Chapter 7
Ever since Becky had replied like that, Jean stopped trying to make fun of her. She showed spunk, and Jean respected that. At first, Jean thought Becky was just another lump of sack she had to deal with. Turns out she was an interesting lump with spunk.
"Hurry up would ya!" Dean shouted snapping Jean back into reality. She was in her hotel room holding her bag of equipment. They've come here to allow her to gather her stuff for the hunt. Jean pocketed her knife and glanced at the British Army Browning L9A1 in her drawer. Pausing for a moment, she looked at it and grabbed it, and tucked it into the back of her pants.
Sam glanced up from Jean's laptop as she walked out carrying her bag. "Find anything interesting?" She asked him dumping the bags in front of the door.
"Besides the case being solved by Sherlock, none. There's no mention of where the shoes were taken afterwards." Becky answered, standing behind Sam looking over his shoulder.
"We'll just have to check Sherlock's house then Scotland Yard." Sitting across from his younger brother, Dean loaded his pump shotgun with iron bullets filled with salt.
Jean snorted making Dean look up with a frown on his face, "What's wrong with you?"
"You're just itching for action aren't you?" Asked Jean smirking, noticing the discomfort in Sam's eyes she sighed, "Nevermind."
"What?" His frown still on his face, his eyes followed Jean turning around and dropped when she looked back. Jean handed Becky a 9 mm pistol, who examined the gun and smiled.
"Thanks." Becky placed the gun on top of the table and turned back towards the computer screen.
Impatiently tapping her foot Jean sighed, "Let's move out now. It's not like staring at the laptop is gonna help." Sam just rolled his eyes and closed the laptop.
"Fine." Walking to the door Sam grabbed Jean's bag and went to the car, quickly followed by Becky. Jean smirked and stepped forward to follow when she was stopped. She looked annoyed at Dean's arm which now blocked her from leaving the room.
"What?" She asked turning around to face him.
Dean growled, "Don't try anything funny. At the first sight of you doing something out of ordinary..."
"Everything we do is out of the ordinary. Also, don't compare me to my father." Jean's voice snarled the last word, filled with much malice. Glaring down at her eyes, Dean let his arm drop allowing Jean to pass. He had no idea what was going on with that chick. One minute she seemed fine, the next she sent off a dangerous vibe. Jean was like a ticking time bomb, and Dean didn't like how close him and his brother were currently standing next to it. Who knew what would happen if she exploded.
"Hurry up Dean-o." Yelled Becky from the back of the Impala. Chuckling at Becky's nickname for his brother, Sam watched as Dean got in the driver's seat grumbling. He seemed nervous about something, the way he gave him a half reassuring smile as he put the keys in the Impala.
Sam raised his eyebrow looking at Dean with a confused look. Instead of saying something, Sam decided to let it pass for now and got in the car. Looking at the back, Sam noticed that the icy tension from before was gone between the girls as they messed around with their guns. He smiled as Becky excitedly explored her new gun, completely different from how scared she looked when she was first attacked. Becky caught him looking and blushed, looking down at her gun.
"So where to?" Asked Dean while placing his arm on top of the seat, turning towards the girls. Before anyone could answer, Sam's phone rang.
Frowning, Sam took his phone and accepted the call. "Hello? Who's this?" Sam's face changed from confusion to realization then shock. "Where are you? Alright we'll be right there."
"Who was that?" Jean asked with her head slightly tilted. Becky and Dean stared at Sam with the same questions in their eyes.
"It's John. Something's happened in the flat."
Becky straightened up from her seat, "Is Will okay?"
"I don't know. He just said we should hurry."
"Alright." Dean swiveled the car around and drove towards the famous detective's flat. About 23 minutes later, they pulled up in front of the Speedy's Cafe and rushed out of the car banging at the front door. "Dr. Watson!"
Dean continued to bang on the door until someone inside shouted back, "Just a moment!" The door opened revealing the small figure of Mrs. Hudson.
Grabbing the shoulder of the older woman, Becky shook her firmly. "Mrs. Hudson! Where's Will?"
"What?" The confused Mrs. Hudson looked at Becky fearfully. Sensing that the poor woman didn't know anything, Sam grasped Becky's wrists and took her off Mrs.Hudson. A scream from upstairs caused Dean and Jean to run up the stairs holding their guns.
"Stay with Mrs. Hudson." Sam shouted back at Becky as he sprinted up the stairs. The scene in front of him shocked him. His brother was struggling against an unknown force that held him up on the wall. Jean sprawled on the ground, her head bleeding. As Sam tried to move towards Jean, his body was flung onto the wall next to Dean.
A man in a black suit casually walked into the living room with his hands in his pockets. "Hello Moose."
Crowley smiled smugly as he stood in the middle of the room, at the center of the mess. "Missed me?"
"What have you done with Sherlock and John?"
"Nothing... yet." Moving some broken pieces of glass to the side with his foot Crowley walked towards the unconscious girl. "You and Squirrel should be more worried about yourselves." He knelt down next to Jean and pushed some of her hair back examining her face.
"Don't you touch her." Growled Dean as he struggled against the invisible force.
Crowley laughed at his feeble attempts. "You boys have no idea the value of this thing do you?" Watching the confusion set in on both of the Winchesters' faces, he paused. "You really have no idea. Ask your angel friend if he comes back." As Crowley stood up, a shot rang through the room and he staggered back. Becky stood at the top of the stairs gripping her pistol tightly.
"Who are you?" She stepped forward as Crowley smirked and stood up, the bullet having no effect on him.
"Becky, don't! Guns won't work!" Sam shouted as he watched in horror as the gun flew out of Becky's hands and she was flung to the other side into the table, her head knocked unconscious.
At the snap of Crowley's fingers, both Jean and Becky disappeared. "It's been fun boys."
"Crowley!" With another snap, Crowley was gone leaving the boys to slump down on the floor. Dean slammed his fist on the wall, "Damn it!"
"Dean..." For the first time in their lives, they had no idea what to do now. The two girls they silently swore to protect was taken by the King of Hell and they had no idea what their so-called mission from the angels were. But there was one thing to do. The one thing they knew how to do. "Dean." Sam said for the second time, "We should try talking to the ghost."
Dean stared at his brother in disbelief, "You mean the one that's killing everyone?"
"Yeah maybe it knows something."
"Lemme get this straight, you want to talk to a vengeful spirit?" Asked Dean while he grabbed his gun and knife off the floor.
Sam shrugged, "If we can calm it down a bit, maybe we can reason with it."
"How is this going to help us find Crowley?"
"I don't know Dean!" Sam's voice rose a bit in frustration, "Do you have any other suggestions?"
"Summon a demon, ask where Crowley is."
Rolling his eyes, Sam looked directly at his older brother, "Yeah, because demons are so nice." As Dean opened his mouth to protest, Castiel appeared by the door.
"Hello Dean."
"Cas, great timing! Look we need your help."
"How might I be of assistance?" With his head slightly tilted, Castiel looked around with confusion. "Where are Jean and Becky?"
The brothers shared a glance and Dean decided to speak up, "Look man, uh... Crowley has them."
"He what?!" Castiel grabbed Dean by the collar and shoved him up on the wall. Jumping forward, Sam grabbed Castiel's arm and tried pulling the angel off his brother with no success. "You were suppose to look out for them Dean."
"We know, Crowley got the slip on us. He said Jean was valuable or something." At Sam's words, Castiel let go of Dean who fell on the floor gasping for breaths. "Cas, what did Crowley mean?"
Castiel fidgeted nervously, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Uh... he meant uh... nothing." Pushing himself up, Dean massaged his throat.
"You're a terrible liar."
Frowning Castiel turned to face Sam, "That's not true. I once betrayed AND deceived both you and your brother."
"That's not my point." Sam sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Cas, if you want our help you're gonna have to tell us everything."
"I'm sorry Sam. The best course of action right now is for you to 'gank' the ghost, as Dean would say." On the word gank, Castiel raised both his hands to imitate quotations. Then with a whoosh, Castiel was gone. Sam scoffed and looked at his brother.
Dean just shrugged, "Well as the nerd angel said, let's go gank a ghost."
Castiel remembered the first time he met Jean. He was sent on a mission to track down two demons who had stolen something precious of Heaven's. When he finally tracked them down to their safe-house, the object that was stolen wasn't with them. Instead he was found by Jean after he had exorcised the demons.
He then had taken Jean up to Heaven for protection... or had he? Castiel massaged his temple. Every time he tried to think back to Jean's past, these headaches would suddenly appear and then he just gave up trying to reach back. This time would be different. This time, he would get to the bottom of it.
Sitting on the couch, Castiel concentrated as hard as he could. He was in the house where young Jean had discovered him. The room was trashed, the furniture was overturned and broken. A painful stabbing sensation made Castiel let go flinching at the sudden pain. When he stood up, the room was restored with the furniture in good shape.
"Who are you?" Castiel frowned and turned around slowly. Little Jean was clenching her teddy bear facing his past self. Despite that he was just in his old memories, Castiel felt the sudden coldness and the air that stung like acid.
"Castiel. I'm an angel of the lord." His past self replied, the air suddenly got easier to breath in. Castiel watched as his past self was led by little Jean to the couch. He felt uneasy about something. A flutter of wings caused both Castiels to turn sharply.
As little Jean ran up to the new angel in the room, past Castiel stood shocked as well as the other one. "Hello brother." The man said glancing towards past Castiel but then looking directly into the eyes of Castiel.
"Gabriel." Castiel breathed out as the archangel smirked at him. With a snap of his fingers, past Castiel fell limp to the floor. "How much of my memory have you messed with?"
"Oh Castiel. I think you know the answer." Gabriel's signature smirk shown on his face. He gently let down young Jean who grasped his hand.
Young Jean tilted her head, looking in the general direction of Castiel but looked back at past Castiel. "Who are you talking to Gabey?"
"Future Castiel. Hey sugar plum, take Castiel there to a room upstairs."
"Okay!" Young Jean answered cheerfully. She turned towards Castiel, "Nice to meet ya future Cas!" She then faced the Castiel that was on the floor and with a snap, her and past Castiel were gone.
Castiel stood there shocked, "How did she?"
"Sorry bro. It's too early for you to know. Nice chatting with cha. You won't remember any of this." The carefree archangel snapped his fingers and Castiel woke up in the same room. But it was back to its old, wrecked state that it was when he first entered.
The pain in his head was too much for Castiel as he tried standing up but ending up on the floor. He pulled out his phone and dialed Dean, as Dean answered Castiel growled, "Gabriel." Before passing out on the floor, the same way he did several years back.
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