Final Exam
Naomi was relived as Iida was giving therapy by Hound Dog when they go back to school to get some stuff off his chest really. Todoroki asked Naomi how she can feel that and she can't answer since it's hard to explain it really.
Endeavor ask Naomi if she was the one to change 'Shoto' into the man he is which she 'Yes.' to, but no sex was involved as she only likes him as a friend and will not cross the line, though they are training buddies since they train together if that's what he truly means.
"Yes." Naomi nods then making Todoroki to smile as she then gave his father an earful out of site about his training and how close he was to dying cause of it and what it means making him to stay kneeling as she gave him the riot talk.
Another drone was recording this and it was for All Might and Nezu only as she has a copy made for Todoroki and his siblings to watch not knowing an extra is going to their elder brother who was fully shocked at the riot talk she gave Endeavor really.
'That's some girl. Never though he would change cause of her.' He was happy where he is as his girl is sleeping on his bed dreaming of the next person to kill really. Naomi calms after that and them she went back with Torino as she still needs to continue her work with him.
After that, All Might had them do some training in Ground Gamma making her to smirk as the sewers were more fun to escape the police back when she was fully killing Yakuzas really. They fully couldn't find her really making them to swear up a storm.
'Which is where I got my swear words from. Not telling tou-san about that really.' Naomi thinks as she can't wait to start. Once they started, she bolts and jumps down the sewer drains and bolts fast to the building and managed to get there before the others shocking them.
"What? All Might didn't say it, but there is loop holes we can use to sneak up on villains. Sewers is one of them really. Sneak up behind and capture them really. What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Everyone groans as Naomi is one of a kind.
Nezu saw she used a drone to map the whole areas in all of the three training grounds to help teachers out plus the sewer system that's in Ground Gamma really. Naomi made copies for each teacher who uses those places. Todoroki saw them and used the sewers.
"Not another one!" Naomi sweat drops as Todoroki saw them and memorized them really. All Might chuckles as both are like siblings making both to deny it since they're nothing a like making both to look to each other cause they said it at the same time.
Nezu chuckles as he knows those two are going to be entertaining really the most. The finals are here and when Naomi saw Monoma about to bully her class if she didn't sneak up and blows icy cold air on the back of his neck making him to jump as he jumps his food.
"Hiya! You're that copying Quirk kid from class 1-B, right?! It's... Mo...Noma...Ne...Ito, right?" Everyone knows she sounded it since she's playing with him really.
"Y-Yeah. That's my name." He was very nervous as he still remember her from the Sport Festival really.
"Why are you bullying my classmates for?"
"Huh? I..."
"What did they do to you?"
"Wait a..."
"You know U.A doesn't bullies and yet you're doing it?"
"Do you want to get detention?"
"Do you want to get kicked out if you keep doing it to them?"
"Surely you want to be a Hero, but a Hero can't bully his/her future comrades really, right?"
"Y-Yes." Everyone was shocked as the older years were shocked she was pulling a Nejire Hado on him really as the girl and her two friends were shocked at her really before the girl pouts angrily.
"Then no more bullying and try to be nice to others really! Also just be yourself!"
"Huh?!" He was scared now.
"Just be yourself! I sometimes don't act my true-self cause I'm scared of how they're going to react to the real me! 'Will they like me?' 'Will they want to be my friends?' 'Will they want to train together with me?' 'Will they hate me for hiding this from them?'
I'm always thinking that and the major ones is: 'Will they not... want anything to do with me?' 'Will they abandon me?' Those thoughts keep floating in my head a lot really." Everyone was fully shocked as this is not want they expected really.
"Just slowly show your true-self and I'm sure you'll be making lots of true friends! Start with your classmates! I'm sure they want to know the real you and not the fake you become all because of you being a 'Villain Quirk' victim as a child!
Hitoshi was the same! Maybe you have something in common with him! There must be others! Maybe a club where you let all of your emotions out and treat sort of like a counseling for you guys only with Hound Dog-oji-san really!
I go to him a lot and he helps greatly! Just give it a shot, O.K?!" Naomi said as Monoma was fully shocked before he nods and Itsuka gently leads him to a table as Naomi showed his food she caught in mid-air for him really by her Telekinesis Quirk.
"The test might be robots after a writing quiz." Naomi nods as she waves good-bye and sits with Nezu, Midnight and Power Loader making Nezu to nod to her actions as she shows a design for him to use making him to smirk evil as she's a good mine.
'So much ideas! How did All Might get soo luckily really?!' Nezu thinks as Naomi gently rubs his head as he silently cries to keep the others from seeing the tears really. The writing was one she wrote and she did a different one.
Aizawa-sensei saw why and was surprised as the normal questions are still there, but hers is to make sure that they have the proper mind set for the job making him to like it as Nezu chuckles since All Might has a couple that she did for him as well, too.
They were in front of the teachers when Nezu pops out of nowhere from behind scaring them all as Momo jumps into Todoroki's arms, Jiro jumps into Denki's arms, Toru Hagakure jumped into Ojiro's arms while Naomi saw Kirishima and Bakugou were hugging each other.
The others were ready to fight making the teachers happy with this as Naomi came up with this idea for Nezu really. All Might just laughs as he explained that Nezu got this idea from another student and he loved it since they built him what he is standing on.
"Not to mention it has a scene faction to allow everyone to see me properly and I can walk on it, too really. I owe them one! Now you are going up against the teachers as pairs." Naomi hides her giggles as she's happy he loves it as Hitoshi walks in with Hound Dog.
"I though he would of been with Class 1-B for this one?" Naomi was confused making everyone to fully know that Hitoshi is also confused.
"We talked about it and Vlad King agreed since the second test would be different really from ours. So, it won't be fair for him really." Naomi asked what it was.
"Robots. His Quirk wouldn't work there. Vlad King will have him joining them for the Summer Camp for two activities to make for fair really. Nezu agreed as the final say." Aizawa-sensei said as everyone nods in understanding.
"Who'll he pair up with if I'm correct in this? We can't handle pros alone without a sorting amount of time to train and fully teaming up means watching each other's backs really." Naomi said making Aizawa to smile at her.
"Correct. He's with you actually. It was supposed to be both you and Bakugou, but it got changed really. You're still going up against the same opponent though." Both nodded as Naomi hands him some cloth to change into with the neck part of the top layer has a built-in microphone.
"Hero costume. Figured you would like one to get the feel of it. You can chose your own. Just though this will make you feel like your one of us more." Hitoshi blushes and changes behind curtains that Momo made for him really.
"That was nice of you, Midoriya." She blushes as she explains she doesn't want him to feel like an outcast really. Hitoshi came out and everyone was stunned by his hero costume really.
"If this one isn't the one he likes as a hero costume, I got the drawing for the second one I did for him really." Naomi shows the drawing shocking them all really.
"The cat ears is to help with hearing like is someone is far away and he can find civilians really and those trapped. The whip can be magnetically locked together to make one super strong whip. Best to have a safe distance really.
He can even use it to grab from afar and pull them to the ground really. Speakers to amplify his voice and a mic to help for longer distances as well, too. What you think?" Hitoshi was so touched that all he could do is cry and hugs her.
It's making her to pat him on the back and smile as he's having a hard with his words. Aizawa was impressed as he wonder about his Hero name as he will need one for when he becomes one really as it's making Naomi to look towards him.
"P.U.M.A of course. 'P' stands for Puppeteer. 'U' stands for United. 'M' stands for Master. And 'A' stands for either Assassin or Assistant. The second is the best one really."
"Why not just call him Pu.Ma for Puppet Master?" Nezu said as Naomi nods since it's better than what she has for him really.
"Just out of curiosity, but... Why did you pick that Hero name for me?"
"Because your Quirk reminds me of Puppeteer, a Creepypasta killer who has two puppets that he uses to help him kill people by dating them and then leaving them, so they can all fully kill themselves which I find totally weird.
You can make a villain easily attack their own allies and giving a timeline of when to do and to snap out of it when you leave. Which will give you enough time to leave the area and the mission will be completed and the police will arrest them.
You can even add in that they will pass out afterwards for how long you want them to and then into Tartarus really. You could do so many useful things! You could make someone give up a hostage, you could stop a riot by doing a chant.
You could do so many heroic things! You're going to be an amazing hero and I'm going to help you even if it kills me damnna it!" Naomi said fully shocking everyone as that's not something they had though of really for Hitoshi to do with his Quirk at all really.
"Plus you can do the same if you weren't going to be a Hero and become a police officer instead!" Hitoshi blinks.
"Ordering information, stopping a haste, saving people from a bank robbery under cover as a civilian and using it to calm people down if they are too emotional for any questioning really. Maybe even calming someone down if they are having a panic attack really!"
"Holy! I didn't think of that! How smart is she?!" Present Mic asked.
"She's already done her normal education and has sixteen college degrees already. She's only doing the Hero Classes really. The rest of the time, she either with me, Recovery Girl, Power Loader, Hound Dog or ferret napping with Shadō-no-Hantāzu, her therapy pet." Nezu answered.
"She has HOW MANY college degrees?!" Present Mic shouts shocked.
"All from online really. She's been like that since age nine." Everyone is shocked as Naomi is too smart really. All Might got both Naomi and Hitoshi to an uninhibited city for their test with weights to slow and weight him down really making Naomi to be ready for anything.
'This is going to be an extravagant event for both me and Hitoshi really.' Naomi thinks as she fully watches her papa and knows his move enough to get both her and Hitoshi out of there really. Once he said to start, she bolts fast with Hitoshi following her.
They hide in a safe place and Hitoshi listens for him before looking to Naomi who sneaked in some of her drones who is silent and invisible really to spy on him to help them out really. Hitoshi likes this and wonders who made them all really.
"O.K. We got ten minutes before we need to hide again." Hitoshi nods to her as she shows the map and where they need to attack making Hitoshi to be surprised as Naomi is good at planning really. All Might attacks and he missed them by a building to the right.
Hitoshi used his cloth and binds All Might's arms to his side fast and Naomi strikes fast, but All Might made her miss and spins to pull Hitoshi in to knee him in the left stomach side after moving to his own right side a bit to get a better aim making Naomi to rush.
All Might then kicks him in the left arm breaking the arm into four pieces making Hitoshi to be in pain as All Might then kicks him in the right leg to break his leg into two making Hitoshi to hit the light post and was knocked out fast.
All Might got out of the cloth, but Naomi pulled on them and made him fall to the back making her to throw him to the ground to her left before throwing him to the right and had the cloth let go of him as he went through eight to ten buildings.
She got to the second safe place with a knocked out Hitoshi as she checks on Hitoshi's stomach and was shocked to see the bruise he has as her papa isn't holding back at all really and she knows he fully won't as he never does with their sparring matching ever really.
'Level three bruise meaning it's a serious bruising really and it's dangerous.' Naomi thinks as she gently calms him and she gently placed a large piece of ice on it with a towel to slow the bleeding in the skin really. Hitoshi moans at the feel of coldness.
Naomi saw her papa and knows he won't be able to find them at their spot as she contacts Recovery Girl fast to warn her as her papa isn't holding back and had sorting drones for medical files only making Recovery Girl to be angry with Naomi's papa.
"You're doing good. I'll letcher that baka of a papa of yours." Naomi nods as she cares for Hitoshi who was awake now and she got him to stay still for now and not to move too much.
"I passed out, didn't I?" She nods and calms him down as she goes through her medical bag and she checks on his broken bones really as she needs to check what is the condition they have really as her eyes with more silt to them both really and they were growing turquoise.
'His arm bones is in four places and it looks to be a oblique which means displaced and it's in the lower arm while the right leg bone is a open fracture making this to be trouble for Hitoshi really. Naomi has to fix this really and fast, too. Hitoshi receive a general anesthesia as this will make him sleep through the operation, so that he won't feel any pain or discomfort during the operation.
'I can't give him local anesthesia and a medicine to help him relax.' Naomi thinks as she places a mask over his mouth and nose to fully monitor his breathing and placed heart monitors onto his chest really as she carefully monitors his vital signs like heart rate and blood pressure during the operation.
After cleaning the affected area, she makes an incision through the skin and muscle of Hitoshi's leg and she brings the pieces of the tibia first into alignment and gently place a metal plate over the crack and then screws the screws into place with two holes between them and two holes has screws in them above and below.
She gently sews the muscle and skin back together on the right side of the right leg before she works onto the left side to bring the fibula back into alignment with the same metal plate and number of screws as she has two above and two below which is called "reduction".
It's making her to be very carefully as she can't lose Hitoshi as she monitors him and sees he's in the safe still as she sews the muscles and skin back together as she gently clears and places a bandage over the switches and then wraps them in wrappings.
She then wraps plastic around it before she places plaster over top with bandages soaked in it to keep it in place as she had to fully remove his top layer of his hero costume to do this really as she feels bad for him really. She was quick to check on his vials.
She was relieved he's still in the safe and knows she's pushing this, but she has no chose really. Naomi makes an incision right over the fracture site and slowly goes to the bones as she sees the damage and has to move quick, but carefully as well, too.
She moves them in place and she makes sure that they are lined up into place as she sees it's a clean cut through with no lose bone pieces anywhere to be fun. She was careful with the metal plate and screws as she has a long metal plate to go over the four cracks.
Naomi makes sure to have two screws above and below the cracks by two holes as the cracks have three inches between them really. Naomi knows these can be either temporary or permanent like in his right leg. The blood vessels that were damaged during the injury was fixed up.
When the broken bone has been set properly, Naomi closes the incision wound with stitches and she places a bandage on top before she wraps it up and places plastic around it before doing the plaster bandages to make a cast for him really.
Naomi sighs of relief as she fully undo the anesthetic and keeps him monitored as he slowly wakes up as the time in the barrier bubble is five hours to the five minutes that she knows outside of the bubble really making Hitoshi to look towards her.
"Naomi?" He asked with hazeled over eyes making her to gently smile as she nods and keeps him calm as she checks his vials and agrees the same fine as she had to use a bit of a blood thinner to help him through the two different surgeries really.
Naomi has everything back in her bag and kept the monitor system out to keep an eye on his vials as she needs to keep an eye on them and make sure he's alright and still alive as he might go down hill fast which she wants to avoid that as much as she can really.
"Don't move and I'll be carrying you to the gate as we can't beat him with you in this condition and yes, I had no chose in the matter." Hitoshi saw his left arm and right leg in cast of plaster really as he was still a bit out of it cause of the medication that Naomi gave him really.
"Luckily I fixed them as your stomach is still badly bruised. No! Careful! Careful! Bending is not a good thing! Lean towards me, Hitoshi instead and I'll help you up!" Naomi said fast as she gently helps him up and makes sure he doesn't press pressure on the cast.
Naomi was very careful as Hitoshi needs to be kept off his right leg as she places him on her back as she gently moves the monitor system with her Telekinesis Quirk as she carefully and gently moves as she keeps an eye out on her papa really.
All Might was moving towards the gates if he didn't see both Naomi and Hitoshi's second safe place and saw blood. He panics as he fears one of them is badly hurt making him to hurry to the gate as Naomi was two buildings away from the gate really.
She saw her papa and blasts a fire ball at him and managed to get through the gate as she saw that Hitoshi was getting tired as she checks his vials and noticed his heart beat was below and his own blood pressure dropped by twenty making her to hurry.
She did learn how to hot wire a car making her to use this to leave the crime screens of her killing the Yakuzas really as she also has her driver licenses to drive as well, too which makes it easier as she fully leaves the crime screen and fixes/cleans it up to resell them.
Naomi got Hitoshi to Recovery Girl fast as she drives him there fast as All Might holds his body as they drive and to hold onto the seats for dear life as Naomi is driving too fast as she needs to get to Recovery Girl a.s.a.p making her to drive the way she is really.
Recovery Girl took over as Naomi has done a great job, but shouldn't have been wearing her Heroine costume while doing it really making her to look down and see what Robot Girl means and she was covered in blood and her shoes were full of blood.
"Gomenasai, Recovery Girl-baa-sama. I'll be more careful next time." Nezu has a copy of her college degrees making them all to be shocked as she has the perfect ones for her Heroine job really. Hitoshi was stabled and Recovery Girl gave All Might the riot talk.
Naomi stays near Hitoshi as she saw Aizawa fully join in as Nezu calls his parents in making Naomi to know All Might is going to get it deeply as he was acting like a A-Ranked Villain and had to make the act look real for them as that ranking would do that to him really.
"Hitoshi!" A woman cries as Naomi saw his parents and saw his father's looks really and feels sorry for him.
"Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Shinso. I'm Midoriya Naomi." Naomi said politely making them both to look towards her.
"Hello there, dear. I'm Shinso Mihoko and this is my husband, Dr. Shinso Haijime." Mihoko said as she bows before her husband does the same.
"Who's the doctor who did this?" Naomi blushes as she uses Nezu to hide her red face shocking fully everyone and they couldn't just believe she did it and during it fully joining a test, too.
"She used one of her Quirks to give her five hours inside to the five minutes outside to do this and she is very good really." Haijime was still shocked as the plaster looks too good for a beginner to it by himself and she did it all by herself?! Who taught her really?!
"Online and then sewer rats for everything else making her to get her license plus she also has the herbalism license as well, too. Recovery Girl took her as a student really." Everyone was shocked as that's one girl no one can mess with really.
"Thanks, Naomi." She nods as she's still blushing making her to go change and get the blood out out by bleach, baking powder and some vinegar really. All Might did get the riot act from Mihoko and he apologized to her really making her to give him a good kick in the ass for it, too.
Hitoshi was sent to the hospital and Haijime was shocked that Naomi did a master job on them as she could be a doctor already really making him to wonder why she isn't as Naomi had finally got the blood out of her costume and on her skin, too.
Her boots was a lose case as she had to have them be remade and fixed a bit more as she soaks in the tube to relax as she forced her heart to stay calm and she needs to calm down, but it's not working making her to call Hound Dog and explain everything.
Naomi felt better and calmer now as her hero family is very worried about making her to fully apologize to them all really. Hitoshi will fully recover and there is a chance he might not make it to the summer camp training. She went to visit and got him his homework.
She even got him Hero games to play with his mother as she visits making him to thank her for it which she smiles at as she doesn't want him to be very bored in the hospital making him to just fully chuckle at her as she's the only one to think that really.
Even everyone in class 1-A and class 1-B came to visit as well, too making him to be shocked as he never had ever this many visitors before making his parents to be happy he has a lot of friends really and they don't have to worry about his future anymore cause of this really.
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