Part 1
David POV
I was over at Spooky Island talking to Jasper. "Now tell me more about Daniel." He begged. "For the last time I hate him and before you ask why he tried to kill me, my campers, and Gwen." I said while my face was talking red. " Aren't you guys friends?" "No! Your acting like a child Jasper." "While I did die as I child so."
"Ok Ghost Boy." "You didn't just good there Red Knees." "Sure did Cave boy." "Skinny Legs." -they call each other name for about 15 minutes- "Davey" "Fine you will. I give up." I Said in defeat.
(Snap) Me and Jasper look over where we heard the noise. Their was blue eyes staring at me piecing through my soul. The eyes look upset but disappointed at the same time. Before I knew it whatever it was jumped at me but I got out of the way just in time. I look over to see it was Daniel with his jagged knife in his hand. He Leaped at me while saying "Davey~ come here." 'But I don't want to die so no." I said with a smile and getting out the the way. He jumped at me again knife ready, so a dodged getting stabbed by his knife.
He leaped at me but this time I was going to tackle him. I wrapped my arms around him and tried to fall to the ground but I couldn't. I didn't realized that he was cover in blood and cuts that had glass in some of them intel that moment. The only thing that was cut was his face. He look like he was about to cry.
(Bonk) Daniel when limp. I look up to see a squirrel with an eyepatch. My blood when blue.
I lye Daniel on the ground before picking up his knife. I stared at it for a while "So your going to kill him?" Jasper asked. "No! are you insane." He didn't answered. I places the knife in my pocket before picking up Daniel.
"Bye David." "Bye Jasper the Friendly Ghost." I said. He was in shocked just staring at me. Before I got in the boat.
-10 minute time skip cause why fucking not -
I picked up Daniel and carry him to the Counselors Cabin. I open to door to see Gwen in the Living Room (Author Note: I think the got that in there the Cabin if not theirs one now) with some one else. "David why are you back so early?" She said sweating. I didn't care right now so I told her, "My meeting ended early this why. Who is that behind you?" "What do you mean David." I just went to my room. I got some bandages and some of my extras cloths. I replace Daniel pants and bandaged up his legs.
Daniel POV
I kind of woke up now still was asleep so my eyes were close. I could feel some one putting off my shirt. I didn't know why someone would do this but I didn't care. Then I felt an awful pain. Who ever it is was tying to help me and I didn't know why.
T.B.C -There will be a ten minute time skip in the beginning of the next part- -.- I'm sorry if this is short
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