Saving Bakugo Katsuki
Naomi can't make heads or tail of it as they went for a disguise as they know something is wrong as Naomi wouldn't be doing this really. She did test her papa and aunty about her feelings making it to be worse as she has clothing they can use really.
It's fully making both Momo and Todoroki to look like rich teen couple which works for them really as Iida's was a nerd school boy with lots of books and a bag for them while Kirishima's is that of a thug which is all she can think of really.
Now she's a young actress making her to play the part as she has a wig on to hide her hair like the others do making it to be better really as Naomi saw the broadcast and sent Nezu a message and to make sure Aizawa says it fast who saw her message really.
Naomi, Kirishima, Momo, Iida and Todoroki walks as Naomi has to keep an eye out for anything and she went straight to a warehouse. She saw her auntie Midnight and papa making her to message one of them and explain there's huge danger there.
She checks and was shocked as she sent a picture making it to be bad if they were let lose into the city. Midnight gave permission to shoot them with a silencer on her gun which she agrees to as she open fires with a silencer on her gun really.
She got about ⅞ of the numbers before papa texted her that he had Bakugou before he was wrapped away from him and will get him back. Naomi texted thanks before explaining to Midnight that ⅞ of the Nomus are gone making her to thank her for the help really.
Vlad King did warn Aizawa about five students gone rough which has something to do with Naomi which Nezu will pick a good punishment for her. Naomi saw All for One and was careful as she has four bullets to weaken him really.
She shoots and got him in the hand vein making it to take effect as she warns her papa who was thankful as she still has three more left as she shoots his other hand fast as he is now half as strong as he was before making her papa to be the winner now.
She knows she needs to fully get Bakugou out of there to make it easier for her papa and she told the plan making it to work as they won't be fighting at all. Naomi never told them about her helping out on some missions with her hero family really.
Iids agrees to it and it's really only Kirishima who can get Bakugou to reach to them as she needs to wait until they are gone into the crowd to fully help really. The plan was a success as Naomi waits until they are out of site and sneaks back in and hides her presences.
She goes invisible by illusion and fires normal bullets at the villains that are working for All for One as she gives support making her to feel a Hero near by and she waits until he's gone and she fires fully rapidly at two hundred and they dropped dead from a head shot.
The hero was Endeavor making him to see a gun and it's firing at the villains only and then at All for One as he seems to be getting weaker from the shot really. He ignores them and went to deal with the villains around All Might really.
Naomi keeps giving support as she can't lose her papa making her to stop and wait as he seems to be doing right, but she's worried as he got use to his two new Quirks really. She saw some about to kill Endeavor who she saved making him to nod secretly to her.
Naomi flinches as Endeavor knows the 'Yakuza Killer' Hero is helping them out making her to try and keep calm until she felt someone on top of her which was Aizawa-sensei who had her eyes looking at him as he did look mad, but was relieved she's alright.
Naomi whiplash back and fires since her Danger Sense is going crazy and that's the Nomus making her to give Aizawa a gun and had him watch once and then go deal with the Nomus by fully shooting them all in the brain.
Aizawa was a quick learning and deals with the Nomus as he saw why Naomi said to shoot them in the brain. Mt. Lady gives him a hand and he has perfect hits as he saw new bullets show up for him which is making it easier for him really.
Naomi even had to use her large bazooka at least twenty times on the villains making her to worry as she's afraid she hit civilians with her bazooka shots. All Might was beating All for One, but Naomi gave All for One the last shot really.
It's making him to be close to just passing out now, but he got them out of there and Naomi feels like she failed making her to feel down before she felt someone rubbing her head and saw it was her papa as she shows herself when there is no cameras.
She cries into his chest as she apologies for failing to stop them and that she's a failure making All Might to hold her as they went home where Nezu helps calm her down. Naomi explains fully everything since Hound Dog, Power Loader, Recovery Girl, Midnight and Gran Torino was there.
"Naomi, you never a failure. We all should have expected your Danger Sense Quirk to get even stronger as danger keeps showing up in some kind of form really. You sensed danger and left to keep it all fully contained. All Might." Her papa nods.
"Am I expelled?" All Might shakes his head as he knows that was some of the punishments for the student body, but it doesn't work on her really.
"No. The last embers is gone. You have it fully now. Everyone in the rooms knows about it and will help with training if you want." Naomi nods as she still feels like she let them escape really which she didn't as she was knocked out by something.
"Your body went into auto drive making you to not truly notice it." She accepts since it did feel weird, but she didn't notice really. Lots of civilians were saved and only two hundred deaths on civilians has happened since she gave Aizawa one of her guns.
"That was a smart move and he returned it to Midnight as he escort Bakugou to the police with Hound Dog escorting Momo, Iida, Kirishima and Todoroki home for the night. Todoroki and you will still be dorm neighbors, but the others will be staying inside of one."
"I'll help fix it up once it's done building built." Naomi wanted to test out that card's ability properly like she did in her room and she plans to focus on the bedrooms at the same time when she is doing so really. She needs to know the very limits of the card.
Nezu nods and once the dorms is up, she focused with all of the doors closed and she had the card out and expands the inside by six times four hundred leaving a lot of room inside for each one really. She was tired afterwards, but can still walk really.
Aizawa was told everything finally everything making him to be shocked as All Might did a public retirement with him trusting Endeavor as the new #1 Hero until he's student can take over his place as #1 Hero. He didn't answer any questions as doctors refused them really.
All Might saw Sir Nighteye at the door as Naomi is in her room in the dorms as she is sleeping right now. All Might knows Sir Nighteye wants to know what the heck is going on and he can't release it until she can handle a lot of burdens on her shoulders.
All Might did managed to fully reconnect as Sir Nighteye was jealous of his adoptive daughter which made him shocked and enough time for All Might to kiss him really which worked and they got 'busy in bed' really.
It's making the many doctors and nurses to ignore it all really as it doesn't concern them really as Nezu wonders how Naomi knew where to go unless something or someone lead her towards them and believes it's Danger Sense.
'What do we do really? She has a lot of training down alright and now it's getting stronger. What do we do to help her?'
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