She looked at me, feet popped up as she laid on her belly twirling my packet of disposable razors between her painted green nails.
I stood in shock, seeing my dresser had been pulled open without caution or concideration, as if she didn't care if I caught her looking through my shit. And, that was exactly the point she was making.
"Get the fuck off my bed." Candy refused to look up at me, seemingly hypnotized by the metal razor dispenser. Instead, she rolled onto her back, holding them in the air for better lighting.
"I thought these'd be a lot harder to find..." She stated dreamily, a smile curling up at the corner of her lips. "Guess not."
"What the Hell are you doing in my house?" I began to worry that she was calling on our little deal again. I hated doing it with her. I hated doing it at all. I wasn't in the mood even a little, first off. And it'd only feel more perverse with Pacifica waiting innocently for me.
"Don't talk to me like that, Dipper. I've got you on a short leash as is." She didn't bother looking at me, pressing down on the white little lever that sat in the middle of the razor packet. A single blade slid out in response, Candy taking it with cautious wonder.
I restrained myself, well aware of the dirt she had on me. She held it between her fingertips a moment longer, only to turn on her side and slice it across my bed sheets. I said nothing, watching as she dragged it over my sheets time and time again, bits of white cotton popping out where they opened up.
She looked up to smile at me, entertained. My sheets, now sporting several rips, sat dead beneath her.
"I came to invite you to the zoo." She said finally, and I almost laughed at her. The idea of such a pretentious little asshole wanting to hang out at the zoo of all places seemed unbelievable.
"And then I saw that bitch downstairs waiting for you." Her eyes narrowed, though her smile was still intact. Shock ran through me, forgetting for a moment why I had even bothered to get dressed. Pacifica.
My heart dropped for a moment, imagining her expression when she saw Candy pull up in the driveway. I still hadn't told her about that night.
"Did you make her leave?" I asked, already knowing the answer. It was depressing, thinking I'd be spending the rest of the day with Candy.
"Nope." She responded, popping the 'P' as she did. I was surprised, knowing there was some kind of sinister reason behind it.
"Why not?" I asked.
She looked at me through the corner of her eye, a devilish glint present as she spoke.
"You see this bed, Dipper?" She began, once again turning on her stomach to look at me, hands folded innocently below her chin. "You see why I carved it up?"
I looked at her with venomous eyes, unwilling to verbalize my confusion. She continued.
"Because everything you own, I own. And, if I feel like cutting up my bedsheets, why shouldn't I?" She raised an eyebrow, as if to wait for my response. When I gave none, she rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"Exactly. I should. And, if the same rule applies to whatever the Hell you and Pacifica are-" I felt my fists ball up, anger quickly overwhelming me.
"Stay away from her! It's not like you haven't blackmailed me enough." I complained. She seemed amused by my reaction, milking it for all it was worth.
"Apparently not. Not if you still have the backbone to sass me." Her mouth was set in a straight line, her eyes going blank for a moment.
"What was our deal, Dipper?" She let out in a whisper, staring at me with devious intent. I stopped myself from speaking, hoping she wouldn't force it on me to answer.
She waited for a moment, sighing once my preferred silence became apparent. Swinging her feet over the edge of the bed, she looked at me.
"The deal, Dipper. The deal was your cooperation. No matter what I wanted."
"I know." Was all I could say.
"And what did I want?" She asked, her sadist tone burning through my skin. I said nothing.
"What did I want from you, baby? Tell me." I wanted to kill her. I wanted to grab her by the throat and choke her to death. Throw her out of a window. Slit her wrists and lock her in the trunk of a car, headed for the bottom of the lake. I knew I could do it. I knew I could.
But, Stan. If Stan found out she went missing, he'd know exactly who did it. And he'd kill me. He'd kill me the way he almost did a year ago. And it horrified me, the idea of Grunkle Stan getting as angry as he did the last time.
I swallowed my pride.
"...Me..." I mustered. She grinned, leaning forward as she cupped her ear.
"What was that?" Stupid bitch. Fuck you, you fucking bitch. May you fall to your death in a pile of rose bushes. Extra thorny.
"Me." I repeated grimly, my eyes shooting up to glare at her.
"You... That's right, you. And all of your stuff and all of your friends and all of your secrets and every bit of dignity that made you upright and respectable. That's what I wanted. Now, let me ask you something: Did I get it?"
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