Things repeat
-Midoriya's POV-
"Did he somehow find out where my dorm is?" I talked with Uraraka about Tomura
"I don't know, but you will probably see him around, oh and he knows about you and Todoroki, well all the rumors" I nod, but more worriedly.
"Okay whatever it's late, I'll go back to my dorm" she stands up and walks out.
Iida was probably on some kind of study trip since he isn't at the dorm. So I have the dorm for me alone for a whole week. I bet Todoroki will come by though.
After one week Iida was back and lucily didn't see Tomura on campus. I also told Todoroki about him and he only pretended like he is a hero or something like that, protecting me and stuff. It was cute though.
"7am are you nervous?" we were now walking to math class "About the tests I mean"
I shake my head "Actually I feel really good about it" he hums and we walk to class and sit down on our usual seats.
"So dipshits, the test was actually good, but still some of you failed" Aizawa Sensei looks tired as always.
He gives the test back and I was relived, I did pass. I look over to Todoroki and he still didn't turn round his test "Do you want me to look for you?" I ask, he nods and hands me his test. I turn it around and go to the last page. "Oh god" I try to sound as shocked as possible
"Okay 7am, my life is over. I go kill my-"
I cut him off "Oh my god I need to go on a date with you now" I look up from the test and smirks at him "You did pass Todo"
He did move for a moment, but then suddenly grabbed his test off of my hands "YEAH MOTHERFUCKERS 87 POINTS" I laugh and wait until he calms down. He is happy like a puppy. "What do you have?"
I give him my test and his eyes widen "100 points who are you? Einstein?" I shrug and he rolls his eyes.
After class we went in the cafe we usually go. We sit down get coffee and walk about nonsense. "No shit she really though God, Jesus and Joseph were the same person" we were both laughing our asses off
"No way, I thought Uraraka is smart" (this is actually a real life story. my friend really thought this and she pronounced women as vroomen)
Our laughter got cut off "Look who I found" I look up and see Tom in font of me. I don't say anything and he sits down beside me. "You must be Todoroki" he points at Todo "I heard this rumor about you, that you can't find out my exes name" he smirks.
"What are you doing here Tom?" I cross my arms
"I thought Uraraka already told you, and the last time I checked, you weren't over me".
I am nervous really, I haven't seen him in so long and now he is here and wants me back. I finally got over him, but now he just needs to show up and ruin everything. "Yeah, that was last time, but now I don't need you in my life after all you did" I take my bag and stand up "Come Todo" he also stands up and we both leave.
We walk back to my dorm. "So this was your ex?" Todoroki asks worried
I look down at my hands "Yeah, but lets not talk about him. I just want to tell you how dumb you were back in math class" I grin at him
"What do you mean, I passed the test"
I laugh "You did, but when I gave you my test, you didn't look at my name" he realized it and puts his hands on his head and shakes it "You had the chance to find out my name, yet you didn't" I laugh just more
"Okay I admin, I am an idiot, but now you will go on a date with me"
I smile "To be honest, I am happy you passed"
"So you wanted to go out with me, then why all this test crap" he wines
"Because I wanted to see you suffer and you needed to pass the test either way" he nods in agreement. "So where do you want to go, on the date I mean"
He shrugs "I don't know yet".
We talked maybe for hours and laughed a lot. Iida also came but left short after to hang out with Uraraka, the poor boy. We were alone and it was near to 11 pm.
"Hm, it's already late" I look at Todoroki who looks at his phone
"Yeah, I should probably go now" he stands up and I do to, to walk him out. I eventually decided to walk him home. At some point we were holding hands and when we arrived at his door we just stood there in silence.
"So, eh goodnight Todo" I turn around to walk away but he grabs me by my hand, what made me flinch "What is it"
He lets go of my hand and looks at the ground "Ehm, can I kiss you?" I smile and put my hand on his cheek and lift his face so he looks at me. He looks me in the eyes and I in his. I lean forward and kiss him softly after second I end the kiss, but our faces are still near to each other. "That's not enough" he almost whispered
"Then kiss me again" he hesitated at first but then kissed me again, but this time more passionately. You could say we had a little make out scene in front of his door.
The kiss ended eventually and we said our goodbyes.
I walk home, but sadly not in peace, I met Tom on the way. "Oh hey Izuku"
I cut him off "Don't call me by my first name" I want to walk past him but he grabs me by my wrist, not soft like Todoroki does, more painful. I wine in pain "L-let me go" I try to pull my hand back, but he is stronger
"My dear Izuku, just come back"
I start to get scared "Let me go Tom"
His grip tightens and I can barely feel my hand "You know, if you don't come with me in peace, I will drag you to my house" he takes my other hand now to and I still try to come out of his grip
"I-if you do, the others will notice that I am not there" I feel tears rolling down my cheeks
"Pf, who would notice someone like you. Oh Izuku do you really think someone cares about you? How pathetic"
He shakes my whole body, so I try to stop to come out of his grip "L-let m-me go" he begins to drag me in the other direction, to his house.
I am really scared of him, after all he did, you just can't think he is a good person. he has done too many bad things to me.
We arrive at his house, his hands still holding me. He opens the door with one hand and throws me in.
"You haven't changed Izuku, you are still weak" he walks up to me and stands in front of me. I wipe my tears away and look at my wrists, they are all purple. "Oh did I hurt you" I couldn't say a thing.
Tears are still rolling down my cheeks. He takes my chin so that I look him in the eyes "Well, now it will hurt more" he starts to kick me in the chest like he used to. I could barely breathe. "I missed this Izuku. Wait a second, I recently bought a police stick, you know these things they beat criminals with? I go get it, wait a second" he smiles and walks in another room.
I take my phone out of my pocket and text Uraraka.
Midoriya: help me
The next thing I remember is Tomura walking in with the police thing and beat it on my head, then just darkness.
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