A Text
Text Message with Morgan
8:37 pm
Morgan: No way!!
Morgan: How could u get his #??
Morgan: That's insane!!! Im so jelly😍😍😍
Becca: I have no idea how it happened..
Becca: I'm still shaken up by it all😂
Morgan: I would be 2!!
Morgan: Did he txt u yet?
Becca: No..
Becca: I'm not expecting him 2 right away
Morgan: O...
Morgan: Well that's OK! He's probably busy
Morgan: Did u txt him?
Becca: No..
Morgan: U should!
Morgan: Tell him tht u have a bestie in Oregon who would be PERFECT 4 his bro! 😍😍😜😜💗
Morgan: U should see their new Youtube vid! It's hilarious!😂😂
Becca: Idk, he's prob busy like u said.
Becca: Why even try txting him anyway? He's too busy with Youtube and stuff 2 txt this.
Morgan: "This"?
Becca: I'm talking about me. I'm no where near popular and he is!
Morgan: Popularity? Becca, u kno popularity isn't everything..
Becca: It can be when we're dealing with a celebrity. It's just a coincidence we bumped into each other.
Morgan: Why would he give u his # if it was a "coincidence"?
Morgan: This is big Becca! U should b happy this happened!
Morgan: I'm the one who is the fan!
Becca: I need 2 go now. I txt ya l8r✌️💗
Morgan: Becca!
[Wanna see what Becca is writing? Go see her post at BeccaShay and then continue reading! Btw Im sorry I haven't updated and this is short, I was kinda stuck I hope this is okay..]
(Time Skip)
I clicked the publish button on Wattpad and closed the app. The sadness swept through me as I thought of what diminishing thoughts crept through my head. Morgan was right..when did popularity become my idol? That shouldn't be a defining factor to text a PERSON. It wasn't like he was an alien. He was a normal guy..just slightly more handsome than the average teen.
Maybe I should give it a shot..
I go to my contacts and search up Devan's phone number..
My hands were trembling. Why was I so nervous? It was just a boy.
I tapped on his ID and it took me to my texting messager. Was I really doing this? I fumbled with my thumbs to type something simple;
Becca: Hey Devan, it's Becca 😊✌️
Well there goes nothing...
I stare at my message and I feel the regret fogging my brain.
Why did I do this? Should I have done this? Does it always feel this strange??
When I didn't know what to do I just waited...
And waited....
And waited.
He wasn't going to respond.
I knew it.
Why was I so gullible?
I set my phone down and began to stand up from my bed until....
....I heard a ding.
Confused, I turned back towards my phone and went to pick it up and saw;
Devan: Hey Becca, what's up? 😊👋
I dropped my phone.
[Double post! Go check out another Becca at BeccaShay ]
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