The Keyhole
They continued their walk, seeing Dipper's house in the distance. His neighborhood, unlike the rest of the town, had been left completely unscathed being that they lived on the boarder of Gravity Falls, away from all of the poor people. Obviously.
"I keep forgetting how big your house is." Pacifica mused, pulling away from his hand to plant them on her hips. She gave a small pout, envying the mansion in all its glory.
"Well- yeah, I guess. I don't know, though. It's weird having people come over and clean it for you. Sort of puts you on edge." Dipper shrugged his shoulders, earning a playful scoff on Pacifica's end.
"Oh, what-ever!" She laughed. "You're lucky you don't have to clean your own room or any of that crap. I bet they treat you like a prince in there-!" She stopped herself, seeing the slight flicker of pain in his eyes when she said that.
That was the exact opposite of what happened in there, and she knew it. Clearing her throat, she tried to redeem herself.
"I mean- I bet it's nice not having to work or anything..." She mumbled awkwardly.
"I have a job, Paz. I'm a walking tourist trap, remember?" He smiled sweetly, gesturing to himself. Pacifica mentally kicked herself, wishing she hadn't said anything at all, only for Dipper to nudge her.
"You wanna come inside for a bit?" Pacifica looked up, seeing Dipper's hand on the door handle, and for a moment she had no idea what he meant.
"Come... inside? Like, the house? You're inviting me into the house?" She asked.
Dipper chuckled at her, rolling his eyes as he went on.
"Yes, genius. Inside the house." His head jerked towards the door's frame, smiling all the while.
"Sorry. It's just-... Sort of weird being invited. I usually just- pop up, you know?"
"Like when you crawled through my window?" He asked jokingly, taking his hand off the handle to slump against the door's wooden frame. She looked over him for a moment, admiring his figure.
He looked absolutely gorgeous, smiling as his eyes met hers through the curls of his hair. She tried not to linger on it too long, but with the way his right arm was snapped behind his back, it made his chest pop out just slightly, expanded and broad. A lovely feature coupled beautifully with his feminine waist line.
She blushed, forcing her eyes away from his form and back to his face, a knowing grin stretching out his lips.
"Very smooth." He winked, acknowledging her obsession with his appearance.
She went silent, scratching her head as she shifted her attention to anything but him. She saw a cicada on the house's pillar, watching it awkwardly as Dipper continued to grin.
"So, yes or no? You coming or what?" Again, he jerked his head at the door, directing her attention to what laid before it.
"Well, what are we gonna do if I come?" And, before she could fully process her own words, they carried over to Dipper and made his grin even wider. A slight tint of pink stretched over his cheeks and either ear, his eyes sparkling with good humor as he cocked an eyebrow playfully. Pacifica on the other hand quickly found herself tripping over her next set of words.
"I mean-! I didn't mean it like that! I didn't mean it like-! We can just mess around! I mean play around! I mean fuck around! I-I mean- Ugh! I DIDN'T MEAN SEX! We don't have to sex unless you want to! I-I mean-! Goddamn it! Let's just watch a movie, okay!?" She fumbled out, burning red in embarrassment. She could feel her heartbeat quicken, Dipper's ears perking up at her proclamation.
"Okay, cool!" He responded simply, turning back to the door. Pacifica sighed a little, happy he didn't linger on it any longer than he had to. She thought she might die of embarrassment if he did.
"You ever seen 'Scott Pilgrim' before? Now that is a great movie." He tugged at the door, feeling it resist against his pulling, only to realize it was locked. Sighing, he bent down to lift up the mat, a spare key lying below it.
"No... What's it about?" She dared herself to look back at him, her face slowly cooling to a light pink as his expression lit up from her question. 'He is so cute...'
"Oh! It's kind of like a video-game-style-type-of-thing! Like, the main character is this guy named Scott Pilgrim, and he's sort of a loser. Well, not really, but sort of actually. He's in this really shitty band and his room mate's gay and he's dating a Chinese high school girl, even though he's like twenty three."
Dipper began to ramble, obviously excited by even the idea of the film. He went on explaining it to Pacifica, who was completely lost as to what the plot was.
"So, he meets this girl named Ramona, right? And, they start dating. But, if they want to keep dating, he has to defeat her seven evil ex boyfriends! And himself!" He beamed, geeking out shamelessly at his poor movie summary.
"That sounds- confusing. You got any board games we can play instead?"
"Nope!" Dipper responded cheerfully, jamming the key in the keyhole.
"You're a bit high strung, aren't you?" She laughed, seeing an obvious contrast to his usual attitude. He froze for a moment, back stiffening before he continued to jiggle the key around.
"Oh. Yeah. The depression usually counteracts the ADHD, but- I don't know. I'm just- happy right now, you know?" He shrugged his shoulders, trying to focus on the door. He kept turning it the wrong way, distracted by Pacifica's voice.
" Really? I never would have guessed... Does Mabel have it, too? ADHD?" She leaned against the porch's railing, staring at him. His head shot up, letting out an abrupt laugh before returning his gaze to the keyhole.
"Holy shit, yes. She gulps down maybe a gallon of medication every hour or so. Grunkle Stan makes sure of it..." He trailed off, glaring at the door knob in his hands.
"She's a really happy girl, actually. A lot more high strung than me, and a lot more like you than you'll ever know..." He sniffed, mumbling under his breath about what a serious bastard Stan was.
Pacifica felt she should say something in response, but found herself coming up short. All she could really do was agree with him, anyways. Soon, the clicking of door locks met her ears, Dipper pushing forth.
The slight creak of metal and screws crept upon her, Dipper opening the door wide enough for her to enter. She took a breath, dusting off her skirt before walking under his arm into the house.
Dipper followed after, closing the door once inside.
"Dipper? Is that you?" Came a far off voice, hollering from a space separate from the living room.
"Yeah." Dipper chirped back, looking up at the banister where she stood. He lifted a hand to her, giving a casual wave as he spoke. "I brought company."
Mabel forced a smile his way, trying not to snarl at the sight of Pacifica. With a slight groan, she made her way down the steps.
"I can see that..." Her hand slid down the banister as she went to meet them, her beauty overwhelming Pacifica for a moment. A wonderfully well-done reproduction of Dipper's face, plastered on the body of yet another percaline skinned teenager.
She instantly felt out of place, patting her skirt in a vain effort of seeming presentable. If it weren't for the tattered clothes, scratched up face, as well as feather fuzz tangling up her hair, she might have seemed okay. Or, maybe not, because Dipper was in a similar predicament. And he still looked untouchably divine.
Mabel thought otherwise, startled once she came close enough to see them in full view.
"Jesus, Dipper!" She huffed, skipping down the rest of the steps in a rush. Her face came to his instantly, both hands cupping his cheeks as she tilted his head this way and that.
"You look like a corpse!" She fussed, rubbing her thumb over a cut on his chin. He held in a hiss, rolling his eyes instead.
"I almost was a corpse, thanks to your little hubbie." His eyebrows pressed down, making him look both stern and playful as he grinned.
Mabel ignored his passive comment about Gideon, feeling it best she didn't know the details. Instead, she twirled around him, getting a good look at his features, making sure each limb was properly attached.
Dipper twirled around as well, hoping to keep his arm out of sight.
"Stand still, dork." Mabel poked, grabbing his left arm to examine it as well. His cuff shifted up just slightly, allowing for an exposed bit of scaring and fresh cuts to meet her gaze. He was quick to snatch his wrist away, hoping she hadn't registered the image.
If only he knew she had found out long ago.
She gave him a wary look, nerve building in Dipper as he broke into a sweat, only for her to sniff at him.
"You need a bath. Go take a bath." Her hand went up, shooing him away in an unimpressed manor. Dipper sighed in relief.
"Whatever, mom." He shot a glance at Pacifica, only to move in on his twin as he spoke.
"Don't kill anything while I'm gone." He whispered to her, breaking away to view her expression. Sinister as it was, she nodded her head all the same.
"I'll do my best."
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