Where was the point again?
Okay it's a little late but, HAPPY B-DAY MIDORIYAAAAA
-Midoriyas POV-
I'm out of the hospital for already 2 days. I'm staying at my moms apartment at the moment, just to rest and not to get stressed from everyone.
Also I can talk normal now and got more memories back. Sometimes it's weird to remember the, well, make out sessions. It's like at one moment you think you are the cute innocent cinnamon roll and in the other moment you have the lewd thoughts. I'm not complaining, it is just kind of weird?
Thinking of all the moments Todoroki and I had, makes me feel happy. I never let anyone near me, well except Uraraka and Iida, but I know them for a long time now. I first thought that he is the usual popular kid, who has all the girls, the bad grades, a lot of friends and is selfish as fuck, but I was wrong. Now he is actually someone important to me, now I just can't let go of him.
Speaking of, Uraraka and Todoroki will come over later. I actually wanted to stay alone a little longer, I have enough time to spend time with them in college, but my mom decided it would be great to see them again. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to see them, but I really will have enough time in college.
Someone knocks at the door and my mom opens it. "Izuku is in his room" I hear her say.
After a minute the door to my room opens and Uraraka and Todoroki walk up to me, I'm lying in my bed because of my overprotective mother, not in a mean way, I love her.
"My lil bean, how do you feel?"
I give Uraraka a concerned look "Stop talking like that"
She rolls her eyes "So did you remember more?"
I nod "Do you have lewd thoughts?" she smirks
I feel my face heat up "Shut up already" I sit up and cross my arms.
"So when are you coming back"
I shrug "Maybe in a couple of days" she nods.
"Todo why so quite?"
He comes out of his daydream "I just..I don't know"
Uraraka groans "Come on Todoroki, you asked me the whole week if we could go visit him and now you just AAAah" we both stare at her "I know that was a little bit crazy, but yolo"
Todo raises on eyebrow "What is yolo?"
"It means you only live once"
"No, you live everyday, you only die once"
Her eyes widen "Yodo dude" I face palm myself.
"So, Todo was begging you the whole week?" I smile at him
"I-she...I mean-"
"Yeah he was. You don't want to know how worried he was" my face heats up and I look down
"Yeah I was worried".
We stay silent, not looking at each other "Okay this is awkward, Deku I'm going to talk to your mother" Uraraka walks out and leaves me and Todoroki alone.
"So how do you feel?"
I look up "Pretty good" he nods, we stay silent again
"You can sit down if you want" I smile at him and he sits down on my bed.
It gets awkward again. Come on Izuku, think of a topic you could talk about. It isn't too hard, that's what he said, wait what.
"So how much do you remember?"
Thank god "Pretty much, I got that feeling like only a little bit is missing"
He smiles "That's good"
"Seems like it's the only thing you are worried about" I chuckle
"Uhh- I mean. Fuck. I was just really worried you wouldn't remember anything and then I would be just a stranger to you-"
I cut him off, I won't allow him to have a panic attack at my house, well my mothers- you get me. "Don't worry, everything is alright" I put my hand on his cheek and he flushes red.
"So how is it to know my name?" I look at the wall "Surprised you didn't comment about that in the last chapter"
He looks confused "Who are you talking to?"
I look at the wall again "I'm breaking the fourth wall". Back to the story.
"So eh yeah, how is it to know my name" I ask again
"It's pretty weird not to call you 7am, Midoriya" he smirks at me
"How did you find out?"
"When you got to the hospital, the nurses shouted you name at least 1000 times"
I nod "Understandable".
"So where was the point?"
I raise my eyebrow "What do you mean?"
He sighs "I mean in this whole bet? We kind of failed. I could go on a date with you, if I pass the test, but hundreds of times before that we like had our make out moments"
"Oh yeah right. Now when you mention it, it was really irrelevant" we both nod. "Actually no" I rethink the whole weeks? months? "
What do you mean?"
I look at my hands and then in his eyes "At first, I mean before the whole 7am class thing, I thought you were the typical popular guy, you know, the fuck boy"
I shrug "Sorry not sorry. However, if I didn't spend so much time with you, I probably wouldn't realize that I really like to spend time with you and that I really like you. I mean I wouldn't let anyone near me, because of my past with Tomura and then you just came out of nowhere and changed m-my life. Because of you I know how to really love another person again-"
"Because of me? You mean you love me?"
Wait I didn't just- oh my god. He will hate me now "I- I mean- uh fuck...y-yeah, I do" he stays silent "I understand if you will hate me now and-" before I could say something else, he cut me off by kissing me.
I know we kissed maybe a hundred times, but this felt different? The other times I wasn't sure about my feelings, but now I know that I don't want to lose him anymore. If I lose him, I lose myself.
He pulls back, but our faces are still only inches apart from each other. "I love you too" we both smile and kiss again.
"Told you Inko" we hear whispers behind the door "Now give me 1000 yen (1000 yen=~10 dollars)" Did they really bet on us? "It's okay, here you go".
Todoroki and I look at each other "Did they.."
"Yeah they did"we shake our heads.
"So, can I call you Izuku?"
I smile and kiss him "Yeah sure, Shoto".
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