Hi I'm Ordinary
Well, um hi! My name is Rebecca Shay, but you can call me Becca. :) I'm very socially awkward, misunderstood, and I can stand in front of your face and yet you can walk right past me. I guess you can say I'm almost invisible, but that would be a lie.
I am a 18 year old girl living in Salem, Oregon where the sun always shines and the streets remain chaotic. I remain at home surrounded by my parents whom raised me so well under many circumstances. My dad had lost his job last summer and at that time my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. It was really hard on my family because money was rough to maintain. I had to work two jobs and my father worked four since my mom was terribly ill.
Stress, anger, and worry took over me, separating myself from the whole world. I cried many nights wondering why my mother, why my family, why this sickness had to come on us. I failed to keep in contact with many of my friends or anyone for that matter. I didn't go to the movies, or to any parties, I cooped myself up in my room and wrote in a journal(you can call it a diary perhaps) and just shared my feelings of the past few months. It helped me get better and soon my mother survived cancer as well. It was a miracle! I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Now we live happily, but I was still friendless. No one wanted to associate themselves with Becca the loser who sat in the corner at lunch and only doodled on her notebook in class instead of snapchatting some hot senior jock. I was happy that way for a while. I didn't mind that I was lonely. Just as long as I had my dignity, who needs friends? Until one day at school I met Morgan.
Morgan was new to my senior year class. She wore short, curly blonde hair and always had wide shaped glasses sitting on her nose. You can pick this girl out in a crowded room, not just because of her looks, but her personality as well.
"Hey! My names Morgan, I'm new." Was her first words to me as she held out her hand to me in my Chem class. At the time, I questioned her sanity when I saw a geeky expression pop across her face. I mean, who could blame me? No one liked school that much. But I remained nice and grabbed her hand, replying with a shake, "I'm Becca. Welcome to Sprague High." She smiled at me, taking a seat into the nearest desk, "I'm glad to be here!" I ask with a raise of an eyebrow towards her curious behavior, "Where did you go before you came here?"
"Oh, I was homeschooled," she answered pulling out three sharpened number two pencils. Well that explains it, I thought to myself. I heard a few giggles from the classmates behind us. I knew they were laughing at Morgan's ridiculous entrance as she placed more school supplies on her desk. She soon heard the snarky laughing as well and a frown began to form on her face. I felt bad for her. I knew what it was like not to fit in somewhere and feel judged. So I reassured her, "Hey, don't worry. Stick with me girl and we'll get through this together." Morgan smiled and right then I knew we were going to be the best of friends, and we were ever since.
Because of Morgan, I felt like I was actually worth something to someone, with her I felt like I could just ramble to her for hours about life's problems, with her I could just be myself.
"So, have you figured out where you are applying to college?" My best friend asked as we sat at the coffee shop this evening. I felt my face grow warm as the steam from my caffeinated drink hit my face, "I'm thinking somewhere near the coast area, so I can go to the beach." A grin sprung over Morgan's face, "You should go to a college in California! It'll be close to me of course and your family and Collins Key lives there!!"
She giggled a little as I raised an eyebrow. Did I mention she gets a little boy crazy? I ask after taking a sip of my coffee, "Collin who now?" The girl across from me pushed up her glasses, "No, Becca! Collinssss! With an S!" I just roll my eyes, "Right, is this another guy at Starbucks you're falling for, cause I can't help you get another one of my co-workers to-."
"No no no!! Taylor is nowhere near as amazing as Collins. He's a magician who was a finalist on Americas Got Talent! He's so sweet, talented and handsome!" I watched her sigh dreamily looking as if she was fantasizing about the poor boy right now. I just smirk at her, "That's neat but I'm not going to consider Cali because of this famous dude. I like that it's close to home and I can get a little tan in my spare time from college studies." Morgan squealed, "Yeee!! I'll come visit you ALL THE TIME!! Who knows? We might just run into him somewhere.."
I laugh a little at my friend, referring to the boy again, "Don't get too hyped about this one, okay? I don't want you getting disappointed." She seemed unfazed as usual, "Fine fine! Hey, could you take a picture of me for instagram?" I nod with a smile, "Sure." I go to grab her phone and pull up the camera, holding the Apple device steadily, "Alright, say cheese!" Morgan held her pose eyeing me with aggravation, "Just take the darn thing!" We laughed a little at that response and I quickly take the picture;
I hand her the phone carefully as we both analyze the screen. Morgan commented in awe, "Wow, I look hot!" I giggled agreeing silently with her, "Thanks to my photography skills." She shoved my lightly, flipping her short curls playfully, "Hey, you can't photoshop this."
"I bet I can."
"Shut up, Becca!"
Later that night, I sat down at my computer and tried searching for colleges I could apply to nearby. But no matter what I searched in Oregon, none of them seemed to be the right fit. As I was about to give up, I thought about what Morgan suggested earlier. Maybe there was one close to home..and with a nice beach, I thought to myself. I searched up various places until I found one that looked interesting. Pepperdine University..hmm. I clicked on it and continued to learn more about it.
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