Chapter 3
Ohm ran his hand along his mask softly as he remembered what he's done.
"What's wrong Ohm...?" Bryce asked softly.
"I think it's time you met my friends." He stood up slowly. He held out a hand to Bryce and dragged him to his feet. He then kept ahold of his hand and lead him to another house. Once they were inside he lead him into the basement. The first this Bryce heard was a chainsaw to his right and he jumps behind Ohm.
"Don't worry Luke he's with me." The noise came to a stop and light filled the room. Bryce jumped as he was the man holding the chainsaw. The skin on his face is stretched across his face and onto his shoulder which is then held into place by two leather straps. He holds a wooden hammer in one hand and a chainsaw in the other. He was wearing a dirty torn tank top and dirty jeans with a leather belt. His right arm has a lot of this stitches in it and as does his face. He has hair along his head and back that was thick and black. Behind him he sees a black lump laying on the ground.
"Bryce this is Cartoonz." Ohm stepped behind Bryce. The dark lump in the back of the area shifted and stood up slowly. He saw the broken tubes in his back first then the large sword like hammer. He's wearing sneakers and overalls. His hands are bloody and his arms are slashed open. He turns to face the others slowly and Bryce saw the mask. It was strapped onto his face with this leather straps and wire. It was in two pieces and the eyes were cracked. The mask itself had teeth. Half of his overalls are held in place by two metal rods through his shoulder. He let out a low growl and made his way over to Bryce quickly. Ohm quickly froze and jumped in front of Bryce to protect him.
"Jonathan! No! He's with me!" He shouted with a growl. That didn't stop him though. He ran at Ohm and slashed the hammer like blade across his chest throwing him to the ground. Bryce froze as the other monster stood over Ohm.
"You know better then keeping a human around Ryan! Don't you remember what happened last time!?" Ohm was holding his chest as he bled. "Don't you remember what happened last time a human was kept here!?" Delirious knew first hand what it was like to fall in love with a human. But the human wasn't strong enough and died. Ohm remembered the name clearly as if it where burned into his mind. Vanoss. Delirious spared him for the same reason Ohm saved Bryce. He thought he was different. Jonathan then moved toward Bryce in quick strides as Ohm tightened his fist but was in to much pain to move. The monster raised his blade to Bryce as he squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the pain, but none came. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the man with a chainsaw holding the blade as he had caught it in mid air. Bryce froze in horror as he took a few steps back and stepped into a bear trap. He screamed in pain and dropped to one knee as he tried to force it open. His bunny lay discarded on the ground in front of his as he tried to free himself. The monster was being held back by the other as Ohm slowly got to his feet and went to Bryce. He was stumbling and collapsed in front of him. Soon Bryce got is released and crawled to Ohms side. Ohm was out cold due to blood lose but he lay unmoving and looked practically dead. Bryce felt tear welled up in his eyes from both pain and worry.
"Why would you do something like this?" Bryces voice was low, and overly calm. That startled the other monsters.
"What?" The blade welding beast said.
"Why would you hurt him?! He didn't nothing to you!" Bryce looked up as him with tears in his eyes. Both the beast standing before him were speechless. He sat over Ohm in a protective manner as he was slowly bleeding out. He was slowly getting weaker as both monsters walked up. Soon everything went dark and he felt nothing.
Bryce once again awoke in a dark place. 'How many times do I need to pass out today?' He slowly sat up and felt around for his rabbit but couldn't find it. A light soon flickered on and he saw Ohm pressed up against the wall across the room. He was holding the rabbit in his lap. Bryce was glad to see him but still worried because it was hard to tell if he was still breathing. Bryce slowly sat up and crawled over to Ohm slowly because it hurt to move around to much. He sat next to Ohm as he slept and grabbed a blanket as he snuggled into his side. He wrapped the blanket around himself and felt himself doze off. As he was dozing off he felt Ohm shift and wrap his arm around Bryce holding him closer to himself.
When he awoke again he was surrounded by the warmth about another body. He smiled softly and he snuggled deeper into the warmth. He hear a grunt and the warmth had shifted. He opened his eyes and looked up as Ohm was looking down at him.
"Why are you over here?" He asked softly. Bryce felt his shoulders drop as he sadness filled his eyes. Ohm noticed this quickly and shook his head, "I didn't mean it like that. Normally you avoid me as much as you can... And then just suddenly you're snuggling up to me and being happy..." Ohm seemed a bit distant and upset.
"Are you alright Ohm?" Bryce spoke his thoughts and froze realizing he said it out loud.
"Huh? Oh I'm fine..." He still seemed distant. "I was just thinking about my little sister." Bryce looked up at him as if to say 'keep going'. "I had killed my baby sister. I was always so unpredictable when I was younger and I hated that she always cried. I was so angry that they gave her all their attention. She was a baby after all but it was two in the morning and I had been up for three days as it was and she just wouldn't stop crying." He began to grow angry. "So I walked into her room and... Killed her. I smothered her with my pillow and when my mother came running in... She screamed. Called me a monster. She knew I was unpredictable because I killed the dog a few weeks before hand because it wouldn't stop barking. It barked all the time and I was so angry. But my mother screamed at me, called me a monster and kicked me out of the house. She said she wouldn't call the police if I never came back. I was eleven..." Ohm took his mask off again and set it next to himself. Bryce looked up at him and smiled softly as Ohm looked down at him.
"So Ohm... You have some really pretty eyes." Bryce said is a shy tone. Ohm blushed a deep shade of cinnamon which made Bryce giggles softly. Bryce could feel himself leaning in closer to Ohm as the two of them came closer together. When their lips were centimeters apart a loud banging filled the area. They both jumped apart and looked over to see Cartoonz standing in the doorway with a disapproving look on his face.
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