Bon Appetite!
I like to cook, usually with a glass of wine in hand and he will put jazz music on for me if I know I'm going to be at it for a while, I make out I'm in a movie, but I don't cook anything fancy. In fact, I'll try to make a meal out of anything that needs to be used up, if I have to. I cannot stand waste, especially in terms of food, it's a strange thing of mine, and my freezer, well, I adore.
I have blanched once. I'd do it again! I'm not into preserving so much yet...
Me mum will even give me leftover cuts and such from her roasts or things she will not use up because she knows it will not go to waste with me and I will use leftover veg for soup too. I'm not sure how I got to be this way, around food in particular, but I will be as resourceful as I can be, wherever I can be. You should see our concoction of teas (dinner, in London it's called dinner too, I found that out from a friend last night, she's London) and his packed lunches, I've heard there's talk in his workplace...haha!
So, I asked him what do I cook that you really enjoy? And he says there are so many different things (not daft enough to bite the hand that feeds him) so I said choose one thing? That question mark is me still waiting.
He didn't choose, I guess he's smart then and I will decide, it is nothing special...
My friend is gluten free and last year I had grown a massive batch of courgettes.
2-3 Fat courgettes (you may call these zucchini)
Tomato puree. I just use a tube
Mature cheddar cheese. Or any cheese really, that melts well (mozzarella, apple wood etc..)
And if you want to be fancy, chorizo.
Slice the Courgettes around a cm thick.
Place them on an oiled baking tray, not loads of oil though (just enough so they don't stick)
Put them in the oven until they go a little soft (you'll know when you can see the change in colour and texture) while they are in the oven grate your cheese and cut your chorizo.
Take them out and spread, with the back of a spoon some tomato puree, so it covers the top
Add generously the cheese and chorizo, or any pizza style topping really.
Dash of Worcester sauce (optional) haha get me 'optional' I'm laughing at myself doing this. Or basil or a mixed many alternatives.
Pop back in the oven until the cheese has melted and started to brown a little.
Take out, leave to cool for a little bit then wolf them down. Maybe with a bit of sour cream and chive.
These are so good for snacking on or as part of a buffet or even in packed lunches!! Not as many calories as pizza either, plus if you want you could make them totally vegetarian. The world is your courgette with these things, they are adaptable to most toppings. Even mixing things up with different cheeses is an option, or a bbq sauce base.
Thank you for cooking with Danni, stay healthy! (That's my slogan)
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