Naomi and Shigaraki has a talk
AN: I'm skipping the movies and just sticking to the anime really.
Naomi knows her friends who didn't make it will need extra homework to make up for failing making her to check who it was. It was Denki, Mina, Sero, Rikido and Kirishima with Bakugou making her to flinch and take cover and Bakugou lost it majorly.
"Bakubro, chill! Even I'm upset, but it's not going to help us in this situation!" Kirishima said trying to calm down as Bakugou was about to go on a rampage if Naomi didn't throw his cellphone with his own mother on the line who was fully shouting at him.
"That's one mom I don't want to mess with really." Kirishima said making it worse for Bakugou.
"Is that your boyfriend?! TELL ME NEXT TIME!" Kirishima flinches and apologies to Bakugou in his ear for this mess.
"You ain't meeting him, old hag! We're still getting use to each other really!"
"Oh! Just friends for now. If you see him as a keeper, KIDNAP THAT BEHINNY OF HIS AND KEEP HIM AWAY FROM OTHERS!" Bakugou and Kirishima blushed as that's her own way of an approval to them being a couple really which the class laughs at quietly really.
Aizawa-sensei was finding it fully amusing as he walks in and he had announced after Bakugou had to hang up on his mom cause of his sensei that they are all going to camp and Hagakure recommends that they go shopping for items that they don't have really.
Naomi keeps close to Midnight as she has a bad feeling and she was right as Shigaraki shows up to talk only and she doesn't want really anything fully to do with him and bolts from him fast as she hugs Midnight tightly all while saying "Auntie!" in a whiny voice.
Midnight knows that's her way of saying danger is near if alone with her only while shopping. She saw Shigaraki moving towards them and she moves fast as she collects the many students and actually pays for it herself as she needs to keep Naomi away from the creepy guy.
Naomi was almost grabbed by him if Hound Dog hadn't shown up to fully escort them home in the school bus he took to get to them. He smells Shigaraki and he picks Naomi up and places her on his left shoulder which she likes when he does it willingly only.
Shigaraki curses under his breath and left fast as police spots him before he bolts and made a hole to escape from. Once she's safe in her room, she got a phone call from Shigaraki who really just wants to talk to her. Nothing more, nothing less really.
"Fine, but you should be warned that I can tract you down and sell you out to the police."
"Fair enough there, little one. I'm calling you that since I'm five years older than you." Naomi whines on the phone at that.
"I ain't into younger girls or boys! I prefer older woman thank you very much!" Naomi wrote that down as she might have a wife for him. She's making it to be a revenge on her part really.
"So... What do you want to talk about?"
"Let's just say that I hate many things. However, what I truly despises above all is the Hero Killer Stain." Naomi was confuse by this.
"Huh?" When Naomi asks of Shigaraki that Stain was one of them, Tomura reveals that Stain was never apart of the League of Villains to begin with as that both the media and society merely speculated that Stain was a part of the League.
"I hate that sometimes. They could of just asked him and it could of been cleared. Better warn oji-san to that really." Shigaraki fully agrees.
"May I and Stain have destroyed things in order to fully change the world, but my fame is still fully undermined; so I'm asking you what the difference is between me and Stain, little one." Naomi hates being called that, but answers the question really.
"You already know the answer to that when I asked Stain the question. Didn't you see it?"
"Yes, I did see it and was shocked by both his and your words on it, but I want your point of view on it." Naomi sighs and agrees to it fully.
"Fine, but I'm not going to repeat myself. The different between Stain and you were inspired by All Might. It's want started both your journeys thanks to him. Stain did not destroy because he wanted to, he destroyed in order to try and change the world for the better, according to his ideals.
While I do not agree with Stain's methods, I respects Stain for living according to his ideals and never giving up on them. It's sort of like me. People keep saying I won't be a Heroine, but I'm in U.A and I'm proving them all very wrong, ain't I?
May your dreams seem impossible to do, you keep pushing until you reach your goal. As long as it's not world domination or murder, any dream is possible really as long as you keep going at it really." Shigaraki was shocked at her words really.
"I feel exhilarated as I now fully understands why Stain and you irritate me; it's because of All Might. I also understands why I hate the current society as well; because they are all living happily and grinning like All Might. I thank you for chatting with me, little one."
"You better NOT be doing Japan domination, Shigaraki Tomura or else I swear right now, I won't hesitate to whoop your ass again!" Shigaraki flinches as phantom pains shoots up his body.
"I'm still feeling Phantom pains from you shooting at me on that day, little one!" Naomi grins.
"Good! Don't touch want is mine! And All Might is mine like U.A and it's students are mine!" Shigaraki flinches as he has a bad feeling about this really.
"What is your master's plans? I know you aren't a mastermind behind all of it, Shigaraki."
"Don't know and don't care about it really. Now then, I better get going, little oooone! Damnna it, Himiko Toga! Keep stabby away from me! Gha! Dabi! Control your girlfriend!"
"Come on, my bloody miko. Let's leave him alone."
"Aww! But I want something to stab!"
"Fifty people near some ten year old abandoned warehouse is using it for trafficking girls into sex slaves. Just get the girls out of there." Naomi said making Himiko to squeal and Naomi gave the full address.
"Thanks for save, little one. Ja ne." Shigaraki hangs up making Naomi to sigh as she does the same knowing that Nezu heard the whole talk and she'll be left with extra homework as punishment only really.
'*Sighs* Why didn't we get any kind of answer really? *Sighs*'
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