Hero vs Villain
All Might was teaching this class and Naomi had to get help with her heroine costume as she doesn't know if it'll work making Midnight, her 'Obaa-san' as Midnight told her personally that she'll help her out as this a job of a woman really making All Might to thank her for the helping hand there.
Naomi has her very long green hair lose and her small twin-tails held up by white bows while her eyes appear to have a golden color to them as she uses hot air to float her over to All Might really. She also has white shade to a lighter dark pink shade angel wings on her back and on the heels of her shoes.
Her shoes go to her mid-thigh and are pink with the top tip of the shoe being white by a few inches making All Might and Midnight to wonder if she's going to be alright with those shoes as she doesn't look very much comfortable with them on making her to explain the shoes in the anime where she got the idea.
Her outfit consists of a light pink choker and an extremely long white dress with three different shades of purple on the inside of it. Her collar has a wavy cut and in the middle of her chest is a small diamond-shaped hole where just about everyone can see a bit if her cleavage really.
All Might notices that she also has a oval shaped diamond that looks like a soul gem from that anime she got the idea for this costume from with two smaller soul gems on her jacket and it's keeping it closed up making All Might to wonder how she even managed to make it as it looks like a pro did it really.
Her sleeves are short and airy with white on the top and pink on the bottom which can be seen by a few inches and she also has white gloves, her dress has three layers with the bottom one is pink and under each layer is mauve at the bottom before going purple and then a dark purple.
(AN: Think like a fabric that has mauve, purple and dark purple on it that's blending like you would for painting and it's been sewn on the inside to hide the rest of the fabric that's on top. Naomi had the third layer of the dress to have the back being those colors for her to use for her heroine costume)
All Might was shocked and Nezu was impressed as this looks very well made making Naomi to blush as Aizawa blush and faints making her to jump and she left with All Might since she'll wait there at Ground Beta where she set the place up for her papa. She saw everyone was there and she jumps making him to see her flying fully towards them all.
"Nicely down! Using hot air to float is incredible! Makes me wish I was in a hot air balloon!" All Might said mkaing her to giggle as everyone blushes at her as she has a mask like Midnight on her face, but much more different really.
"I added some robots to act as members of a villain group which the hero teams need to get pass without making any noises or else they're kicked out and lose auto automatically. They're immune to fire and ice. No one can speed pass them without the 'Boss' grabbing them and throwing them out of the building.
No one can attack them without the others ganging up on them and then tossing them out of the building. Once the villain team is in position, the robots will then activate. They will talk like villains and about the plan to this fake mission and a bit of the location if you listen closely enough really." Naomi said making All Might to laugh as she's prefect to be his assistant as the class has one extra with them.
"Huh?" They saw someone walking over with Aizawa-sensei making Naomi to tilt her head a bit.
"Hi...Toshi Shin...So if I'm correct." He nods as she sounds it out to make sure it was the right name.
"I took him as a personally student of mine and with time, he might be able to join the Hero Course. I'll take a while, but it might be in his second year." Aizawa said as All Might nods. He set the teams up and had Hitoshi to be in the second last match to watch how it works and to talk with his partner for a plan.
He was partnered up with Ojiro something making him to call him by his last name making them to come up with a plan and his Brainwashing Quirk won't help with the robots really. The first match was Ochaco and Mina vs Bakugou and Iida who the latter one went into full villain mood for the mission freaking out Bakugou.
Naomi hides her laughter as this is good really making her to see that everyone was staring at her as she tries to hide her laughter making Aizawa to not noticed All Might was recording that part making Naomi to shake now as Bakugo is too freaked out to leave his area.
The girls wait and noticed the robots will look around even down and above to where the sound was. Mina hates this as any sound would make the robots turn to them really and they cannot just wait them out as Naomi had forgotten that part.
Ochaco had them lifted up and no sound was made until Mina's acids made the sizzering sound on a robot making Ochaco to get them above another pair of robots as Mina noticed her acids are fully reacting to the robots below them.
It's making her to panic as Ochaco got them above Bakugo and Iida and they got the jump on them both as Mina jumps Bakugou hard while Ochaco made Iida to float as she touches the rocket making both to cheer loudly as they had defeated them.
"HERO TEAM WINS!" Naomi shouts as she knows what had happened to Mina as the robots stop and the old acid one was removed for a new one to take it's place.
"Mina, you must of had a allergic reaction for your acids to do that. Give me your arm for a moment." Mina did and Naomi had a piece of that robot on Mina's arm were Mina's acids destroyed the whole thing immediately really.
"Yep. What we need to do is contact your parents and warn them, have Robot Girl update your medical file, find out what the metal is and keep it far away from you. Ochaco, go bring her to Recovery Girl and explain the situation to her. I got oji-san." Everyone was looking at her confused.
"Power Loader didn't mind me calling him that. Hello, oji-san? Mina had a allergic react to the robots we're using for class right now. Her acids is destroying them if she goes near them and I just tested it before calling and it's all gone.
The metal. What was it? Carbon Alloy Steel metal? O.K, thanks. Ja. Got our answer and we can tell Recovery Girl about it now." Ochaco takes Mina to Recovery Girl with Aizawa going with them. Everyone had a try and a good report from Naomi.
It's making them to be happy as Naomi gave accurate report and what they could of done better in that situation plus the proper planning to get through it all making them to wonder if she is a student and not a teacher making her to plus as she looks down.
"No teacher license." They all started to shout of bullshit and she has to have one making All Might to defuse the auguring as she doesn't have a degree in it really making him to explain what she does have as he did visit her a couple of times since he's her mentor really.
It's making them all to drop their jaws. Nezu allows Naomi to get one making her to blush as she also went for a bachelor degree making her to work hard on them as these will be her fifteen and sixteen college degree she got from online courses.
It's making All Might to take the teacher degree course to have a better idea than a stupid book for dummies who can teach. He gave it to Nezu and never looked back as that book is stupid and should never be out on the market really making Nezu to laugh fully.
Todoroki was wondering if she has taking online courses and needs permission to do that making him to check as in U.A, you will need Nezu's permission to do that and she must of done it before coming to U.A really.
He wonders how smart she is as she's not in any normal school classes like they have to take really. Todoroki could never fully understand his neighbor as she is different from the others and knows what she is fully doing really.
'Just how smart is she really to not need to take them anymore?'
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