I sat between Fred and George talking to Lee Jordan. That was till I noticed my father and other professors leaving. "What you think is going on?" Fred asked "I don't know but I have a feeling our wayward siblings are here." I said before taking a sip of my pumpkin juice. "Don't you want to make sure they are ok?" George asked a bit shocked by my lack of concern. "If they were harmed then madam Pumphree would have rushed out. The boys are fine just need a good tongue lashing. I am sure your mother with be writing a howler." I said before feeling them stair at me. "What about Harry you know how they treat him. What makes you think the treatment isn't going to be worse?" Fred asked feeling uneasy. Both of my boys have such sweethearts. I pull out a file on the house next to the Dirsley residence. "Hopefully if all goes well with my line in the muggle world and here, I will have enough to buy this house. He won't need worry about mistreatment. He will be welcome at time just need the results. I don't want anyone else but us knowing. I mean daddy always knows but he trusts me." I said before putting it away. "So in other words you are going to try and get rights to have Harry live with you." They said and I nod knowing its a long shot. "Have you written to the ministry about it yet?" They asked and I shook my head. "One thing at a time boys I need to calculate my sales before any of that. I want to do this right and hopefully by Christmas I will know and proceed from there. I need to do this those muggles are awful people." I said before feeling two hands on my legs. "We will be here for you every step of the way love." Fred said with a boyish smile. "We will do what we can to make it happen." George said before both kiss my cheeks. "Awe shucks how did I get so lucky." Ginny made a fake barfing sound. I laughed at her before making a joke. She blushes before going back to her food.
*Time skip that night*
I was in the common room reading when professor McGonagall sat with me. "You should be in bed miss Snape. I trust you know that?" She asked in a mothering tone. "I can't sleep so turned to a book trying to calm my mind." I said closing the book. "May I see the book?" She asked and I pass it to her. "Mmmm I did know you liked Mama_Wolfblood Iris. She is a talented Author she was also a wonderful student." My eyes widened did I hear this right? My favorite author went here. "She went here professor?" I asked making the woman chuckle. "Yes she was a fine Gryffindor too. She married Newt Scamander after his first wife passed away. She has a fondness for the magical creatures. She uses them to inspiration for characters in her book. If you would like I could set up a meeting for the two of you. I feel she could inspire great things in you." She said gently handing my book back. "That would be amazing professor. Thank you so much for sharing that with me." I said blushing. She placed her hand gently on my shoulder. "Iris you shoulder more than a witch your age. You run a successful business makimg your own money. You have a heart bigger than yourself at times it is your downfall. I know you will do great things after Hogworts. I also won a sizable amount of money because of you. What I am trying to say is be young and free. " I nod thanking her before bidding her good night. She left and I went back to reading till I noticed it was almost dawn. "Here we go again." I said getting up and ready. Walking past my customers bidding them good morning. I step into the bathroom seting up the shelves with the boys help. Soon staff and students enter buying shampoos, conditioners, creams,soaps,bodywashes, ingredients for Potions,books. I was nearly wiped out of stock. After everyone left I sent the shelves and inventory away. The boys helped me to the potions class room to put my money away. "You know where the safe is sweetheart. " he said reading over letters. "Who is the lucky lady?" I teased putting the money away. "Well Mama_Wolfblood has reached out to me. She is excited to meet you but also needs my permission seeing as I am your father." He said not looking at me. "I am writing back disapproving the visitation." My heart broke but I just said ok and followed the boys out. I didn't see the smirk ok his face. He was not going to ruin the surprise for her.
Harry pov
I sat in the breakfast hall with Harmonie and Ron eating. "It was wired a house elf comes to my room. The gate way to 9 3/4's closed. I don't think someone wants me here this year. Iris won't look or talk to me. I don't know whats going on." I said when a Ron's owl dropped a red letter off to him. One of the students said that Ron got a Howler. Neville told Ron to open it because its bad to ignore it. He opened it and I honestly fell for the guy.
She then went on to praise Ginny for getting into Gryffindor. I noticed the twins walk in with Iris trailing behind them. She marched up to me then slaps me. "THE ABSOLUTE BLOOD HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" She yelled at me Ron tried to cut in but She glares at him daring him to say something. He backed down so he didn't get in more truble. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO YOU?! HARRY YOU AND RON COULD HAVE DIED BAD ENOUGH YOU WERE SEEN! OH AND DON'T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT YOU RONALD WEASLEY! THAT WAS RECKLESS OF YOU YOU COULD HAVE WAITED FOR YOUR PARENTS TO COME BACK THREW AND EXPLAINED! THEY WOULD HAVE UNDERSTOOD!" She yelled man she is bloody scary. The twins grabbed her dragging her away so she could cool down. "Bloody hell Weasley gets a howler then Harry gets recked by a dragon. I see why the twins like her ,bet she is wild behind closed doors." One of the students said making me glare at him. "Thats my sister watch it" I said before leaving the dinning hall. I know Iris was just scared, but did she have to do all that? Well at least I get defense against the dark arts out of the way early. I will talk to Iris later try and smooth things over.
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