(A/N: Hello, and welcome back to another episode of "Breaking randomly from plot to remind everyone how shitty Dipper's life is." So, I noticed my writing's getting a bit long, so I'm trying to section up the chapters more neatly and work with dialog more. Less unnecessary descriptions of grass and trees and stuff, you dig?)
The streets of Gravity Falls were like a ghost town's.
Shreaded walls and car doors stretched out before them. Vehicles sat flipped over, unoccupied and stagnent. The streets remained empty, aside from periodic glances outside neighboring windows. News reports would soon chalk the whole incident up as a freak tornado.
"Shit..." Wendy breathed out in astonishment. "And in just a day, too..." She slid her palms over her black hoodie, wiping off the sweat.
"Yeah..." Dipper nodded in agreement, still a bit warn out from his little confession. He took periodic glances at Gideon who seemed just as blown away by the town's devastation as Wendy. He could only pray that Gideon wouldn't say anything to Pacifica, or their whole relationship could be ruined.
"I'm gonna check out the pub, okay Dip?" Wendy snapped him out of his thoughts, directing his eyes down the road. "Gotta make sure everyone's in tact..." She gave a weak smile, pulling up her hood before turning away from him.
Dipper was quick to follow.
"I'll come with." He rushed out. His face became very serious as he spoke, recalling the words Tyler had made to him before their departure. 'Make your peace.' It bugged him, hearing someone as cold hearted as Tyler prompt him with such woeful words.
Dipper wanted to go over there and pick at him for saying such a thing. If he did, it would mean Tyler hadn't died.
Wendy was quick to wave a lazy hand up at him though, not bothering to look behind her.
"Eh, don't bother with it. They're probably celebrating and drinking by now. You know how you get when people start partying like that."
Dipper stopped in his tracks, cheeks glowing a soft pink as he registered exactly what she meant.
"I'm not gonna dr-" He began, only for her to cut in.
"Just head home. You look tired as hell." With that she left for the bar, unable to admit the real reason she didn't want him coming. Dipper wouldn't be able to handle it if he saw the bar in tatters.
He would cry if he saw dead friends, much more effected by death than she was, even though constantly exposed to it. She recalled him rushing to her side, back when he was still small, cradling a dead rabbit in his arms.
"Wendy!?" He had whined, his face red and scrunched up as he sniffed. He couldn't have been more than ten. He stood there, staring at Wendy in her maid uniform, wearing a yellow rain coat and boots dripping and wet against the mansion's wooden floors.
"Yea- Oh, gross!" She turned around to the disgusting scene, instantly hit with the stench of death. Her hand clasped over her mouth, unable to maintain her appearance as a refined nanny. This wasn't just a rabbit caught in a trap. It had been run over, head pulverized and belly popped open with little maggots writhing around in it.
"Dipper! Throw that thing away! You know not to touch things like that, dude! You-" Wendy was cut off by Dipper's poor little cries, looking over the rabbit's corpse with sorrowful eyes. He tilted his head up to her, lips trembling as he spoke.
"Can you heal her..?" His voice would tremble, slowly returning his gaze to the body in his arms. Again he would ask, "Can you heal her..?"
She explained to him that it was dead, still grimacing as the maggots swirled about in its gut. She quickly lifted the bunny from his hands with her own gloved ones, telling him she would bury it.
Of course she didn't, chucking it into a waste bin by the kitchen door. But, that hare always seemed to stick with her. The way Dipper scanned its body, looking for life in its eyes. How he held it so tenderly, despite the smell. How he had referred to it as "Her".
It wasn't hard to understand his reaction. Not when his real mother was dead.
She shook the memory away, eyes locked on the building's shattered windows and ripped off door. And, in the back of her mind, she knew something had gone wrong.
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