Chapter 32 - Spending Time With Levi
A/N: Already tired of me and my chapters that take way too long to be updated? ;'D
This is pretty much a filler chapter, I guess, and I hope it's the last one for this fic ^^;
Summary: What happens when Eren and Levi make a trip to the ocean on an icy December day? Eren catches a cold! Forced to recover in bed, Levi nursing him, the situation unfolds as a good opportunity for both to get to know some of each other's little piquant secrets of their lives.
"Oh my god, I'm dying!" I groaned, drawing out the last word with my voice hoarse and feeble.
"You've said that for the eighth time today." Levi said, and placed a bowl of chicken soup on my nightstand. He settled down on the edge of my bed.
"Yeah... because it's the truth!" I fell into a coughing fit, curling into a ball. Levi rubbed my back. "Please just kill me." I croaked out with the little of a voice that was left in my throat, the rest having been spit out by my coughing and sneezing.
It was the second day of my cold, the second day where I was rotting like a fish in my bed. At least the cold had hit me during the weekend. I didn't have to call work off and Levi could assist me in my recovery.
"You're just saying this because of the cold."
"I hate being sick!" I whined, inspecting my forehead with the back of my hand. My blood was blazing under my skin.
Levi steered something comforting by saying confidently, "Once the cold is gone, you'll go back to your usual high spirits."
I shifted my head to Levi, teary-eyed. "Okay, then, how about you kill me and I revive when I've recovered?"
Levi swept his eyes to the right, forcing back a sigh of amusement. "That doesn't make sense. Now take off that mask and eat your soup."
To prevent Levi from getting most of my germs, I had decided to wear a hygienic mask. Infecting him was to nobody's liking, even if Levi persisted that I didn't have to go that far. I did so nevertheless.
As I was told, I duly ate my soup, drinking the last gulps.
"Take your meds now." Levi said while he followed the responsibility of making sure I recovered from the sickness quickly. He stretched an open palm, with pills on top of it, towards me. I complied with that too; anything that Dr Levi Ackerman would ask of me.
"I feel like dying." I said, exhausted.
"A cold is a rather harmless illness. Be glad it was nothing serious after our trip to the ocean in December."
As I put my mask back on, I sent him a scowl. Spitefully, I said, "Well, people of your age would of course not get sick. You have a more stabilised immune system than me."
"You're making it sound like 28 is the new 35." Levi huffed, placing the empty bowl and glass on the tray with a methodical order of his. He stood up, carrying the dishes. "You need some rest. I'll check up on you later again."
I blinked fast at his retreating figure, stuttering, "W-Wait! Don't go." Levi turned his head after having walked off halfway to the door. He looked at me with prying eyes. "I don't want to take a 'rest', damn it." I halted, sneezing once.
"Bless you." Levi uttered casually.
"Thanks." I blew my nose under the mask. Then, I went on, "Silence is the least I need right now. This cold is the worst. I can't think about anything than my running nose and the pain in my joints. Please stay and distract me."
Levi's eyes rolled in circling motions up to the wall and he sighed. "Okay. Let me at least put the dishes away. I'll be right back."
"Fine." I agreed, sniffling, eyes not less teary than before.
He came back less than a minute later and sat down on my bed rather unceremoniously. I had sat up with crossed legs, a pack of tissues next to me. "So," Levi breathed out loud, clapping a hand on my thigh, "what do you want us to do now? What kind of 'distraction' is it that you're thinking about?"
I attempted a wry smile, managing it partly. Due to the cover over my mouth, Levi would only see the hints of a smile which crinkles round my eyes would reveal. "How about... something like truth or dare, but with truth only?" Levi gave me an odd look. Perhaps he didn't quite get my hint yet. "We're alternating asking the other a question and they have to answer truthfully. It can be about anything as long as you feel comfortable answering it. The one who asks can give an answer to his own question as well. It can be 'yes or no' asks, or you can give explanations as an addition."
Levi made a long nod, as if having finally understood. His face told me that he wasn't opposed to that idea.
I winked. "A little game to find out spicy details about the other. Though, don't worry. We don't have to start with saucy questions right away. We can begin with something innocent. You joining?"
"Okay." Levi said without taking much time to consider.
I clapped happily. "Okay, cool. May I start?"
"You may." Levi's hand made a gracious move between us, indicating non-verbally as well that I could be the first one to him ask a question.
"Fine, let's start with something harmless. Do you like books or movies more?"
Levi contemplated for a second, eyes steered to the ceiling. "Hm. Movies. I do like reading, but I can watch more movies than I can read books for a set amount of time."
I hummed. "Interesting."
"What about you?"
"I used to be a movie fanatic when I was younger, but now I read books and like to watch movie adaptations when there are some. Regular movies once in a while." I beamed at him, sniffing.
"I see." Levi moved on my bed, crossing his legs. His hands laid folded on his ankles. "My turn, huh?" I nodded keenly. "Dream job when you were a child?"
I didn't need to think much about that question. "A doctor," I said, the words flowing out nicely. "Just like my dad."
"A standard answer." Levi mocked me, scoffing. I squinted my eyes at him.
"It's the truth."
"I didn't doubt that." Levi threw his arms in the air defensively, meeting my weary eyes whereas his glinted with sharp amusement.
"Yeah, in the end I chose to do something in the design and crafs field, together with Armin, because... Kinda because of a bet and because both of us had agreed on not living up to society's standards of needing to become great if we did great in school."
"You did great in school?" Levi asked in a way that hinted at curious disbelief.
I quickly whipped him with my words by complaining with, "That was your second questions, although it's my turn. You're not allowed to do that, so your ask is invalid." We stared at each other, deaf silence merging in the room. Levi gave off an attitude of not needing to stick to the rules that much; he leant back, propping his arms on the mattress behind him. He licked his lips demonstratively, quirking an eyebrow up and down. I could guess what his attitude meant. I sighed. "Yeah, I was good in school. More than decently good. Whether you believe it or not, but with a few more efforts I'd have made it to med school."
"I was good in school too." Levi retorted, unabashed.
I snorted. "Is that now some sort of contest?—"
"Not because I wanted to be good, but because Farlan tricked me into getting better. I use to be the best in class even."
I felt the need to wipe clean my running nose, so I did, by the way asking him, "How did Farlan do that?"
"Is that the question for your turn?" Levi questioned bitchily.
"No, but answer me."
"He told me that I could never ever reach as good grades as he did when he got his exams back. And he'd get on my nerves with that, telling me that I had no chance to compete and reach his levels. Out of spite, I then did my best to study everything and get full scores in my tests, not even realising that Farlan had secretely persuaded me into studying eagerly. In the end I did get better or at least as good grades as him and I bragged about that in front of him and it was not before my last final exam that he revealed his true motives to me. I felt like a fool afterwards."
I huffed a short laughter at that. "Oh god, imagining your reaction is so adorable and funny in my head."
"Pff, no it isn't." Levi grunted, kicking my leg with his foot lightly. I playfully slapped his foot away from me. "Okay. Next serious round?"
"Yep. My turn." Even though unnecessary, I raised my arm, high and with a determined shine lighting up on my face.
An amused smile wiggled at the corners of his lips as Levi slowly pushed out, "Go on, Eren."
I said boldly, "Ever had forbidden affairs?"
Levi stunned, halting in his position as he was trying to reach for the unopened water bottle on the nightstand. He blinked at me oddly. "Wow. That went from 0 to 100 real quick."
I shrugged my shoulders, mischievous. "I didn't say the innocent warming-up phase had to extend over several questions."
"I should have guessed that." Levi's still expression dipped with small reactions. "Forbidden in what way?"
"In any way." I said casually.
"I didn't sleep with married women or men, if that is what you mean."
"Okay." I added.
Levi pondered on his memories, the bottle in his left hand swaying evenly.
"I had sex with two persons who were underage when I was 24. A girl and a boy. Both 17. One of them didn't reveal their true age to me, and they had looked like an adult in my eyes. The other one was on the verge of teenhood and adulthood and they were honest with their age, though they seduced me and I played along. Both wanted it, don't get me wrong."
I took his words in eagerly, but without any internal judgments.
"Did you get in troubles when you were intimate with either of them? Suspecting parents or older siblings?" I rambled on with questions, highly intrigued in knowing more.
"You're constantly breaking your own rules, Eren." Levi stated with a chastising click of his tongue, though his lips bowed up delightfully.
"You're one to talk. Besides who cares about the rules, they exist to be broken! I just wanna know."
"You damn kid. I can't believe I'm hearing this from a 25 year old." Levi tugged me closer to him by my shins, so that, in the end, I had my thighs above his crossed legs. I crossed my ankles behind his back.
"Don't come near me. I'm sick and am carrying a germs cannon at the moment." I nagged while I had to blow my nose once more.
Levi propped his balled hand under his chin and didn't tear his gaze away from my humiliating action. While he didn't claim it, I was pretty much sure that malicious joy was inhering in Levi because I had become the one who got sick and not him. I had climbed onto his back while we had been walking along the ocean waves (because I didn't want to get wet by all means) on his birthday—meaning that he had been the one who had to make sure not to get his legs splashed by water, and yet it was me who caught that damn cold. Karma was a bitch.
"Where's your decency?" I told him snippishly.
Levi shrugged, still amused. "Hm, dunno. Why are you so worried about me catching a cold from you, when not even I am grossed out by your germs?"
"I am wondering that myself, to be honest."
Levi stroked my thighs gingerly. "I almost got caught with the boy's older brother who was an ongoing police officer back then."
It took me a second to arrange Levi's sudden answer in my head. Yeah, right. My persistent questions about his affairs with minors. "God, that wouldn't have ended nicely for you, would it?"
"You're probably right. The boy told me that his brother had a brother complex, so things would have turned really nasty, if he had found out."
I could totally imagine that. I sucked in my breath and exhaled with a hiss. My stuffed nose made weird, nasal noises.
Levi squeezed my thighs as he said, "My turn." I nodded once, gaining some euphoria for the game again. "How many girlfriends did you have?"
"Two. One when I was 16, but she couldn't deal with my anger issues. Second one during university. Armin and I shared a dorm and he had to sleep in someone else's room more often than he probably fancied." I scratched the back of my head, shrugging my shoulders sheepishly.
Levi scoffed. "Of course you and her would fuck like rabbits."
I snorted, exaggerating an indignant reaction. "Look who's talking! Let's see how many you'd slept with. Can you count them all? On one hand?" I tilted my head to the side in an unnatural bend, arms crossed as I fixated him with a pointed glare. Of course, I wasn't seriously irriated, but if I had the opportunity to get Levi to falter, I'd like to have a taste of that.
Levi was mostly unmoved by it, not faltering in fact. "I don't know how many because I didn't care."
I hummed as I nodded quickly once, whipping my head to the side to feign slight irritation. To that, Levi tickled me and with my surprised cry he crushed my serious-looking posture. "You're so mean, Levi!" I slapped his hands away from my sides, sulking and grumbling under my mask.
"And you're so extra sometimes."
"Let me be extra. I'm sick." Levi played with my hair, making it more unruly than it already naturally was, and I tried to get my head away from his hands. As he finally put a palm on my shoulder, he said, "Go drink some water. It's better to drink a lot when you're having a cold."
Having actually planned not to follow his advice, out of spite, I changed my mind the moment I saw his own water bottle between us. I grabbed it fast, though Levi didn't get my intention yet, and when I drank from it in big gulps, it dawned on it. He sighed. I guess he couldn't drink from it anymore. It would be wiser if he didn't, unless he didn't mind getting sick after me.
"You wicked brat."
I closed the cap of the bottle, readjusting my mask. Briskly, I said, "Thanks for the compliment. I appreciate it." Beaming a smile as innocently as I could, I held the bottle in my arms and pressed it to my chest. "My turn." I cooed.
"Go on." Levi's voice was firm, but not harsh. "Do you have any unpleasant secrets?"
"Unpleasant secrets?"
"Yeah. Secrets that no one else knows of, but which you wouldn't mind telling the right person."
"And you think you are the right person?" Levi raised a high thin brow at me.
I shrugged, unfazed. "I mean we're a couple now. Anything you'd tell me in private, I'll keep to myself of course."
"I don't know if I have..." Levi's eyes sped upwards once more as he mulled over his thoughts. I sensed a slight change of the atmosphere, the silence pressing harder on our heads, at least on mine. The fact that I had literally brought myself and Levi into a situation where we might get to know something about the other that we'd have never put past them and the uncertainty of what reactions that might elicite from the other, chilled me in an eerie way. I had my fair share for sure, after all. "I have. Well, it's just that I never told anyone of it because I didn't feel the need to and not because I didn't want to, but thinking about it more, I guess it's better if barely anyone knows."
"Is that so?" My body straightened automatically as it yielded against the upcoming revelation. Ears on highest sensitivity, blood pumping fast into my head. I didn't know what to expect, and that made me a mess internally.
"When I was a teenager, still an orphan though, I was really close to sell my body for money." I let the words settle in for a moment. Levi had told me bits of his past, especially around the time when he used to live in the orphanage. He told me a bit about Roy and what had happened between them before they didn't see each other ever again. From what I've got to know, Levi had to go through and endure a lot. For a mere teenager, the stuff he had to bear was utterly devastating.
I blinked, inclining my gaze downwards. "Oh."
However, Levi didn't appear to let himself get affected by that particular problematic detail of his past life. "It was around the time I was friends with Roy. Before we made money with illegal street fights. The opportunity was there. The man had been literally offering me some good amount of money. All I had had to do was to accept it."
"You once said," I began cautiously, "that living in the slums is all about surviving."
"Yeah." He sounded casual. I couldn't depict anything toxic that might trail in his voice with feathery thorns. No signs of shame or pain.
"I'm glad you didn't do it, Levi." I cupped his cheeks and stroked them with my circling thumbs.
"I didn't not do it out of indecency, but because that man had been too disgusting for me in the end." Levi said it with an indifferent shrug of his shoulders.
"Still." I insisted. "I'm glad you didn't do it." Levi's face softened and he leant against one of my open palms.
"And what about you?" While he didn't act as though I was definitely owing him a confession of mine now, there still was no way that Levi would miss the opportunity of knowing about one of my secrets. It was tempting I knew that. And after all I, too, had something barely anyone else had a clue about.
"When I met Mikasa, my now adopted sister, the very first time, I saw how she got dragged somewhere by shady men in the park. Apparently she had been out with a group of orphans and a caretaker, but during a moment of carelessness, the men were able to abduc her from the park. I followed them until they reached a secluded part of the park where they had hidden their car. I took a massive branch and hit both men with it. I didn't understand what they might have done to Mikasa at that time, but obviously I could sense danger and she had been struggling. I had hit them by surprise, both of them, so they weren't able to fight back. I clobbered them with the branch until they got bloody and motionless. I took Mikasa home with me and from then on she stayed with us. She never went back to the orphanage. My parents did, though, in order to discuss the formalities. The next day I saw in the news that the two men got hospitalised because of their severe bruises. The police was searching for the culprit. But neither Mikasa nor I did talk about it to anyone, not even my parents. It was a secret between us. She was just glad that someone saved her. And I insisted on the guys having deserved the hits and bruises."
By the end, Levi's lips were slightly parted. He looked overwhelmed or something similar to that. "Crass."
"I guess."
"And the men didn't mention you, the culprit, to the police?"
"I think they were shit-scared that Mikasa or I might tell them what they had been doing to her, if the police where to ever find out about me. They had to hide a secret of theirs themselves after all."
"Sounds plausible." Levi paused. "Eren Yeager, the ruthless saviour." He scanned my face meticulously, carding his fingers through my hair. An act of approval perhaps?
"No kid deserves to be treated as adults please." I said at last.
"You're right." Another minuscule pause. "I wanna kiss you now." he announced sweetly.
I appreciated it with a smile, but went back to an earnest look. "No kissing allowed. I'm still sick as one can easily see."
Levi pressed my face on both sides, my squeezed cheeks deforming my lips to a duck face. "Rood." I mumbled with much difficulty.
Levi huffed lowly. "Let's move this on. I have an interesting question for you."
"Lemme hear." I prompted him.
"Ever smoked before?" he inquired without a blink of an eye.
Smart. "Yes. Actually, yes. I tried a cigarette once when I was a teenager and found the taste gross, so ever since then I never touched a cigarette again." Levi traced his bottom lip with a finger, obviously grinning with biting glee.
"I see."
"You're the worst, Levi."
"Ah. I don't think so." He held up a curt finger. I snorted. And sneezed.
"Bless you."
"Thanks." I moaned with lethargy. As I was hauling my arms towards the tissues, I went on with the game. "How old were you when you lost your virginity?"
I stopped with the tissue in my hand when I was about to blow my nose. "Wow, that's really young."
"I know. Because Roy was an asshole. It didn't even feel good."
"Don't get me wrong. I didn't mean it in a condemning way or whatsoever." I wiped the tissue over my nose.
"It's okay. We can be glad that I didn't get pregnant, right?" He joked with a faint slice of dark humour.
"Very funny, Levi." I feigned a grin.
"And what about you?" he questioned.
"You're very standard, I see." Levi teased.
"Is that supposed to be an insult?" I asked incredulously, frowning.
Levi didn't reply to that, Instead, he held me closer to him, which I couldn't understand at all. Levi was the one who'd usually keep a hundred miles distance if he saw a sick person. "Don't worry. When will you understand? I won't get ill. You have a mask and I have a good immune system."
"I want your confidence, gosh." Levi dismissed my last comment with both his brows bent up. "Last question for today so that you can rest afterwards?"
I thought about it for a second. "Hm, okay."
"Do you enjoy masturbating?"
Did it really have to be...
"A man has needs sometimes." I answered, truthfully.
Levi squinted his eyes, grey hues flaring. "Does that answer my question, though?"
Levi was certainly good at being snarky. "If I'm physically strained, then of course auto-erotic satisfaction feels good."
"If you think so. But I disagree." Levi said.
"You don't like touching yourself? Is that why we had that agreement of not giving ourselves pleasure while being fuck buddies?" Back when Levi had made that agreement, I was met with bufflement at first, but somehow had never asked for the reasons.
"I did touch myself a few times in the past, but it never gave me the slightest satisfaction. The hardness being handled with a wishy-washy hand was nothing compared to the real thing."
"So what did you do when you got a boner?"
Levi expressed indifference with his slackening shoulders. "I thought about gross shits like Hanji's apartment for example."
I was unsure whether I wanted to know more about the details of that comparison, but before my mind could make up on a decision, Levi added,
"And I put that agreement between us because why should you touch yourself, if you had your fuck buddy. That's exactly what they are there for. To fuck you." Levi licked the front row of his teeth with his tongue. It evoked tingling feelings in the coils of my stomach, while the topic of our past fuck buddy relationship didn't move me at all. I felt safe around Levi when we were talking about it.
"Your reasoning is plausible. On the sexual basis at least."
"I know. Now I don't care whether you're doing it or not – though it'll always delight me to hear you'd choose me over your untalented hand – but, by the way, that one time I caught you touching yourself on your bed, was it the last time you did it, right?"
"Sure." Then a spike seared through my head, a sudden reminder. "No, wait..."
Levi got the hint, and crossed his arms. "Elaborate, Eren Yeager."
I wished I wouldn't have remembered it again because the circumstances under which I had done it tinged my cheeks a scarlet red. Averting my gaze, avoiding eye contact by any means for a long while, scratching the back of my neck, it took me something proximate to eternity until I spoke up; even if with lots of stammering and a dry throat scratching at my voice.
"W-Well, do you— do you still remember our encounter in the convenience store one time after I broke ties with you? W-Where I had provoked you and you sucked a hickey on my throat all of a sudden?" I made myself small, head ducked into the crook of my neck. Oh god, this was so embarrassing, I didn't want to be reminded of how much of a horny, pathetic asshole I had been around that time.
He was still on the path of connecting dots together, eyes squinting. "And you masturbated after that?"
I bruised my bottom lip with my upper teeth, pressing hard. Meekly, I nodded. "I was—conflicted about everything, I guess. I don't know what had really driven me to do that."
"I've put you in a miserable situation – emotionally – I think. So stop blaming yourself for anything. You don't have to be ashamed." Levi stroked my bangs to the side, nudging my head up with a finger under my chin. He stared at me with inexplicable emotions floating in his eyes. "I'm sor—"
"If I don't have to blame myself in shame, then you don't have to apologise." I cut him off, half of me having already expected him to say that.
Levi kissed my forehead, defeated, as a response. "Fine." I leant my head on his shoulder. "Okay, let's stop here. It was a funny game. Now you should lie down and rest for a while to abide by your recovery." Levi helped me lying down and I complied with his doings – in my mind still lingering on the thing I had done (without Levi) which overcast odd feelings onto me –, and I stopped in my tracks all of a sudden at some point, whiffing a hard stare at Levi.
I gripped his sleeve and held it firmly. "Punish me, Levi."
He ogled me weirdly, split between repugnance and disbelief. He said slowly, "O—kay. You definitely need some rest."
"No, wait, Levi. I'm really meaning it." I tugged at his sleeve, scooting closer to him on the bed. In response, he shoved me back to lie me down.
"I don't get what you're babbling there about. So just lie down and sleep."
"I'm talking about our past agreement of not touching ourselves. When you caught me doing it, you pleasured me after that. And now you know that I'd gone against that rule a second time. So punish me, Levi. I want it."
"You're clouded by your sickness so much, you don't know what you're talking there about." Levi attempted to shake off my arm in a swift motion of his own arm—in vain.
"I know what I'm saying there!" I claimed perpetually.
"You masturbated after you 'broke up' with me. You weren't bound to the agreement anymore. You were free to do whatever you want. Why are you insisting on me punishing you?"
"Because I want you to punish me sexually!" I pressed my chest against his forearm, at the moment not giving two shits about keeping a distance to him to keep him germfree. With a much softer tone, almost a whisper, I said, "Let's have sex."
"Only for you to risk getting a fever?"
"I don't have a fever. Look." To demonstrate what I had asserted, I touched my own forehead.
"Not now, but you will get one if we have sex." Levi snarled, venomously going against my pleas.
"Give me a handjob then!" Most of his reasonings were mentally discarded, passing my ears as a void, I didn't loosen and Levi noticed that with minor irritation on his face. I couldn't help it if my spurring cravings were taking over me this much.
"Eren, no."
"Please! If it gets too much for me, we can stop! You can survey my condition while pleasuring me, can't you? Levi, please." My clothed mouth streaked his ear lightly. A growling whisper came out like an echoing wind. "I want you so badly right now, Levi."
To my delight, Levi didn't object my words right away. He was considering it. Hesitating. Giving in?
A deep exhale was pushed out through his nose. The last thing I did to eventually win him over was to rub his chest. Though I believed that Levi had made up his mind even before that.
"You'll have to take off your mask. One pair of deeply reddened cheeks and we'll stop right there and then." He said at last, tone dominant but caring.
I nodded keenly. It would work out well, I was sure of it. Thus I began lying back, awing the sight of Levi positioning on the other half of the bed, between my legs. Marvellous.
Levi grunted, "Stop smirking like an idiot."
"Can you tell me what a naughty boy I was when you're doing it?"
"Hell the fuck no. Don't be so cocky." For once, I enjoyed it thoroughly being captivated by his infuriating glare.
"Mmnh." As I had my hands draped over my mouth, I opened my eyes and faced the ceiling while a surge of prickling pleasure was washing over my lower body like a tsunami. I was once again reminded of how amazingly skilled Levi's fingers were, being devoted to his current stark pumps and squeezes.
"Can you take more, Eren?" Levi asked, spite ruling his voice. I nodded euphorically. "Or should I stop?" His fingers, slick with my glazing pre-come, pumped down my length in a quick and twisting movement.
I shook my head rigidly. "No, don't stop. More. Please more. Levi—ah!" Shoulders pressed down onto the mattress, I responded to Levi's intense strokes with my hips—gyrating them. "Feels—hngh—so good." I couldn't deny that my stuffy nose and the general hotness of getting pleasured by majestic god-like hands caused me to feel dizzy a few times, but I worked against my uneasiness, that was called forth due to my unwelcomed cold, by concentrating on the sensitivity that cascaded under my skin as impending lust numbed my limbs and consciousness.
"I'm watching you, Eren. Your face is covered my cotton-like pinkness already." Levi's spite and devilish amusement competed with the sharpness of his pumping wrist. There was no second where I was spared from either one. To be honest, I didn't want it any differently. Succumbing Levi's merciless power of his tantalising hands was too much of a temptation not to savour.
"I—I'm f—fine, I'm fine." I declared between muffled moans.
The throbbing and tightness increased in my stiff cock, and I could feel the tip aching for friction. As if he could read my thoughts, Levi twirled a thumb over the slit, and I reacted to it with a high-pitched howl. "Say, Eren. There's something I'd like to ask you? Let's say—an expansion of my last question when we were playing that game. You fine with that?"
His teasing voice mixed with his teasing strokes left me undone and wanting—blanking my mind out. My annoying cold had no room in my fogged mind, for the circulating zest in my body overwhelmed me wholly with a vast acuteness.
"Anything... You can ask me anything—hah!"
"What are you thinking about masturbating now?" A faint huff of Levi probably smirking reached my ears like a ghost. "Are you still occassionally doing it?"
I shook my head no. "I'm not doing it anymore. Not even thinking about it anymore. I have you. I always want you instead. Only you." A particular pump, so very skilled and hitting just the right pressure with its squeeze, struck me into eternal sensual bliss. A relentless moan escaped my mouth which I had freed from my hands. One of my hands wandered down to the hem of my shirt above my half-exposed abdomen. My skin there felt like fire. "Nothing and no one else than you, Levi. I love you." I said in a heated moment of lust and love.
"Sweet." And that was when Levi's strokes altered. He pumped faster and more poignant. At some point, my body had no other chance than to heat up, and I could feel the hotness starting to burn under my cheeks, sweat forming as pearlescent wetness.
Thoughts on that weren't wasted by me for too long, though, because almost right after did the prickling pleasure burst out and I came with a loud cry and bucking hips. Come spurted upwards like a fountain and landed on my stomach. It stirred there due to my heavy pantings.
"That was close. It's now that your face is reddening incredibly." Levi said, voice sultry and rough.
"I'm still alive." I huffed a tiny laughter with efforts that weren't taken over by exhaustion yet.
"Barely." Levi exaggerated, taking a tissue from the nightstand and dabbed my forehead and cheeks clean. "Are you feeling unwell? Dizzy?"
I negated his questions with a shake of my head. "Just tired."
"I figured out that much." He fixed my underwear and pants, wiped off the come from my abdomen and pulled the blanket over my body. "The only thing that is best for you now is to sleep. Drink some water first, though. We don't want you to fall into a slumber with dehydration, huh?" He wetted my mouth and throat with refreshing water, and I was grateful for his flawless care.
"What about you, though? Aren't you hard under your pants?" I worried, genuinely, as I cleaned my nose before I buried my hands under the cover and tugged the end of it up to my chin.
"I will just think about something to will it away." Levi flattened all knits in my blanket with his hands – doing so airily – and went to the nightstand to carry out the bottle and packs of meds.
"Like Hanji's home?" Why I was able to recall this detail from earlier was a mystery to me.
"Yeah, probably." The way he said it sounded like approval to my slowly lulling mind. Before I fell asleep, I could hear Levi say, "Get well soon, you deserve your rest."
A/N: Funny thing is how I myself had to suffer from a cold while I was writing the beginning parts of this chapter :'D
Anything you didn't expect Eren or Levi to say? Comments are always welcomed, thanks for reading! ^^
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