Meeting All Might
The child is now fourteen and has been keeping an eye on her friend making him to still see the drone and they talked only a bit, but nothing else as he still insults her, but she sounds fully emotionless making him to not like it really. She has killed all, but one Yazuka group making her to wait as she has the idiot having headaches and body pains by eating Voodoo doll cookies and donuts.
The owner of the bakery uses her Voodoo Quirk to help those in for revenge and with her as a favorite costumer who explains why she needs the two, she agrees to help as she bakes and fries them up looking like the leader making her to be happy as she always orders twenty boxes of them making the lady to be happy.
That man has been bugging her and now the child is keeping him away allowing her business to continue as she has many loving her shop as she makes the Voodoo cookies and donuts for revenge only with paperwork and forms signed as the rest is for costumers making the child to be back home and didn't notice the stranger watching her.
She saw her friend about to be killed by the sludge Villain and she did one thing: fired lasers and then sent in Robot All Might who only can say "I Am Here!", "Fear Not For I Am Here!" "Take This!", "Never Fear For I am Here!" and "Eat This!" making her friend to be caught and then punched harshly to cough the sludge out of his stomach.
She had Robot All Might battle the Sludge Villain next as a civilian doctor checks on her friend who saw the sludge that came up from his stomach making him to vomit more of it up as he watches the fight between them afterwards before he saw the drone which is recording the whole thing really live as he knows she saved his ass again.
"My word! Nice Robot version of myself!" The robot throws something at the real All Might who caught it and throws it at the Sludge Villain and he was caught as he reversed into a human as her voice came out of the drone making everyone to look to it as it lowers down enough to be heard really.
"That villain almost killed my friend all because of you three or four assholes were wiggling your thumps up your asses or waving her arms like a bunch of headless chickens. Wood could have hold him long enough for Endeavor who was five blocks away to come if you had bothered to call him really.
No wonder All Might is so tired all the time and Mr. Yagi is getting overworked if All Might had to clean up your messes and no, you can't take the drone as it's private property of mine and you have no right to take it as this is how I kept an eye on my friend and I had to shoot lasers, lasers at Yakuzas and make them leave before he gets to where they could jump him.
Don't want him raped thank you very much. Don't know if there is pedophilias out there in the Crime World really. Now please excuse me while Robot All Might takes him to the hospital for a overnight look before being set home. All Might, I hope you rest well after this and I don't trust this heroes to keep us safe." She said as she had Robot All Might pick her friend up.
"Never Fear For I am Here!" Robot All Might left making the real All Might to letcher the heroes good and then went to follow the smaller drones which was waiting for him to follow them as he saw a woman show up and sighs.
"About time that child got help. Look, I kept her rent low, but she's been a stuck in a lot and only leaves when she feels like it really making me to think trauma and a bad one if the letters mean anything coming out of the mail slot in the door." And they saw them flying over to them making them to see so many that it's enough to know this is serious as All Might opens the first one he got and was shocked as they words mean distress really.
'Help me. Someone. Save me. No! Stop! Mama! Papa! Stay away! All Might! Kacchan! Nezu-san! Eraserhead! Anyone! Help me! Save me! Before... I kill myself.' He demeaned her door number and ran up there once he heard a gun fired and he saw a man on his bum bleeding from his right shoulder.
"You bitch! I'll never tell you about Overhaul!"
He saw the man was died as he was shot in the forehead mkaing him to be caution as he peeks into the room and the place is a disaster as there is lots of garbage bags on the floor tied, the skin is overflown with dishes, the floor is covered in paper and what not, the bedrooms were turned into a workbench/library.
In front of him is a teen seating in a chair with their legs brought up to their chest as she leans over her knees and was looking straight at the man on the ground dead as six computer screens were on and showing video fees plus a man hurting a child which she growls at and looks away to grab a cookie?
She sucks on it making the man to hold he's head as another man took the child and left the room as she then opens her mouth and crunches the cookie inside her mouth as the man was loudly screaming in pain and she kept bringing the cookie into her mouth as she eats it until she was done it making the man to pant as he slowly gets up.
"Hello, All Might or should I call you Mr. Yagi?" She sounds like she's asking a question making him to shows himself as he moves some of the bags on the floor carefully to stand inside of the room and saw the body was in a body bag and no blood was found nor seen making him to wonder if she has done this before.
"Have you... Um..." All she did was nod and looks towards him making him to see her eyes were empty and he can see flashbacks of events showing up inside of her eyes making him to feel sorry, but he needs to do something first.
"What's your dream?"
"Being a heroine, but... With blood on my hands... I know it's impossible... I'm willing to accept that... I hate killing really." He saw she was drinking something from a form cup with a plastic lid on top and a straw. (AN: It's not blood, but pop)
"I know not to ask, but for my safety of mind... Please tell me your parents at least know where you are." All she did was points up and he saw two skulls glowing purple and were floating down making him to shiver, but not bolt from the site making her to be more interested in him if her lifting her head up more means anything.
"Hello, I'm Inko Midoriya. And this is my husband, Hisashi Midoriya." He heard the mother's voice.
"Hello. Sorry for the mess. Our daughter keeps getting episodes and we couldn't help, but watch it happen really. Can you help?" All Might can see why they want him to help... Their daughter is slowly chocking herself to death in this place and wants him to help.
"Does she have a Quirk?"
"No." The Doctor told them so and they still care for her.
"I'll help her the best that I can really. The entrance exams is in ten months. I'm not quiet sure how to train her, but I'm willing to help." She was sitting in a upright position now, but her legs are still bent towards her chest making him to help her out as he saw Sir Nighteyes' cellphone number and ignores it as he helps her clean up the place.
He sleeps on the couch as he helps her out with her training as the fridge is full of three-fourth eating take-outs and lots of cereal, porridges, noodles, eggs, junk food, fruits, bread (freshly brought it seems), milk, pop, fruit juices, coconuts, coconut juice, coconut milk, brought cake, cupcakes, pies and chocolate.
'Please tell me that's not all she eats! How does she have the curves on her body if it's true?!' All Might thinks as he noticed she can hide it and look boyish making him to not ask as he doesn't want to know right now really. He has her as a intern at his workplace and still let's her bring a laptop which he saw she was hacking cameras and looking at people with mask on their faces.
"Reporting them to Sir Nighteyes' Agency? Helping with a case it seems." She nods and knows he saw what she did to the guy for the second shot and what she did to Overhaul. She doesn't blame him for being shocked and being sk cautions as she shows most of her gadgets and he points out some stuff she can do to fix it making her to feel more connected to him.
She was a bit shocked he wanted her to clean the beach as she use to come here a lot as she has gloves and first-aid kit making him to nod as she starts small and goes bigger as she's done half the beach in only three months and was still going after doing some Yakuza group hits which made him to see why she does it.
The money she keeps, the drugs go to the police, the bodies go into body bags and sent to the police while she transferred ownership to her and then cleans before selling them to people after fixing them up as a business they would love to work in making more money and then she lives off it after getting more of those cookies and some donuts? The lady explains and it's done with paperwork and forms.
"She's a life saver. Using them to keep him far away from my place. She even donates some money to make the place bigger. She's a real sweetheart really." All Might nods as he got some hot chocolate and some normal donuts to munch on as he saw her cookies and donuts were in the shape of Overhaul's form to cause the damage to him really.
All Might asked about school and he saw her six college degrees on the wall with some new ones like Herbalist Medical degree with a license to make and sell them, has a degree in Medicine with a license to be a nurse only as she works over screens and managed to keep her license, has a degree has a lawyer, a degree in Analyzing which she shows up some of her books.
'Holy fucking shit!' Eraserhead isn't going to be happy with this! Her hacking must of helped out there really. At least she's being safe about this hobby really.' All Might thinks and he explains about his friend and how he might like to see some of this if it's alright and she has photocopies of all of her books she had made making him to bring them in and have him take a look as he's taking that person as his successor no ifs, ands or buts about it.
Three more months passed and he saw she has cleaned the whole beach up making him to explain about his Quirk and how it needs to be passed on making her to accept as she ate his hair and will allow her body to get use to it before she uses it as she might figure it out unless she's stuck on something.
All Might was happy he got some emotions on her face as he did explain the full truth to her about her trying to be a 'Quirkless Hero' before he explains what she could of done with her gadgets and helped heroes save lives with them still making her to understand and was thankful she has him as her mentor as she falls a sleep on his chest.
She moved herself there and was listening to his heart beat making him to blush before he calms and allows it as she looks cute making his friend to see the site and accept as this looks adorable really making All Might to not beg for no pictures, but begged to not tell anyone until she has some control over it as she seems to be a fast learner.
Recovery Girl and Nezu, both friends of All Might helps as she unlocks it two weeks later making her to be happy as she shows Recovert Girl a lot of her herbal remedies and Nezu loves her gadgets with one for him in mind making him to love it as it makes him look big and not small really.
They heard singing and saw her as she was in the same position All Might found her in as she was singing a song making Recovery Girl to warn All Might that she does have a Quirk, but trauma caused her to hide it and she has more than one making him to understand will leave that part to her as he doesn't know what to say to her really as they listen to her sing.
"It's finally come, come to knock down my door
I can't hide this time like I hid before
The storm is awake, the danger is real
My time's running out, don't feel, don't feel
"Fear will be your enemy
And death its consequence"
That's what they once said to me
And it's starting to make sense
All this pain, all this fear began because of me
Is the thing they see, the thing I have to be
A monster, were they right?
Has the dark in me finally come to light?
Am I a monster full of rage
Nowhere to go but on a rampage?
Or am I just a monster in a cage?" They then heard male voices making her to cover her ears as this isn't going to be a good thing for her really.
"End this winter, bring back summer
Keep your guard up."
"No harm comes to her."
"End this winter, bring back summer
Keep your guard up."
"What do I do?
No time for crying now
I've started this storm, gotta stop it somehow
Do I keep on running?
How far do I have to go?
And will that take the storm away
Or only make it grow
I'm making my world colder
How long can it survive?
Is everyone in danger as long as I'm alive?
Was I a monster from the start?
How did I end up with this frozen heart?
Bringing destruction to the stage
Caught in a war that I never meant to wage
Do I kill the monster?
Father, you know what's best for me
If I die, will they be free?
Mother, what if after I'm gone
The cold gets colder and the storm rages on?
I have to stay alive to fix what I've done
Save the world from myself
And bring back the sun
If I'm a monster then it's true (End this winter! Bring back summer!)
There's only one thing that's left for me to do (Keep your guard up!)
But before I fade to white (End this winter! Bring back summer!)
I'll do all that I can to make things right (Keep your guard up!)
I cannot be a monster
I will not be a monster
Not tonight! (Monster! Monster! Monster!)" All Might hugs her as she was basically asking with her arms making him to hold her in his arms as she can't keep living like this really. Nezu will have her living in a dormitory and still manage to be on her own, but she will have a scholarship to U.A cause of All Might having her as a intern really.
"Thank you very much, Mister Nezu." Recovery Girl will have her as a student of her's for more medicine training as she seems to know what she is doing as she gently letchers her for not using her natural Quirk and if she accidentally killed or wound anyone, it's not her fault as elemental Quirks are all like that really calming her down and shows her quirks with a 'S' off a bit.
"Fox, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Telekinesis, Inventory Space, Voice, Unlimited Wishing Gennie and now One for All. Eight Quirks. Found who made the ice castle, found who was making the will-o-wisps on every Halloween and the snow storms were pure accidents. You got stronger on your only." She blushes at the praise.
She had accidentally wished All Might's wounds from five years ago were gone and he was fully healed making a fox tail to form from her lower back making her to freak and All Might can stay in his hero form for six hours max now making him to noticed when he was training her to do some punches and kicks really.
He rushed over and hugged her as he can stay in his hero form longer to train her now making her to laugh and hug him back as all three were shocked at her angelic voice that sounds like bells and a childish child. All Might was like a father to her making her to miss it, but she had never spoken about it, but he knew and her parents agreed to it really.
Her new name is now Naomi Midoriya-Zulu-Yagi, daughter of All Might a.k.a Toshinori Yagi making her to be happy as she loves that she can finally call him papa as she calls her dad 'Otou-sama' as he is the head of the household making All Might to understand and both were pleased she's going to be getting a lot of help now really as they fully stayed.
(AN: For the song, think like the musical video on YouTube really)
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