Naomi vs Overhaul part 4
AN: Fighting scene chapter is here! Enjoy!
Naomi and everyone who is going up against Overhaul was ready as Naomi had already spilt up the teams with good reasons and why their Quirks with other Quirks mkaing many to be very shocked as Naomi is smart to see that really and which Quirk works with what Quirk as a partner really.
Nezu was Sir Nighteye's second bodyguard as Naomi has a solid illusion of herself controlling the drones which will be recording the whole thing. Tamaki was nervous, but a squeeze from Naomi calms him down as Naomi, Mirio and Hado-san are there for him making him to smile and calm more really.
Naomi looks onwards as it's time to end Overhaul once and for all. Even if it means to kill him as she signed paperwork and forms to allow it if there is no other choose mkaing Centipede to be amazed since Naomi gave them a other option to do if all else fails making this to be perfect really.
Toshinori, Nezu, Recovery Girl, Midnight, Present Mic, Hound Dog, Gang Orca, Power Loader, Gran Torino and Sir Nighteye was watching making this to be important as Sir wants to see Overhaul be arrested for his crimes as he can't let him escape.
Naomi is actually going to kill him as he deserves it better than being arrested as she did ask if they want him dead or arrested to be fair as the 'Yakuza Killer' Hero is going to be there and 'dead' has one hundred percent which is the very victims and the rest was the Heroes at fifty percent.
Naomi saw a police officer was about to ring the door bell making her to use Black Whip fast to pull them and others out of danger as a huge man came out of the hole he had made making Centipede to nod towards her as the live screen is different.
It allows the viewers to see the points to 'Heroes' and 'Yakuzas' to make it fair with who got arrested and who got killed plus injuries to Heroes making this to be fun for them really. The fact Naomi had fully censored it, it means she needs a mic for above really.
She got it and Team Sir Nighteye which was named after the man heads down as Naomi jumps and kicks the whole wall straight in as she also jumped over the enemies in front of them which shocked the enemies before being arrested by the distraction really.
Naomi was careful as she warns about the walls and doesn't know why yet making them to be careful as they ran inside before she senses three up ahead in a room making Tamaki to stay behind really with a drone of his own which has his mentor Fatgum to vote for him.
Naomi panics, but she threatens to bring him back from the dead and then kill him personally if he gets killed and will make him sleep on the couch for a month if he gets injuries that is life threatening making him to nod towards her.
Many of the viewers can see she wants to stay with him, but she left after that as she had tears going down her face making them to feel bad for her as she leaves her lover behind. Aizawa was now concerned as this is their first mission really.
'And I didn't want Naomi to know the pain of this part of the mission if you're with a lover.' He and Present Mic are like this, but had back-up for each if this happens, but Tamaki doesn't and she knows it really. He saw her glare at the ceiling like she's sensing something.
'Where? Where? Where? Where?!' Naomi is trying to figure it out until she sensed it and she shot twice making a gasp to be heard as Aizawa used his Quirk and the man was shown with holes in his shoulders really. Rock Lock pulls him down.
Naomi shot outside of the view making many to think 'Yakuza Killer' did the shooting really as Aizawa nods since she managed to handle this and the police took him away. Naomi asked if they can check on 'Suneater' since she fully sense no danger there anymore.
"Right. Plus we'll make sure he goes up for treatments." She sighs in relief before she and the rest heads out as they got a mission to complete. Himiko and Twice knew their plan for revenge was gone as they booked it and Naomi warned Ochaco fast about it.
The Pros handled it and the two had to book it fast as Compass got them out of there really. Naomi was quick to sense for more and sensed Overhaul with five others and the victim making this to be critical as Mirio want to go ahead, but Centipede denies it.
Naomi kept watch as Tamaki is above meaning he's getting some treatments for his injuries. Mirio still thinks he should go ahead, but Naomi snaps and letchers his ass and got him shivering as she fully avoids swear words making Mirio to use Centipede as human shield.
"Letchers later." Aizawa said as he has Naomi sense how far ahead they are and the positions making her to check and explained. Mirio didn't like that as he should be able to handle them and still keep him busy really, but one glare from Naomi, he backs down fast.
Naomi went with Aizawa's plan and they sneaked up and saw the child making Naomi to hold back a growl and instead, she had a loud sound made behind Overhaul who looks behind him and then she fires at the other five, but one had missed.
Overhaul fixed the place up to his advantage making Naomi to hide them making them all to sense a illusion around them before she used that card and then all hell breaks lose as Aizawa fully stops Overhaul with his Quirk and Mirio grabs the child.
Naomi sensed the bullet and she books fast as she blocks it, but instead of her Quirks being erased, she went demonic as the drones were on the fight before she glares outrageously making the man to scream and a illusion to hide what she looks like now is there.
Naomi had used her Aerokinesis Quirk to send him flying and she turns to Aizawa to give a hand as he was forced to blink as she deals with Overhaul as no one noticed that a rock was slammed into the guy she sent flying really making her to fully smell it though.
Overhaul was pissed and Aizawa with Centipede and the remaining police members were hurt very extremely before she got in front of Mirio and sent all attacks of his back at him as she won't let him have the child. Overhaul was very pissed as he attacks making her to glare furiously.
Mirio took off with the girl as he saw other Heroes and explained making them to get them out and saw Naomi was winning against him as then a gun went off before Overhaul was dead and Naomi was quick to hide the gun from site really.
She calms as she's back to normal and the illusion is gone as well, too. Naomi went as the 'Yakuza Killer' and took over the Yakuza family before she sent the drugs and the rest of the dead bodies to the police and she saw a lot of properties to deal with really.
She dealt with it and everything is now legally owned by new owners and she washed her hand of this outfit and will take it back if more pop up really as she needs a rest from it all. Sir was pleased as Overhaul was no more now and the wedding can now start.
Naomi throws up and Fatgym hides it as he made it look like it was from her seeing death for the first time as a Heroine which fully works as Tamaki was there as a boyfriend since she has a Heroine outfit for her Seele, the Quirk Analyzer personality really.
Now she just needs to relax and it fully took those thirty days for both to laugh as both Aizawa and Present Mic were told about Eri, the victim they had saved is now their daughter making them to be shocked as Aizawa holds her in his arms really.
Naomi has done it again as Aizawa and Present Mic started to chase her at school for this as Eri got some lessons from a Soild Illusion of the same girl they are chasing making Sir to figure she could of done that really for the mission really.
The internships was over cause of this and both Naomi and Mirio can still see Sir really. Tamaki and Naomi are now taking a nap as there on the pillows is Naomi's Shadō-no-Hantāzu watching over them really as he loves his job. If it fully wasn't for Jashin-no-Kami, he would be dead.
'My niece... I've been reborn and will never lose you like my sister and brother-in-law really.' He thinks before going to sleep really.
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