Magic show
Pacifica burst through the doors of the shack, excitement rushing through every ounce of her body. "I'm here!" She shouted, ready to show off the journal to everyone that crossed her path. "So what?" Pacifica turned around, not caring how rude the voice sounded, to see a red-headed emo. Her messy hair was pulled back into a pony tail, baby hairs sticking out the sides of her scalp. Her eyeliner ran down her cheeks, as if she purposely wanted to look like she had been crying. She wore a black hoody, a melting ice cube symbol visible on it. Pacifica looked at her questionably, seeing her feet propped up on the cash register. "Oh. Hi! I'm Paci-"Pacifica started, only to have the red-head cut her off with a simple hand in the air. "Stop. I've heard enough. I don't know how 'so what' sounds like I said tell me about yourself. Just- buy something or whatever. K?" The girl said rudely, looking down at her phone. Pacifica was fazed by this for a moment, only to look down at her hands and see the journal. Giddy joy began to build up in her once again, as she tried her best to keep a positive attitude. "Well, actually, I'm not a costumer." Pacifica said, feeling slight pride for some reason. "Oh? Then get out." She snapped back, chuckling slyly to herself. "Actually, I work here now." This caught the girl by surprise, making her look up from her phone. She examined the girl. Blond hair, blue eyes, ripped up muddy pink jacket. The girl only snickered at her appearance, seeing how foolish she looked. "Ease up on that jacket, o.k.? You look like a bum with a life supply of bleach." With that, the girl lost it. She burst out laughing, leaning over the cash register uncontrollably as she began to slam the counter.
Pacifica let out a loud 'humph', feeling slightly embarrassed. "What do you know?" She asked, but it was no use. The girl was going crazy, laughing hysterically. Pacifica's face grew red, embarrassment beginning to flood though her. She didn't really feel like being around her anymore. So, she went upstairs, stomping with every step. She wasn't familiarized with the place very much, so she just opened the first room she saw. "Huh? Oh. Pacifica." Said Gideon, looking slightly annoyed with her arrival. "Sorry. I was just looking for a quiet place to- Whatever." Pacifica shrugged. She was about to turn around, only for Gideon to catch a glimpse of something... important. "WAIT!!!" Gideon shrieked, tumbling out of bed. Pacifica seemed surprised, seeing Gideon race to his feet. "You- Journal..." Gideon stated, pointing to her hands. Pacifica looked down, seeing the dusty book and wondering "Why do you care? How do you even know about this book? I just found it in the woods." Gideon seemed surprised by her response. "You don't know what this is? Wait. Let me stop you there. Of course you don't." Pacifica nodded, feeling just as stupid now as she did before. "It- It's hard to explain. But, keep that book out of sight, o.k.? It's very important that no one gets ahold of that journal. Especially the Pines twins." Gideon said. Pacifica cocked her eyebrow up in confusion, not understanding what was so bad about them.
"Pines? Like, Dipper Pines maybe?" Pacifica asked, hoping he meant someone else. But, from the expression Gideon gave her, she wouldn't be so sure. "You know them?!" He asked, trying to keep his scream at a whisper. "Yah. Dipper was really nice." She beamed, a slight tint of red on her cheeks from thinking about his face. He was so... Cute, to say the least. "Dipper?! No! No! No! He's the worst of the two! You have no idea of what he's been accused of!" Gideon exclaimed, trying to convince her. "Accused? As in, they don't know for sure?" Pacifica looked at Gideon, a look of disbelief on her face. Gideon's mouth opened wide, surprise visible on his face. "Yes! Accused! Meaning that someone had REASON to accuse him!!! This kid's been accused of murder on several accounts!!! You need to stay away from them! Both of them!" He said, hoping she would listen. "Oh, Gid-Gid." She said, putting her arm around his shoulder. "Don't call me Gid-Gid." He retorted, moving her arm away from him. Pacifica rolled her eyes at his response, giving a slight chuckle afterwards. "Gideon. Do you have any proof of him killing anyone?" She asked, still not convinced. "Well, only once or twice. When I went to their show." Gideon stated, tapping his chin in thought. Pacifica instantly gasped. "He-I mean, they put on shows?! What kind of shows?" Pacifica asked, a deep red blush forming on her face as she thought 'what' the shows could be.
"Eh. It's just magic tricks." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "Woah.... MAGIC... Where is it?" She asked, putting her hands to her cheeks in wonder. Gideon's ears perked up from this question, sweat beginning to form. "NO! We are not going!" He stated nervously. "We? Perfect! I get to see Dipper- I mean them preform a magic show and you can prove to everyone that they're murderers... Or that you're a complete nut job." She stated, saying the last part out the side of her mouth, hoping he wouldn't hear her. Gideon crossed his arms at this action, feeling completely offended. "No! There is no way! In a million years! I will ever! Ever-"
"Go to a Pines show again..." Gideon sighed, walking with Pacifica to the entrance of the tent. "Oh! Cool!" She said, amazement painted all over her face as she and Gideon walked to the front of the tent. "Step right up folks! Be amazed to see... AMAZING things... And- uh- stuff." Said an old man holding a sack. The sack was very odd though. It had a triangle with a tear in the center of it imprinted on the front of it. Pacifica walked up to the man, being oddly drawn to the sack. "Hello! I'm Pacifica! What is the sack for mister?" She asked, poking her finger at it, mesmerized by the sign that was on the front. The man smirked evilly, seeing the chance to make another buck or two. "It's the mysterious sack of mystery! Put your money in it and watch it disappear!!!" He said, shaking the back around her face. She giggled with glee, putting every nickel she had into the sack, making the bag far heavier. "Enjoy the show!" He said, calling to her racing figure as she rushed to the first seats she found. Gideon sighed, pulling out his wallet and plucking out 5 dollars. He dumped the money in the bag reluctantly, grumbling as he began to walk into the tent. "5 bucks? That's it? I hope the twins pick you for the disappearing act." The man grumbled harshly, making Gideon look back with worry. What's so bad about the 'disappearing' act? Well, it's not exactly called the reappearing act. That thought made his stomach tighten in nervousness.
He looked around the room, soon finding Pacifica, having saved a seat for him. "You saved me a spot?" He asked, sitting down questionably. "Of course! You're here because I dragged you here! Now sit down! The shows about to start." She said, shushing him. Gideon squinted at the front, being the fact that they were all the way at the back. He was lucky she had saved him a seat, because the place was completely packed with people. A shiver went down his spine, hearing the most feminine voice ever. "Ladies and gentlemen!!! Please put your hands together for yours truly... MABEL PINES!!!" With that, a girl appeared out of nowhere, smoke forming around her form. "And... MY brother! Dipper Pines!" She said, gesturing to her side, a tall brunette appearing from smoke. The crowd let out a loud roar of applause, except for Gideon who was still very skeptical. Pacifica, on the other hand, was applauding louder than anyone.
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