A month before heading back to Hogworts the Malfoy family requested a meeting with me. I don't know how many times I need to say no before they get it. My father and I arrived at the manner the cute little house elf named dobbie answer the door. "Hello master Snape and Lady Iris please let Dobie show you to the foyer." I always felt bad for the way house elves are treated. Narcissa greets us having us sit. "Make yourselves at home the boys will be along soon. DOBBIE GET SO DRINKS YOU USELESS VERMIN!" she yells making me jump. The poor creature ran for his life. "Is it really necessary to treat him like that?" I asked looking at her. "Oh thats right you have a soft heart. Iris honey they are vermin no better that the ants on the ground." She laughed "I am dating someone already so if this is about Draco and me forget it. I don't want a spoiled spineless wizard for a husband. Daddy we are done here." Iris standing up before the doors to the foyer slammed. "Listen here to worthless half blood my son can provide you stability. Whoever this person is they are worthless too." Narcissa hissed at me before looking at my father. "Well are you going to do something about this?" She asked and my father stood up. "Narcissa Iris is more than capable to make her own choices. If she said no that is that. I don't want to push her and nor should you. Good day Narcissa give my best to Lucius I said hello." With that we left and Narcissa was not happy about it. It was not my fault my heart was already spoken for.
*Time skip*
It was crunch time I had prepared my last minute orders. I had my school things packed up because daddy had to head to the school early so he offered to take my things with him. "If you need anything in the potions room you are welcome to it. Filtch is aware of your promotion to use the lab at night after hours. Do you need any money sweetheart?" He asked walking around checking his things. "No daddy I have some oh and here take this. Its the new men's sent peppermint chocolate." I said handing him the bottle with bright green oil. He smiled at me before wrapping me in his arms. "You just be careful sweetheart. I will see you at school I love you." He said before kissing the top of my head. "I love you too daddy be safe." I said and he apperated away with my things. An hour after he left Author Weasley was at my door. "Hello Iris dear are you ready to go. Fred and George can hardly wait to see you." He said with a warm smile. "Hello Author I just need to grab my rucksack and we can go." He nods leting me go to the my room and picking up the old sand colored thing. When he saw it his eyes widened. "I have not seen one of these in years. They were popular back in my school years. I take it was your father's?" I nod explaining it was collecting dust so I put it to use. We made it to the Burrow only for Molly to give me a bone crushing hug. I laughed hugging her back happy to see her. "My lord you are so skinny dose that father of yours feed you?" She said putting her hands on her hips. "Yes Molly he does I just can't see to keep weight on. Oh you asked for this and you aslo get my new stock." I said pulling the basket out of my rucksack. Her eyes lit up seeing it. "How much do I owe you?" She asked I look at her. "Family discount you don't owe me a thing." Her jaw dropped before hugging me. "Oh truly your mother's daughter. Now go get Fred and George they were up in their room last I checked." She said and I walked up the stairs only to hear an explosion. I rush up the last flight. I opened the door to see the two laughing smoke dust on them. "Oh hello love when you get here?" They both said making me laugh. "What were you two doing anyway?" I said sitting with them the rest of the day was wonderful. I helped with the cooking and pull herbs from the garden. That night Ron came into Fred and George room to tell us we need to get Harry. "We wait till everyone is asleep, because princess here has made some special sleepy time treats." Fred said before kissing my cheek. "Did you have to do that infront of me?" I chuckled at this boy's innocent nature. "Well I will start with Percy." I said getting up Percy was not very fond of me we he isn't fond of anyone. I knocked on his door. He scowled at me "what do you want filthy slut. I'm sure they will figure out that the kind of relationship you have isn't worth it. Maybe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Did you come here to have a go at me. Are you trying to get weasley bingo. Well I'm not intur-" I shove the small cake in his mouth forcing him to swallow it. "I came to share a treat with you but never mind. Also poly relationships are not illegal. They may not be common but they exist. Freddie , George, and myself love each other equally. So unless you want to wake with a headache and not knowing where you are, I would go lay down good night Percy." I said walking away. Ginny , Molly, and Author were easy to get the treats. I walk back in the room and wink at the three boys. "Bloody hell how did you do it?" Ron asked before looking at the smirking devils behind him. "You two are a bad influence." He said before going to his room. George walked over and kissed me. "Drive safe I will do what I can here." I whispered hugging him. I walked over too Fred and kissed him before hugging him. "I still don't get why you three think it's ok to have this kind of relationship." Ron said acting like he was going to be sick. "Oi when you get an amazing woman you will understand." George said helping Ron in the car. He then got in. "Don't worry worry Princess we will be back soon." George said Fred agreed before giving me one last kiss. I watched them drive off till they were out of sight. "Those two are going to be the end of me." I said before heading back in. I wait up for them. Molly sees me watching the window. "I am not going to pretend to understand. But I know you care deeply for my two wayward sons. Iris they will be back come help me make breakfast dear. You can tell me all about it. I enjoyed talking to Molly she was more of a mother to me than any witch my father dated. " So they confessed on Christmas that is so romantic. Oh I knew something was going on when they were sending letters to Author and I asking for advice. I am happy they have someone like you. Now I am going upstairs to change can you finish up." She said before heading upstairs. Not long after Fred and George came in with Ron and Harry. Fred came up behind me kissing my cheek "told you we would be back love." I ignore him and continue cooking. George came over "oh come on love we are all safe. Harry needed rescuing you know that." I said placing foon on serving plates. I smack there hands when they tried to get the food. "Oi were hungry." Ron said holding his hand. "Wait for everyone else. Hello Harry happy birthday honey." I said hugging him he hugged me back. "WERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! BEDS EMPTY! NO NOTE! CAR GONE! I don't blame you Harry dear. You could have died, you could have been seen." Molly yelled Ron tried defending their actions. Molly gave them a hard way to go but had them sit for breakfast. "Iris go sit with them I can take it from here." She said having me sit by Harry. Harry grabbed me into a hug making me laugh. "I honestly have a good feeling about this year." He said letting me go. I smile and nod not sharing the same feeling. I feel something is coming and last year was only the beginning.
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