Gremloblin Grumps
Dipper and Pacifica sped through the forest, hand in hand, sprinting across the land like they were jumping hurdles. Dipper made sure to keep his eyes open for any obstacles up ahead. Fallen trees, rocks, gnomes. He kept his eyes out for all of it. But what he should have been looking out for was Pacifica. "WAIT!!!" She shrieked, planting her feet to the ground, causing a slight dent in the dirt. Dipper spun around in fear, hearing the monster get closer and closer, facing Pacifica. "Southeast! What. Is. It?!" He asked, trying to be as quick as possible. Pacifica looked him in the eyes, putting her hands on his shoulders, pulling his body closer to hers, making him blush. "Dipper! Real talk! How do we know that thing's trying to kill us?" She asked him, wiggling her eyebrow. "Are you insane?!" He asked her, pushing her away from his face in anger. "Come on! We've got to get out of here! NOW!" He said to her, trying to be as quick as possible. "Dipper!" She began. "Southeast! It's hard enough to have to drag a mace around this blasted forest. I'm not going to start dragging you around as well!" He argued. Pacifica didn't budge though, hearing the monster get closer and closer. "Fine! Run off like a big baby if you want too. But I'm sticking around. We don't even know what it wants from us." She protested, turning in the direction of the monster, who had finally caught up to them. Fear suddenly overcame her, realizing that this night not have been a good idea. Nonetheless, she wasn't going to let Dipper know she thought he was right. "Hi there! I-I'm Pac-" And that was all she could say, before the Gremloblin bent down to her level, letting out the deepest, most horrifying roar ever heard by human ears. Pacifica didn't move though, her legs numbed from total fear. She looked into its eyes. A glowing aura filling its pupils.
"SOUTHEAST! YOU IDIOT!" He shouted, grabbing Pacifica by the waste, pulling her out of sight of the monster. He picked her up, carrying her bridle style, the mace tucked under his left arm. Pacifica shook her head once she was out of view of the beast, coming back to her senses. "W-What happened?" She asked, looking up to Dipper for a response. He didn't though. He tightened his grip around her body, making sure she was being held properly, causing her to squish up against his body. Butterflies fluttered through her stomach, looking up at the rugged looking Dipper, holding her as they bolted away from the beast. Then, Dipper stopped, quickly sliding behind a tree like he was playing baseball. He heaved a sigh of relief, watching the monster rush past them, letting go of Pacifica tiredly. "D-do y-y-you still think it wa-nted to be out friend... or something?" Dipper asked, completely out of breath. Pacifica blushed once more, embarrassed by her actions. Of course it was trying to attack them. How could she be so stupid? She wasn't thinking straight. With her stuffed dolphin, president porpoise, missing and Dipper's hot pose, leaning up against the tree, she couldn't really concentrate on anything for long without her mind reverting back to either thought. She sighed, giving him a shake of the head in shame. Dipper smirked, seeing how she admitted to him being right. He loved being right. But then, why did he feel so... bad about being right? Seeing Pacifica so upset... It was odd. Unnatural even.
"Southeast... I-"He began, only for his ears to perk up. He poked his head up from behind the tree, only to see the Gremloblin sitting on his own... laughing? Dipper put on a questioning look, not sure what the monster was doing, being the fact that it's back was facing him. So, Dipper did something incredibly stupid. Something even he had to admit was dumb. He took a small rock, and he threw it at the beast, causing it to stop laughing, and turn around in anger. Dipper ducked behind the tree once more, lucky to have done it just before the monster saw him. As dipper peeked his head up from behind the tree once more, this time much more carefully, he saw something in the creature's hand. It looked like... a ball of cotton swirled in blue yarn with a bowtie. "Southeast... What... is that?" Dipper asked, whispering as quietly as he could. Pacifica popped her head up, looking straight at the messy ball of yarn in the hands of the Gremloblin. Her eyes widened, seeing that, under the mess of cotton, was a bowtie sloppily clinging to the material. When the string of her dolphin had gotten snagged on by the twig, it must have started unraveling. That ball of yarn was no ball of yarn. That was president Porpoise! Pacifica let out a small gasp, cupping her hands over her mouth as she ducked down in disbelief, facing Dipper. "What? What is it Paz?" Dipper asked, using a nickname in substitute for her real name. He refused to call her 'Pacifica.'
"It's-Its- President porpoise." She stuttered, causing Dipper to roll his eyes. "What? Is it your stuffed toy or something? How'd it get in the hands of that thing?" He asked, obviously fed up with this girl's carelessness. Pacifica looked at him, misty eyed. She sniffed, puckering out her lower lip towards him, giving him the best puppy eyes he'd ever seen. "*Sigh* Fine. I have a plan. But president porpoise's gonna need to help..."
~15 minutes later~
"You clear on the plan Paz?" He asked, causing Pacifica to give him a cheery thumbs up. "You got it dude!" She whisper-yelled. As she stood up from her crouched position behind the tree, she let out a sigh of relief, seeing the monster fast asleep... Cuddling her porpoise. Anger filled her for a moment, only to be quickly replaced by fear. "Dipper... How do I grab it? It's being squished by that- that-"Dipper rolled his eyes. "Gremloblin." He corrected her. "Whatever! How do I-"Dipper put his hand over her mouth once more, pressing her up against the tree. He put his finger on his lips, reminding her that they needed to be quiet. But, his actions only seemed to make her blush even more. "O-O.k. I'll be quiet." Pacifica said shyly. "Good girl." Dipper than moved away from her, looking back at the Gremloblin. "Now, if you're done complaining, just go sneak up on it and take it... Trust me. I've read on these things. They sleep like a bear hibernating." He reassured her, patting her on the back. Or, more so, just shoving her out of the comfort zone of the tree, into the grasp of the deadly creature. Pacifica stumbled slightly, quickly composing herself as she tip toed towards the beast. Her breath was heavy, making her way up to the monstrous... well, monster. As she got closer, her heart throbbing with fear, she couldn't help but look back at Dipper. If she messed this up, would he be mad?
No. Now was not the time to think about this. She inched up to the beast, bending down and reaching to grab the small piece of fabric. Her heart leaped with adrenalin, the toy in her clutches, as she grabbed a piece of the string from her stuffed animal. As she took the end of the string, she continued by tying it to a branch of a tree. She began to run around the trees as quickly as she could, strings incasing the woods like a giant sweater. Once she was finished, she gave a thumbs up towards Dipper, smiling joyfully. Dipper gave a slight sigh, happy to know the plan had gone well. But, as Pacifica began to walk back towards Dipper, about to execute the second half of the plan, her foot snagged on the strings. As she face planted to the dirt, a loud thump echoing through the woods, the beast shot up, eyeing Pacifica. Pacifica screaming, covering her face as the beast began to charge for her. Dipper, on the other hand, just stood there, plain faced and bored. As the beast charged for her, claws shot out of his fingers, he suddenly stopped, tangled up in the strings as well. "Dumb animal." Dipper said, walking up to the beast. Pacifica furrowed her brow at his comment, feeling incredibly insulted. "Hey! I didn't see the string o.k.?" She argued. Dipper rolled his eyes at how naive she was, walking up to the entangled beast. "Not you Paz." He replied, although he was starting to agree with his earlier statement being pointed towards her.
He took his mace, reeling it back, about to strike the beast. "Pacifica..." He began. Pacifica's eyes brightened up, seeing how he had called her by her first name this time. "Close your eyes." He finally said. Pacifica didn't understand what he was talking about, doing what he said anyways though. Once she closed her eyes, questions popping up in her head, she heard a pained cry from the beast, followed by the sickening sound of something cracking open. "Alright. Open them." As Pacifica opened her eyes sheepishly, she was horrified to see the monster's head split in two halves. "Dipper... What did you-"She began, only for Dipper to rush up to her face, her foot still tangled in the string. There they were once again, Pacifica on the floor after tripping and Dipper looking her straight in the eyes. "Dipper..." Pacifica began, only for Dipper to open his mouth. As he did, Pacifica noticed something different in his eyes. Once again, his brown eyes were now blue. "What are you doing?" She asked. Dipper didn't say anything. He just looked into her eyes, his mouth slightly open. He took in a deep breath, all of his movements slow and subtle. As he exhaled, a blue smoke escaped his lips, freaking her out a little. "What the..." She began, only to suddenly feel very... Sleepy. Her eye lids became heavy, her breath getting shorter, and seeing Dipper stand up from his crouched position. "By the time you wake, this night will seem like nothing more than just a nightmare..." He said. Pacifica lifted her hands up dreaming, trying to grab Dipper as she fell into the darkness of sleep. "More... like a dream..." She said, finally passing out. Dipper was shocked by her words, looking down at her passed out form. "Weirdo." He chuckled. He looked over to the monster, seeing its spirit flutter around in the air like a ghostly fire ball.
Dipper walked up to the spirit, reaching into one of his hidden pockets in his cape. Once his hand had come out, he held what looked like a fireplace bellow.
He put the nozzle of the bellow up to the spirit, sucking it in. Dipper sighed, completely exhausted. He put the bellow back into his hidden pocket, looking back over at Pacifica. "Great. Now I've gotta drag her." He complained lazily. As he picked her up, her form light in his arms, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked when she was resting. Dipper grunted though, shaking his head. "Get a hold of yourself Pines." He whispered to himself.
~5 minutes later~
He laid Pacifica down, finally safe and sound in her bed. He was about to leave, only to look back at her one last time. She looked just as tired as he was, if not more. She had helped him greatly, and that was a debt he couldn't repay with something as simple as tucking her in bed. He walked back over to her, his hand moving into his cape, reaching into one of his many hidden pockets. He sighed, pulling out a small daisy, placing it behind her ear. Once that was done, he bent down, pecking her on the cheek softly. "Good night... little daisy."
~2 hours later~
Dipper trudged up the steps of the mansion, opening the door to see nothing but a dark room. As he walking into the main hall, looking for Stan's room in the darkness, the lights suddenly turned on. "Where were you?" Said a feminine voice. Dipper turned around tiredly, not wanting to have this talk so late at night. "I was just out for a bit. But I'm back now." He responded. "Dipper! You can't just-"She began. "Sister, please. Just allow me rest. Rest for one night." He asked angrily, grouchy from his tiring night. Mabel sighed, walking up the steps of the mansion, up to her room, slamming the door shut. Dipper walked up to Stan's door, expecting to find him fast asleep, only to have him swing the door open the second Dipper knocked. "Dipper! Did you bring it?!" He asked, clearly slightly drunk. "Yes. I did." He said, reaching into his pocket to pull out the bellow and hand it to Stan. "Finally!" Stan snacked the bellow from his hands, shutting the door in his face. "I have a bad feeling about this..."
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