A Little 'Talk' with Stan
"Stan..." Mabel said, a little taken back by his sudden appearance. "What? You think I couldn't hear you outside my window screaming at each other?!" Stan asked, emphasizing how loud they were being. "I-I-"Mabel began, only to have Dipper butt in. "Why are you concerned about such useless attempts at simply visiting a friend?" Dipper asked properly, acting highly civilized. Stan furrowed his brow at him, grabbing him firmly by the shoulder, forcing him to look straight into his eyes. He shook Dipper's shoulders roughly, only for Dipper to keep a straight face. "Because... I'm your legal guardian." He replied, giving Dipper the evil eye. "If I do say so myself, you're not doing such a good job." Dipper replied, making Stan furious. "Shut your mouth you ungrateful little brat! I took you out of the homeless shelters!" Stan argued. "Maybe we would have been better there." Dipper stated promptly, causing Stan to widen his eyes. "I think it's time me and you had a little talk about respect." He said simply. Stan grabbed Dipper by the wrist, into the mansion and into his room. As he closed the door, Dipper caught a glimpse of Mabel's worried face, a tear about to fall down her cheek. 'I'll be fine.' Dipper mouthed the words, the door merely a crack open before it was fully shut. Mabel looked at the door, despair filling her. This was the same thing that happened when they got caught as little kids. Mabel sighed, looking at the closed door. As she pressed her fingers against the wooden doors, she felt a slight shake erupt through the door. She pressed her ear up against the door, hearing slight sounds of crashes to the floor and glass shattering from what sounded like a struggle or two. Mabel pressed her forehead up against the door, turning around as she slid her back down to the floor. "Dipper... Always getting in trouble..."
~At the Shack~
"YOU DID WHAT BOY?!" Bud shouted at Gideon, making him shake in slight nervousness. "Dad. I know. I know. It's just-"Gideon began, only for Pacifica to cut in. "It was my idea! Blame me! I forced him to show me the tent. He didn't do anything wrong!" Pacifica protested, earning a raised eyebrow from Bud in surprise. "Oh? Is that so? Well, I guess it's not Gideon who deserves a punishment, now is it?" Bud asked, pacing around Pacifica as if he was a shark. Pacifica shook her head with joy, seeing that Bud wasn't going to punish Gideon. "No sir! He doesn't!" She said, feeling very happy she had gotten him out of his little pickle. "Yes. You're the one who should be punished." He said. Pacifica's mouth dropped open at his statement, making her eye twitch in anger and confusion. "WHAT?! He's the one who brought me to the tent though!!!" Pacifica stated, gesturing to Gideon. "I thought you were trying to help!!!" He shot at her, shoving her shoulder. "Sorry Gid. It's a dog eat dog world." "Enough chit chat. Pacifica. You say that Gideon wasn't responsible. So, it's your fault. I could send you home to have your parents deal with you... But... I've always wanted to use unpaid child labor..." Bud said, rubbing his chin. "Wait... What?!" Bud snapped his fingers, almost as an 'aha moment'. "It's settled. From now on, you'll be an unpaid worker for your punishment."
Pacifica jumped, completely surprised by this statement. "But I-"She began. Bud wouldn't have it though. "No buts except for your upstairs. You've got a long unpaid day ahead of you tomorrow." He said, making sure to emphasize the unpaid part. He chuckled to himself at his joke, watching the kids make their way up the stairs. Pacifica jumped into her bed, grumbling to herself slightly. "Stupid Bud. Stupid Gideon. Stupid Mabel. Stupid Di-"Pacifica stopped herself. She didn't want to drag Dipper into her sour mood. He hadn't done anything to her. Well, actually, he had. But he fixed it, right? He had made it all better. She was still fine. She was still breathing. But for how long? She hadn't known him for a whole day and he had already ended her life by his own hands. He had also brought her back though. He cared enough about her to break his back for her. Correct? Or did he care enough about his reputation to break his back? Pacifica sighed, lying flat on her back, staring at the ceiling. "Do I really want to kill myself over some guy?" She asked herself aloud. "Psh. Please. It's not like I'm in love with him or anything. I mean, it's not like I'm laying away at night thinking about him." Pacifica chuckled to herself, only to look over to her alarm clock and see it said 2:34 AM. "How long have I been lying here thinking about him?" She asked, once more allowed.
"O.k. So maybe I've been thinking about Dipper for a couple of... hours. That doesn't mean anything... Right?" Pacifica turned to her right, facing a stuffed dolphin with a bow tie. She paused for a moment, only to grab the dolphin by the blow hole in anger. "I'm not in denial! YOU ARE!!!" With that, she flung the dolphin out of the window, only to rush up to the opening in realization. "President Porpoise!" She said, reaching her arm out, seeing the dolphin hit the ground in what felt like slow motion. Pacifica began to hyperventilate. That dolphin was given to her the day after she was born. She looked around the room, seeing her shoes by her bed. She quickly snatched them, slipping them on as she made her way outside to where her stuffed animal was. But, as she opened the door, she didn't see it anywhere. She shifted her head to the left. Nothing. The right? Nothing as well. But she then looked ahead of her, seeing what looked like a blue string had snagged onto a twig. The thread was attached to the stick, only for it to continue into the woods. Something had taken her stuffed dolphin. And, whoever they were, whatever it was, they were gonna pay. As she began to walk through the forest, following the string that seemed to go on forever, she heard something. A grunt of anger. A couple of thumps of what sounded like fists against wood.
Pacifica narrowed her eyes. Who, in their right mind, would be out in the forest at 2:30 AM? And, before you say anything, Pacifica was not in her right mind. She questioned herself, not sure if she should investigate the noise or not. She looked at the path that had the string. Then she looked at the path that seemed to have the sound coming from it. As she bit her nails, she sighed. "Of course I am." She said to herself, feeling incredibly dumb. As she made her way towards the noise, like an idiot, her brain made its new priority thinking up the worst possible scenarios that sound could be. So far, she had monsters, rapists, and wild animals. As she made her way up to the sound, she noticed the silhouette of a man behind a tree. Yup. Rapist. She turned around, trying to be as quiet as possible so she wasn't detected, only to trip over the string she had previously been following and face planted into the dirt. She groaned, lifting her head up off the ground. Something clicked with her though. She didn't hear the sound any more. It had stopped the second she had tripped. It had stopped the second... the silhouette knew it wasn't alone. She let out a shallow breath, slowly turning her head to look behind her. In all of her horror, she saw the same shadow of whoever was behind that tree. She was about to scream, only for the figure to squat down to her level and cover her mouth with his hand. Pacifica squinted her eyes shut, only to open them and realize who it was. "Good evening, Miss Southeast." Dipper said, a bored look on his face.
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