Iris sent Harry to the Wesley's while she spent some time with her father. The truth is she missed him but knew he was busy. Using the Floo network Iris arrived at the old cottage in spinners end. "Is that my flower?" She heard the unmistakable warm voice of Severus. "Daddy I'm home." She said walking in the kitchen to see her father making her favorite maple poorag with scrambled eggs. "Coffee is ready love help yourself." Iris sat in the old wood breakfast nook. "So anything new happening with you. Your cosmetics must be tacking off in the muggle world. Every time I look at your wizard back account report, it brings me amazement and pride. I am proud of you flower.
It gives me peice of mind knowing you will be well off even when I am not around." He said before sipping his coffee. "Draco and his father will be at the match. I want you to be careful flower, I have a bad feeling something will go wrong." Iris never questioned her father's intuition about anything. She had a similar feeling that is why she wants to go. "Dad if you were a death eater, would you tell me?" Iris asked remember seeing a tatoo on him once. "No I wouldn't to protect you." He said straight face and to be honest I knew he wouldn't. The two enjoyed the day together. She told him about the new book series she is reading. "The stone fire dragons huh. The author though a muggle must be exceptional in their craft. They managed to peak you interest." Severus said thinking about picking up a few copies for himself. If she liked it he might too they had similar taste in literature. Night fell and Iris had to go to the Wesley's. "I will see you at school dad." Iris said hugging her father. "I look forward to it flower be safe." He said holding her tightly. Using the floo network Iris arrived in the den of the Weasley home.
Harry pov
Fred ,George, Ron, and I were playing a friendly game of quidditch, when Author came out telling us dinner is almost ready. Sitting down I see an extra setting confused. "Is someone coming?" Before anyone could answer me the fire place glows green and Iris steps threw.
"No matter how many times I used the floo network. I feel sick afterwards." She said before turning and greeting us. I hug her happy she made it back ok." Do you know the potions he will have us make this year?" Ron asked making her laugh and a finger to her lips. "I know his plans but will never tell." She said with a wink. "Oh come on I almost fail his class every year." He said pouting. "Sorry Ron but I can't give that information away. I can tutor you if you would like. It would probably help also if you paid attention. I hepl grade paper work on my spare time for his class." She said giving him a knowing look.
"I would appreciate the help thanks." He said knowing she would out him for turning in his work late. We all stat around the table laughing and enjoying eachother company. That was till Molly found order forms for Fred and George busyness. Iris helped them make it and even agreed to let them sell some of their products in her store. She told Molly it would help them with money and learn how to save. Trying to be responsible but Molly wasn't having it. She told them to focus on their Owls because they didn't get enough. She then ripped into Iris saying just because her shop is successful doesn't mean the twins would be. Iris walked away without a word. The twins glare at Molly before saying all Iris was trying to do was help. They walked away from the table my guess was to find Iris.
The next day Iris was sitting with Shadow and the twins talking about the match. She smiled at me when I came down thats was every morning. Harmonie cane in with some coffee for Shadow. "Well good morning lazy bones we will be late if you two don't get a move on." Iris jokes with Ron and myself only for Ron to say 'Piss off'. He is not a morning person this makes herself and the others laugh. I was about to say something when an owl landed on Iris lap. She read the note and huffed before walking away. Fred and George didn't look happy but didn't say a word.
Iris pov
How could that slime ball work so fucking quickly? I growl in my mind stalking off. "Author ,Molly " I said getting the attention of the two Wesley's. I hand the letter to them and they look concerned. "We will keep this between us for now. When we go to the match keep Harry close to you at all times." Author said and I nod. "I plan to don't worry about that." I said before heading back to the other. "Flower what happened?" Fred asked only to see me tap my nose. The twins nod at the signal. They knew I couldn't say anything and left it alone for now. Once Author came out we headed off for the Quidditch world cup. We walked for an hour till Cedric and his father came into view. "Hello Iris." Cedric said kissing my hand. "Hello Cedric." I said knowing what this game was. We gathered around the port key and graved ahold of it. Fred and George hold onto me as we let go. I'm definitely awake now.
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