuff as she sort of loves shopping making them to see a ferret that's hurt in a pet shop mkaing her to walk in and buy him with some food and stuff before she takes him to the vets mkaing her to pay for the bills.
"How about.." The ferret was white with red eyes, but Naomi noticed runes in grey making her to think...
"Shadō-no-Hantāzu?" The ferret loves it as he nuzzles against her left cheek as she keeps walking mkaing the girls to see her again as she has him around her neck mkaing them to coo at him as he looks super cute making him to hide his face in her hair making her to chuckle really at her new pet.
They did a lunch break as All Might had ended her groundness as it's been two weeks since that day and her friends were still trying to calm down from it really all while wondering how she got use to it really, but she has therapy with Hound Dog to help get rid of it really as she hates seeing them and doesn't like the night terrors she gets either.
Hound Dog did say a pet will help and he seems to be right as her new pet has noticed fast and nibbles on her ear loop making her to giggle and offer some of her lunch making him to accept as she noticed he seems to be keeping an eye on her to make sure she's alright really making her to love ehr new pet really.
After a lunch break, the left the mall and Naomi went into a Pawn Shop were she got a couple of rusty old stuff to make books out of them really plus some more Pre-Quirk comics for her papa making her to smile as she leaves and heads to her room where she hands the comics over to her papa making him to be happy.
"toori mase toori mase
ikaba izukoga hosomichi nareba
tennjinnmoto heto itaru hosomichi
goikenn gomuyou toorenu totemo
konokono toono goiwaini
ryouno ofudawo osameni sannzu
ikiwa yoinagi kaeriwa kowaki
waganaka kowakino tooshikana
toori mase toori mase
ikaba izukoga hosomichi nareba
tennjinnmoto heto itaru hosomichi
goikenn gomuyou toorenu totemo
konokono toono goiwaini
ryouno ofudawo osameni sannzu
ikiwa yoinagi kaeriwa kowaki
waganaka kowakino tooshikana." Naomi sang as she placed everything she brought into it's place as she has increased the space to make room and she's now trying to read notes to play her piano making her to not noticed the audience she has at her door as they listen to her trying to play it really.
Hound Dog was happy with her new pet as he nibbles on her ear loop if she's close to having a episode or panics making him to be pleased as Nezu allows it as it's a therapy pet plus a panic calmer as panic attacks is not a good thing really. Sir Nighteye had to call All Might and starts to letcher him as he had told him what Mirio had told him about the girl.
"Hahaha! She's not that bad. She's just suffering from trauma, night terrors, panic attacks and has a new pet to help with them really. A ferret. He's already calmed her down from twelve panic attacks, keeps her from going into an episode and I swear right now, Sir Nighteye, he attacks bullies if they try to bully her making them to run while screaming like little girls! I never ever seen that in a ferret before!"
"YEP! OH! I got to go! Homework to grade! Different situations and the class as to figure out how to solve it or recuse the civilians or both mkaing them to enjoy it as she has one hundred percent on it and I loves her answers really! I'll send you a copy of it. Ja Ne!"
"Oi, All Might!" Sir Nighteye sighs as he saw what All Might means, but why did she place her name down as Midoriya-Zulu-Yagi Naomi really? He'll never know and needs a stiff drink tonight as he needs something to get rid of this headache he has coming around as the information on Overhaul has been helping out and where they sell them all really.
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