The twins waited with baited breathe till they saw Iris and the others. They wrap her in a hug happy she is ok. Harry watches the display of affliction knowing now without a doubt, the Weasley twins loved his sister. Returning to the Burrow Molly runs hugging her family happy they were safe. She then looked at the twins and Iris apologizing. They forgave her understanding her point of view. The next day the ground were on the train heading to Hogworts.
Harry pov
"Harry if I have to hear my brothers being mushy with your sister anymore, I'm going to loose my lunch." Ron said making Shadow laugh holding Harmonie. "Want to hear us instead Ron?" Shadow winked. "Piss off Adkins everyone I know has dates but me." He said grimly. "Well maybe if you stop being so grim, a girl would talk to you maybe dare I say want to date you." Harmonie quips before noticing me rub my scar. "Dose it still hurt?" She asked and I nod before trying to get somethings from the trolley. I wanted pumpkin parsies but a Ravenclaw girl took the last two. Looking out the window we see a pirate ship and a carage being pulled by pegasus's.
Iris pov
The twins were talking about the shop but I couldn't concentrate on what they were saying. What dad said to me was making my head spin, till George took my had in his. "Flower what's wrong?" Fred asked. "Whats on your mind love?" George asked following his twin. "I have a bad feeling about this year boys. Something is going to happen and it's not going to be good." I said they looked at eachother before looking back at me. "Listen Iris you probably feel this way because of what happened at the quittage world cup." Fred said looking concerned. "Thats why we didn't leave you alone for a couple of days. We felt like something was going to happen to you." George said looking equally concerned. They could be right but I had a bad feeling well before the match. I decided to keep it to myself for now and go along with being happy for them.
Arriving at school we enter the grate hall and watch the sorting ceremony. Dumbledore tells us about the schools we are hosting for the tri wizard tournament. Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute. Bartemius Crouch gose over the rules causing an uproar amongst the students, till Dumbledore silenced them. A student only needs to write their name on a price of parchment by Thursday night. This year sure will be exciting.
After dinner and everyone clears out for their dorms, I walk to the potions classroom. When I entered my father pulls me into a hug. "I am happy your safe flower. I was worried about you that attack ruined the event for you and so many others." My dad said holding me tightly. The sent of spring waterfalls and winter pine washes over me. "Dad." I said holding him tightly. I had no idea just how much I needed a hug from him till now. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" The concern in his voice compelled me to speak. "Dad I feel like something is wrong. Something is going to happen to Harry. I don't know what to do the twins think its all in my head. *looks up at him.* Dad it's been since summer started. This feeling of unease has been nawinh at me and just won't leave me be. Nothing I try shakes it." He holds me tighter making me feel like a small child. "Unfortunately flower even if you are right... We can't just do something based off a feeling.." I could tell he wanted to say maybe do more for me but, like he said we can't do anything for the moment. I don't like this waiting game not at all.
*time skip to the following morning*
No one's pov
Shadow stood with Harry, Harmonie, and Ron outside with several other students and staff waiting for Iris to open Wayward Pines. She walked past a few moments ago greeting everyone warmly. Though she seemed to be happy on the outside Shadow felt something else radiating off her. He could feel his friend hiding behind a mask of confidence. "Oh Iris wanted me to give you guys these." Harry said handing a slip of parchment to his friends. "She is giving us discounts because we are friends with you?" Shadow asked in confusion. "Yeah don't tell anyone it took me a while to get her to agree." Harry said scratching the back of his neck. "She should be giving everyone a discount. That girl is practically rolling in money. I guess thats why my brothers want to be with her. She is practically rich." Harmonie smacked ron on the back of the head. "Honestly Ronald your brothers clearly love Iris. It had nothing to do with money. Open your eyes and pay attention to how they act, how before they confused to her. I look at them and hope to have a fraction of that one day." Harmonie said making Shadow blush looking away shyly. "If you ask me you already have." Shadow was about to say more when the doors to the seventh floor bathroom opened. " hello everyone and welcome to a new year. Things haven't changed much, If I sell out of an item or items please fill out an order form. Payment due once order form is completed thank you. Now with that said please come in." Iris voice invited everyone in like a sirens song. The room was bustling with the chatter of students ad staff. Iris moving around the shop talking with everyone making suggestions. "Shadow what do you think about this one?" Harmonie asked pulling Shadow's attention back to her. The sent of vanilla and brown sugar met his nose it was pleasant but not him. "Sorry Mione I don't like that one either." He said placing the bottle back. "Hello Harmonie hello Shadow finding everything ok?" Iris asked spooking the both of them. Shadow asked if Iris could help find him a new soap or lotion. He wanted something new but pleasant. Smiling Iris began to tease Shadow about him doing this for Harmonie. It was light hearted jokes as she gose over her inventory when she found a lotion that smelled of cedarwood and rosemary. "Now you don't need a huge amount use on hands and arms only." Iris said handing over the hand carved wooden bottle.
Looking at the clock Iris announced the shop will be opened in five minutes so they can all attend class on time.
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