Naomi vs Overhaul part 2
Naomi woke up and saw Aizawa was holding her in his arms while everyone else is on the floor bent over in pain. Aizawa explains what had happened and she fully whines she didn't get a change to whoop his ass making Mirio to look shocked at her.
"Whoop? Whoo, whoo there, kohai-chan! Senpais don't lose to their kohais!" Naomi pouts cutely as Aizawa placed her onto the ground.
"Fraid to lose to a girl?" Everyone was shocked as Mirio had a shit eating grin on his face.
"Now you've done it." Naomi smirks before using ice to move her classmates over to Aizawa and she counts to three before she bolts towards him and did a fast snap kick to his chin sending him flying into the air and then a powerful kick to send him back down.
It made a loud pitch sound before Mirio rolled out of the way and figure physical attacks is fine until Quirks get involved in the fight. Naomi dodges a lot of his punches and kicks making him to actually enjoy himself as Naomi did a flying kick to his head.
"Took her two months to master that kick." Aizawa said as that kick was hard to learn really. Mirio was sent flying to the door where he went through by his Quirk and came back.
"None of that, kohai! I nearly kissed Midnight's ass!" Naomi smirks as she actually wanted him to which got him to go wild as she managed to still be dodging his moves. Mirio never had any kind of fun like this really as he saw his Kohai not even panting.
"Quirk time! Gha!" Wrong timing to say it as she nearly got him on fire with that punch before she used Black Whip to send him to the ground harshly and then she throws him into the wall where he grabs Black Whip and pulls her towards him.
She was quick with a head butt to his nose making him to "Gha!" as that hurts before she threw him over her shoulders and slams him into the ground hard. Mirio lose to her as she sits on his back and gently pulls on his hair keeping him down really.
"Aaaaah! I lose to my kohai!" Naomi cheers as it was recorded making Mirio to pales, but luckily she's keeping it for her records really.
"Got some of me and papa training really. Better to see what I had done wrong and what to do to fix it." Mirio laughs as she's amazing really. Naomi was dead tired as she heads to bed for the night, but something it telling her she needs to protect three people.
The next day, she told Toshinori about yesterday making him to regret missing it, but happy to watch the video which Mirio doesn't want to happen, but too late since she agreed to it already making him to feel down about it.
Naomi called Gran Torino to see if he can take her, but he can't cause of the League of Villains which she warns him about Himiko Toga and her blood drinking Transform Quirk which is to fully transform into them which he thanks her for as he can be prepared if he bumps into her on the streets really.
She even warns him about others that she had noticed and thinks the fully costumed man, Twice might have the spilt personality disorder as she did remove some of his mask and he was panicking greatly. Torino thanks her for it really.
Mirio showed up and asked if she found one which she replies no since the first one is busy and Mirio offered to take her to his. She was happy as she nods and was fast to change into her hero costume making him to be very shocked really.
"Hahahah! And I though I dressed fast! This is quicker than me!" She giggles making him to blush up a storm has he leads the way. All Might watched them leave as he hopes Sir Nighteye is careful with her since he explained everything to him really.
Naomi saw the place and the interns looked very different making her to be curious about the place as Mirio explains about it. He even warns her she had to get Sir Nighteye to laugh which will be hard since she doesn't know any jokes really.
"Ah, Midoriya Naomi correct? All Might explained everything to me. Better than me finding out the hard way really. You still need to either make me laugh or show me what you can do." Naomi went for the second one.
"Don't know any jokes." Sir Nighteye nods and Mirio left to give them space, but the minute he has the door closed... He fully flinched back as both were going crazy. Naomi must of took his stuff to keep it from being damaged really. After four hours, all was still and then...
"Kaa-san!" Did he just hear right? He peeks and backs out fast. How did he NOT know Sir and All are going to be getting married plus Sir is pregnant?! Mirio waits until he was called in and acted like he saw nothing as Naomi was added to the Agency.
Naomi took a cookie and a man's voice came through as she was enjoying what she was doing to the man as a child was taken away from the scene making her to munch on ten at once mkaing him to be groaning in pain as this is fun really.
"Um... Sir?"
"Hm? Oh! That's Overhaul. All of the new information was coming from her. Lots of help. Still shock that it was a child that was doing that really." Mirio was lose.
"Naomi is the 'Yakuza Killer' Hero, Mirio. Overhaul is a major villain and she plans to kill him. He's done more harm to a child than any abuse of a parent has ever done." Mirio was shocked as he looks back to her and she now has a donut in her mouth.
"I'm too afraid to ask how she managed to handle it really." Naomi looks back to them and she tilted her head confused.
"Never mind. Still don't want to know." Naomi shrugs and sucks the jelly out making Overhaul to lose some blood in his body really. Naomi killed some mid rank members of Overhaul's and she had managed to get some access cards really.
"Access cards? What for?"
"No clue. Lemillion-senpai and Bubble Girl-senpai is helping moving the bodies to that place where the police deals with it. I set it up for them really. Kaa-san, must the wedding be after the mission is over? Overhaul isn't going anywhere really." Naomi complains.
"Yes. Toshinori has agreed to it the minute we found out I was fully a month pregnant." Naomi pouts as the drone and the scene makes it easier for her to fully talk to her kaa-san really.
"Hmp. At least make Mirio my 'date' for the wedding. I ain't letting no boy go near me really!"
"WHAT?!" Sir Nighteye had to laugh at that as Mirio looks like a deer caught in the headlights really.
"Not Hitoshi or Amajiki or even Bakugou?"
"Ground Zero-kun said he can't cause of the Supplement Classes and Pu.Ma-kun is busy catching up with school and his own training with Eraserhead-oji-san really. Suneater-senpai is going to get nervous if he did go really." Naomi said as Mirio was still trying to get use to this.
"Alright. Once you three come back, I'll treat you to hot chocolate and some regular donuts." Bubble Girl thanks him for it while Mirio wants to throw up making Naomi to hand over a garbage bag in a garbage container for him really as even she hates killing really.
"It shouldn't be easy to do it. How do killers get over it? Himiko is one I could never understand really." Sir agrees there. Naomi teleported them and they took a shower to get rid of the smell of blood. Mirio was in comfrey sweater dress.
Naomi made it for him really big and baggy to relax in which he likes as he takes a sip of his hot chocolate sighing in happiness. Sir had the same as Naomi fixed the place up for everyone really which earned her brownie points.
Mirio can't believe Naomi handled this since she was nine and she's about to turn sixteen next year. How can a simple innocent child back then kill and yet still hate it really? Naomi saw Mirio's worried face and sighs as she never told anyone this.
"Mirio-senpai." Mirio flinched as he didn't realize he has in deep thought.
"Yes, Midoriya?"
"I know what you are thinking." He flinched.
"Let's just say I caused my Quirk Factor into shock." Everyone was now looking at her as Toshinori is over.
"Losing otou-san on my sixth birthday was traumatizing. What triggered it was him being fully beheaded. I snapped and cause my Quirk Factor into shock. What it actually means, is that a fifty/fifty chance a child will get a Quirk or stays Quirkless.
I got eight Quirks." Mirio was shocked as she should have died then with that many inside as no one can handle it. He didn't realized he said it out loud until it was too late really.
"So should AFO and yet he's still alive with who knows how many Quirks inside of him." Naomi counters making him to flinch.
"Sorry." Naomi pats his hand.
"Still Mirio does have a point." Sir said as he looks at Naomi.
"I have a funny feeling that tou-san showed you that video." Sir nods as Naomi sighs.
"I still think it's the second curse. 'Nothing will kill you and you die from a natural death from old age.' Man, that curse would have been perfect for the plague victims to still be around." Naomi said making Mirio to chuckle at her.
"Seriously? What if they were villains? Would you still want them around?" Naomi gave Mirio a deadpan look.
"Villains aren't a life chose for the villains are made by ignoring those who truly need the saving." Toshinori agrees with that one really.
"Really?" Naomi nods as everyone thinks about it as this girl... She knows far too much and yet is fully fighting for everyone really.
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