"You've been busy this morning."
Jimin jumped. He had just entered his apartment and wasn't expecting anyone to be up. It was only eleven in the morning after all.
"H-hey, Yoongi!" Jimin stammered out. The elder was on the couch, legs stretched out on the coffee table in front of him.
Jimin tried walking by the boy straight to his bedroom.
"Hold up," Yoongi ordered. "Come sit with me."
Jimin eyed the distance to his bedroom. Could he make it before Yoongi caught him?
"Don't even try it."
Jimin was too scared of the elder to dare cross him, so he reluctantly sat next to him on the couch.
"What's up? Besides you. It's very early," Jimin rambled, looking everywhere but the sandy-brown-haired boy.
"I received a call from Jin earlier. He told me you joined him and Joon at the gym." Yoongi watched the younger fidget with the hem of his shirt.
Jimin nodded, still looking down at his shirt. "Yep, and that'll be the last time I join them. Rock climbing is not for me."
Yoongi laughed quietly. "I bet. Based on my conversation with Jin, it sounds like rock climbing wasn't the only thing you learned."
"Um -"
"Tell me what else you learned, Jimin." Yoongi noticed the younger's ears turning red.
Jimin finally raised his eyes to Yoongi's. "I learned that Joon carries Jin's clothes in his duffel bag."
Yoongi turned fully towards Jimin, placing a hand on his thigh. "Oh, I'm sure. What else did you learn?"
Jimin's breath caught at the sudden touch. "I learned . . . I learned . . . "
Yoongi's hand kept traveling up, distracting Jimin from coming up with a good cover up.
"Yes?" Yoongi taunted.
His hand fully covered Jimin's dick. He squeezed. Hard.
"Choose your words wisely, Jiminie."
Jimin groaned. "Why are you - ?"
Another squeeze.
"Ugh, fine! I found out Joonie and Jin were together!"
"As I understand it," Yoongi said, hand still on Jimin, "you didn't just find out this information. You spied and tricked."
Jimin gulped. "Yes."
Yoongi smirked. "Yes, what?"
"Yes, sir."
The elder relaxed his grip. "Very good. Now can you tell me why you wanted to uncover this secret so badly? It's not new information. They've been dating for a year."
"A year?" Jimin intoned. "Wait! You knew?!"
"Of course I knew. I'm not blind."
Jimin moved Yoongi's hand off of him. "Why the hell didn't you say anything?"
Yoongi smiled. "I did. To Hoseok."
"What the hell, man?!"
"I knew a certain someone couldn't keep his mouth shut." Yoongi looked pointedly at the younger.
Jimin pouted. "I can keep my mouth shut."
Yoongi laughed to himself. "I'll believe it when I see it. Or don't hear it."
Jimin was actually going to tell him and Hoseok about Jungkook and Taehyung, but just to prove the elder wrong, he kept his mouth shut. What satisfaction it would be when the news eventually came out and he could say he already knew.
"Whatever," Jimin said, standing up.
Yoongi pulled him back down. "Is that any way to speak to your elders?"
"N-no," Jimin let out.
Yoongi arched an eyebrow.
"Sir," Jimin added hastily.
"You've been forgetting the correct way to address me, Jiminie. Forgetting since the night of Jin and Namjoon's party."
Heat flooded the younger's cheeks. "Well, Hoseok -"
Yoongi interrupted him. "Who cares about what he saw?"
"I care!" Jimin whisper-shouted, looking towards Hoseok's closed bedroom door. "He almost told Tae and Kookie."
"And? What do you mean 'and?'" Jimin didn't understand how Yoongi wasn't grasping the severity of this.
Yoongi shook his head. "I don't care if our friends find out. They'll still love and accept us anyway."
"If it was just sex then maybe, but come on. I don't think they'd get this," Jimin explained.
"They don't have to 'get' it. They just have to accept us for it." Yoongi stood. "Now go get changed."
Jimin looked down at his gym clothes. "But -"
"No talking back."
Jimin ran off to his bedroom, afraid of what disobeying Yoongi would mean. Well, maybe afraid was the wrong word. Excited. He was always in store for something new when he pushed Yoongi's buttons too much.
Yoongi remained on the couch, smiling to himself as he stretched his arms above his head.
Hoseok's door flung open. "You two and your kinky shit. I did not sign up to have a front row seat to it all."
Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You signed up for it the moment you walked in on us."
"I didn't know what I was walking into," Hoseok huffed.
"Like hell you didn't. I clearly told you not to come into Joon's old room last weekend. Not my fault you can't listen."
"When someone yells 'spank me harder, daddy,' in the middle of a party, you bet your ass someone is going to go investigate." Hoseok grabbed some water and chips from the kitchen.
"Might want to grab your headphones," Yoongi nodded to them on the coffee table. "There might be some things said and I don't need you to come inspecting."
Hoseok's ears turned red. "Too much information! Seriously, I should just move in with Tae and Kook." He walked back to his bedroom, slamming the door closed behind him.
Yoongi headed towards Jimin's room and smirked to himself, before muttering, "Probably wouldn't recommend that."
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