It was that time again sending Harry back to the filthy Muggles. I however am not as sad about it this time. "Iris another year has come and gone. A lot has happened this year you were brilliant down in the chamber. I honestly don't think I would have been able to go toe to toe with him like you." I hug him knowing that it will be ok. "Harry I do the things I do for you. I made a promise to protect you even if I have to give my life.
I love you Harry more than I can say or show you." He held me tight "I hate saying goodbye to you. I wish I could live with you and Professor Snape. Honestly anywhere would be better than with the Dirsley's." He said making me smile because he will not be alone for long. "Harry you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that. If I were you I would keep an eye on the house next to the Dirsley's. " I said before helping him onto the train. Fred kissed me followed by George. "See you two soon." I said before stepping off the train. Draco looked at me out his window. I smile at him and nod. He blushes before looking away. He is a sweet kid just has to work somethings out. After the train left I head to my father's classroom. "You ready to go love?" He asked sending our things threw the flew network.
"Yes daddy lets go you owe me dinner." I said making him laugh. "Is dragon roast still your favorite?" I chuckled and nod. He takes my hand holding me close to him. "Spinners end" he said before green flames engulfed us. The old cottage that smelled like pine. It was warm and smelled like home. "I will put the kettle on daddy." I said only for him to stop me. "Oh no you go and get cleaned up I will do that. Your Uncle Lucius will be by soon. He wants to give you something. You have had that man wrapped around your little finger since you were little. If you wanted something and went to him. You knew you would get it clever girl."
He said before going to the kitchen. I head upstairs to the washroom. The smell of lavender filled the air as I soaked in the hot water. After I got out and dressed in my lounge where a Freds Jumper and black leggings and Fluffy slippers. Soon as I hit the bottom step the door was opened to Draco, Narcissa,and Lucius. Lucius grabbed me and hugged me tightly.
"There is my favorite soon to be daughter in law." This makes me sick every time. "Uncle Lucius I'm a half blood surely Draco wouldn't want to disturb the bloodline by mixing it with me." I said trying to play at his pure standards. "Ah but you see no one will question because you will be married to Draco. Who is already infatuated with you. I know you will be very happy and well looked after."
He just won't give it up. "Yeah Iris no one will tuch you. I will cut them down if they try." I glare at them "I said I am not and will not marry Draco. Do care about him yes but I love Fred and George Weasley. I have already agreed to their proposal. We are getting married after Hogworts. This is the last time I am telling you people that." I said before leaving the table. Why do they do this every time I see them. I don't want to Marry someone spoiled brat.
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