Iris was getting the last of her orders wrapped up and shipped. She liked using the floo powder for her deliveries. She also did it all in person. Sirius in dog form watches as the small girl he ran around thikets and groves on his back. She was more than what anyone would imagine. When she was away however a grate miss step accrued. Harry blew up and he used magic. Iris was informed by a very angry muggle man. "YOU GET THAT BOY TO SET THINGS RIGHT!" Sirius barked and growls at the man getting between the two. "GRIM NO!" She yelled making the dog look at her. "It's not worth it I promise you that." She said patting his head before glaring at the muggle. "You vile annoying cockroach! How dare you come to my home threaten me on my door step. I would never raise hand to help the likes of you. All muggles are the same and I for one am better that you in every way and so is Harry. We were born better so get you filthy muggle hide off my property before Grim here has himself a pork dinner." Her voice was threatening making the Muggle back away before running. Sirius looked up at Iris and she nods. "Go find him and be careful let me know if he is safe." He barks before running off. Iris watched as Sirius disappeared into the stormy night. The sound of flapping caught her attention looking up she spotted his Owl. "Please be safe you stupid boy." She said before she spotted another all to familiar person coming up her walk. "UNCLE REMUS!" The girl yelled in delight running up to him. He chuckled hugging me. "Ah there is my favorite cub." He said holding her the smell of winter pine and forest moss.
Iris pov
I welcome him in and he looked impressed. "Things going well with your business I hear." He said sitting down at the table. "It's small but I am hoping to flourish more after I get out of school." I said making chocolate mint tea. "You know he is on the loose? It's hard to believe it happened. I never once suspected hime to do it but I suppose blood is thicker than water." He had no idea what he is talking about. He doesn't know Sirius was framed and has been under this roof all summer. Time passed and Uncle Remus left saying he will see me at school. I smile happy he is doing well considering everything. I sigh looking at the time shocked. "Oh bloody hell I need to pack." I said before running around and setting everything in place. I just placed everything in the living room when my father came threw the floo network. "Daddy!" I yelled hugging him. "Oh my sweet girl how have you been? The house has been empty without you." He said holding me like he always has afraid to let go. "Daddy I missed you too." I said before pulling away. "Well I will take your things and be off. I will see you at school." He said before leaving making this small house empty again. If I am to be honest Sirius and Harry kept me from feeling lonely.
Time skip next day
With the use of floo powder I arrived at The Leaky Coldren. The moment I stepped out I was engulfed in a hug. "Boys I can't breathe." I laughed happy to see them. "We couldn't breathe being apart from you." They said at the same time. "Oh you two let go of her. Hello Iris dear how are you? I take it that father of your has your school supplies?" I nod before hugging Molly. "Oh its good to see you too dear." She said holding be tight. "Their's my daughter in law to be." Author said pulling me into a hug. The twins blushing at what he said. I giggle a bit at their embarrassment. "Dad did you need to say that?" Fred asked red like his hair. "What you mean to tell me you haven't thought about this lovely lady with a ring?" He asked teasing his boys. "Author thats enough I am sure she wants to go hunt that brother of hers down." Molly said having him let me go. I run into Harmonie and Ron who hug me. "Hello you two what is the argument about this time?" I ask and boy do I regret it apparently Harmonie's cat is being you know a cat. I see Scabbars run along till I scoop him up. "You are causing truble buddy. Here Ron keep an eye on him so I can go find Harry." I said only for Harry to come downstairs. We ate breakfast and got to the train. I sat with Fred ,George, and a third year RavenClaw. I believe his name is Shadow Atkins. It was pleasant ride till we stopped and ice formed on the windows. I had a bad feeling and it got worse when Dementors entered the train. It came in and was attacking the young third year. I pull out my wond and cast the Patronus charm taking the form of a Thestral sending it away. When the Dementor left I focused on the boy he was rigid and cold. Uncle Remus was passing by and saw what was happening. He handed me chocolate telling me to give it to him once he woke. I pat his cheek trying to wake him knowing how nasty those things are. "George sit him up Fred get me the blue vile in my bag." Once that was done I pop it open and run it under his knows. He woke in a panic and I pushed him against the seat. "Calm down Atkins your ok." I said handing him some chocolate. "His will make you feel better." I said sitting back down between Fred and George. Poor kid is scared out of his mind. I know why those thing are here they are looking for Uncle Sirius. I doubt they will find him though.
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