Chapter 3
“Out of the way! Move it people!” Inspector Lestrade bellowed parting the crowd of students and teachers as he struggled to get to the scene of the crime. Before he could go into the room, Sergeant Donovan stopped him.
“Sir… I don’t think you should look at the body.”
The Inspector raised his eyebrows questionably at the Sergeant. John Watson stepped out of the crime scene and noticed his friend, the inspector, being held up by Sergeant Donovan. “Greg.” He stepped forwards grimly.
“John. Is Sherlock already in?”
“Ah… yes he’s working.”
“So who’s the poor bastard?”
John stood there awkwardly, “Greg, I’m sorry. It’s…” He cleared his throat, “It’s your son.” Silence echoed through the hall. Even the bustling crowd fell short of Greg’s ears.
“What?” Greg grabbed John by the collar, “H..How? He...he’s not even a student here anymore… why..?!”
John stood still as Greg shook him giving him no explanation. A tall man with bright blue eyes walked out of the room, “Take the body away.”
Greg stared as the forensic team carried the body of his only son away. His head was twisted in an unnatural fashion, his eyes still open. Sherlock walked up to the lost inspector. “George…”
“Greg.” John coughed.
“Greg.” Sherlock quickly corrected himself, “I am truly sorry for your loss. Perhaps you should let Sergeant Donovan take over.”
Greg’s eyes flared with anger, “No. This is my case. Sherlock,” He grabbed the collar of the detective and yanked him down so they were at the same eye level, “Find Moriarty. I don’t care what you have to do… Find him.” Greg’s eyes suddenly filled with sadness as he realized he needed to inform his daughter of the murder.
Holding back a sob, Greg turned away from the detective and the ex-army doctor. He spotted someone familiar looking. Her long black hair was tied back, her poker face reminded Greg of...Wait, didn’t his daughter go here? Greg’s eyes narrowed, the girl didn’t notice this but Sherlock did. He followed Greg’s stare, his mouth hung open as he observed the girl. She was a splitting image of…
“SHERLOCK!” Sherlock’s head snapped around as his short friend yelled at him. “Did you find anything?”
“On what?” Sherlock traced his eyes back towards where the girl was previously, now stood two men in official looked clothes.
John huffed, “Moriarty of course! Sherlock what’s with you these days? You’re not concentrating on cases and now you’re just zoning out!”
Sherlock ignored his friend and walked up to the two men. Federal agents by the look of it, but there was something he couldn’t quite deduce. The man with light hair and green eyes seemed short next to the other guy but when Sherlock stood in front of them, he was shocked to see that the green eyed man was taller than he.
The man plastered a stupid grin on his face, his green eyes twinkling with joy, “Mr. Holmes. It’s an honor to meet you.” He held his hand out which Sherlock reluctantly shook, “I’m Agent Dean James, this is my partner, Agent Sam Sweatman.”
Sherlock glanced up and down at the two men, “You two are brothers aren’t you. Recently came to London, welcome by the way. You’re the owner of the 67 Impala that was parked outside the school.” Dean chuckled as Sherlock continued to deduce them, “You’re not actually with the FBI are you?”
Sam started to sweat as he heard the consulting detective deducing their lives. He was afraid that Sherlock would be able deduce everything about him and his brother. Him especially. Luckily, before Sherlock could continue, John walked over to the group.
“Who’s this Sherlock?”
Dean held out his hand, “We’re the FBI, I’m a great fan of your blog Dr. Watson.”
“Please, call me John.” John shook his hand firmly. “So what brings the FBI to London?”
Sam cleared his throat loudly enough so that the men stared at him, “May we talk somewhere, private?”
John threw his head back laughing, “You honestly want us to believe that? That ghosts and demons are real? And you two hunt them?” Dean just nodded his head as he stuffed his mouth with biscuits, his cheeks about to burst.
“Uh… yes?” Sam answered questionably. He looked to Sherlock who had his eyes closed with his hands in front of him like he was praying. “I don’t think it’s that funny.”
“You know what I think?” John’s voice dropped down an octave, “I think you two are total nut jobs. Now I want you out of this house, right now.”
Sherlock’s eyes opened as he watched the scene at hand. Dean brushed the crumbs off his lap, “Mr. Holmes, we need your help finding a girl.”
John scoffed, “We’re not taking any requests from you two lunatics!”
Sherlock’s phone went off, Sherlock quickly grabbed it and read the contents. “Go on.” Sherlock leaned forward on his couch putting his phone away in his pocket.
Sam glanced at John who looked as if he was about to explode. “I’m going for a walk.” He muttered before grabbing his jacket and stomping down the stairs.
“There was a girl, two actually but one is a main witness.” Sam took out his notebook and pen and passed the Becky’s photo to Sherlock. Sherlock’s eyes lit up in recognition and went back to his usual poker face. “This girl was there when the boy was… killed.”
“So the inspector’s daughter is the main witness and possible suspect…” Sherlock mumbled to himself.
Overhearing this, Sam shook his head, “No she’s just a witness. The killing was done by a ghost.”
“A ghost you say?”
“A real ghost.” Dean smirked, “Is this something new to you Mr. Holmes?”
“Yes of course it is.” Sherlock snapped. This case was becoming more and more complex. First, his friend’s family was involved. Secondly, these two men showed no signs of lies when they told their unbelievable story of their lives as ‘hunters’. Were they actually telling the truth? Or were they just a couple of escapees from an insane asylum. Sherlock mentally noted to call Molly to see if there were any patients missing.
Dean waved his hands in front of Sherlock. “I think he’s in his mind palace.”
“His what?” Sam stared at his brother in disbelief then at the famous detective. “We should just leave. He’s not helping.”
The Winchesters stood up to leave, “I’ll take your case.” Sherlock typed quickly on his phone. “What does the other girl look like?”
Dean’s face looked stumped, “Well.. she has long black hair…” Sherlock flashed back to the girl he saw at the school previously and he smiled. “I couldn’t get an exact look at her face.”
“If I brought her in, could you be able to confirm?”
“Alright. I’ll contact you once I have her.”
“Thank you Mr. Holmes.”
Sherlock shook hands with the two brothers and watched them leave in their car. He noticed someone hiding between the building watching them as he was. He quickly grabbed his coat and scarf and tailed the man. As Sherlock followed the man, he quickly sent a text to Molly. When he looked up, he noticed that the man had disappeared leaving him standing in a secluded part of the London streets.
“Sherlock! It’s nice of you to follow me.” A high pitched voice spoke out from behind him. Sherlock froze and turned around glaring at his worst enemy. Or the one that entertained him the most. He hadn’t had the time to be bored once Moriarty had made his way back into his life.
The insane psychopath grinned widely, “Did you miss me?” His scottish accent bounced around the empty buildings. Jim stared at his favorite playtoy, he had indeed missed messing with the famous detective. He spread his arms wide, “No hugs for daddy?”
Sherlock’s look of disgust made Jim chuckle, suddenly Sherlock cleared his throat. Despite him trying to hide it, Jim noticed his little smirk forming at the side of his mouth. “What?!” Jim yelled, “What did I miss?!”
“Daddy…” Sherlock laughed. “Is that what your daughter calls you?”
A flash of shock passed by Jim’s face before being masked by his usual smirk. “My daughter…” He snorted, “Tell me of her.”
“You want me to tell you what you already know?”
“No, I want you to prove that you know.”
Sherlock smirked, slowly circling his enemy he grabbed his hand behind his back and opened his mouth.
“Maybe there’s some more clues at the school. I mean, why else would she have come out of the room?” Sam thought aloud.
The Winchesters were sitting inside the Impala, Dean had one hand on the wheel and the other rested on the door.
“I don’t know Sammy. This whole thing seems a bit off.” The older Winchester rubbed the back of his neck. “The girl, the ghosts, it just seems…”
“Unnatural?” The car swerved hard to the right and skid to a stop.
Sam and Dean looked at the back of their car, a girl sat there smiling. Her long black hair fell around her shoulders, her dark brown eyes seemed almost black. Dean pointed a gun towards her while Sam gripped the demon blade tightly. “Who are you?” Sam asked as he shifted the knife from one hand to the other.
“Jean M… James.” She held her hands up in surrender, “Hi.”
The gun glistened as a car passed by. Having faced the girl, Dean cocked his gun and pointed it at her temple. “How’d you get in the car? Better yet, what are you?” Jean’s smile fell, her eyes grew darker.
“Is that really what you should care about? And Sam, you can lower the knife now, I’m not a demon.”
Eyes widening, Sam looked to his brother, “How do you know my name?”
Jean slowly lowered her hands, “Long story, and that’s not all I know. I know you two are hunters, the famous Winchester boys, and you don’t typically shoot squirrels and mooses. I also know that the angels sent you, though it’s not for any holy mission.”
The boys stared at Jean as she just stared back. The silence continued until another car drove by honking its horns.
“Okay what do you want? Why are you here?” Dean lowered his gun and glared.
“Finally asking the right questions.” Jean cautiously looked around, “I can’t talk here. Just, start driving.” The brothers stare at each other, silently communicating. Dean starts up the car again and drove back onto the road.
“Alright, spill.” Dean tossed his gun on the table and sat on top. They were back at their motel room, curtains were closed and the exits were salted.
Jean rolled her eyes, “Is this really necessary?” She glanced down at the cuffs on her wrists. Dean picked his gun up again and took it apart, and begun to assemble the gun back into place.
“So…” Sam pulled up a chair in the center and gestured towards it. “Um...You wanna tell us…”
“Do I want to tell you?” Jean interrupted, “Uh I don’t know maybe that’s why I came to you two.”
Dean set the gun down next to him pointed at Jean, “Alright drop the attitude. How do you know us? You a hunter?”
“Actually no, not a hunter. I read your books, well I say your books but I actually mean the supernatural series after Cas told me about you guys. By the way, your lives suck.”
“Wait, Cas?” The brothers simultaneously asked. “As in the angel?”
“No. I meant my cat.” The guys look at her dumbfoundedly, “Yes of course the angel. The one in the trench coat- ring a bell?”
“Yeah of course it does. He’s our bud!” Dean shouted slamming his hand down next to the gun. He didn’t noticed Jean flinching and slightly shaking, she closed her eyes and began muttering something. “Hey! I’m talking to you.”
“Dean wait.” Sam stopped Dean from advancing, he looked at the girl that was shaking harder now.
Her breathing quickened and turning into small gasps for air.
Dark eyes widening, chest rising and falling quickly, and her face twisted with horror, she looked like a completely different person than the confident girl they had met moments before.
“Dean, some help!” Sam grabbed the shaking girl firmly on the shoulders. “Hey hey hey, it’s okay. Breathe. Dean!” Sam yelled at his brother, “Try to calm her I’ll get the ambulance.”
Dean moved over next to Jean as she continued to gasp for air, her body shaker even harder. “It’s gonna be okay.” He kneeled next to the girl and held her hand that was white from tightly gripping the arms of the chair. She seemed to take longer breaths now, her shaking lessened. “See, it’ll be fine.”
Jean’s face suddenly turned white, she gasped for air but it wasn’t like how she struggled to breath earlier. This time, she clawed at her throat as if something was choking her.
“SAM!!!” Dean hollered and he tried holding the girl up. Jean fell from her chair, still choking, her eyes hazy and unfocused. With a whoosh, Castiel appeared next to them. Dean’s eyes widened as he watch the angel lift Jean up while placing his hand over her head. Jean’s whole body slumped down powerlessly as her convulsions seemed to stop.
Sam ran into the room only to see Castiel laying Jean down on one of their beds. “Cas?”
“Hello Dean, Sam.”
Sam walked in awkwardly, “Uh…”
“Do you want to explain something?” Gesturing towards Jean, Dean crossed his arms. His frown creased his handsome features.
Castiel tilted his head with his eyebrows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
“How does she know us? You know besides from reading her books.” Dean waved his arms around like a lunatic.
“She told us that you told her.” Sam cleared his throat grabbing the attention of both the angel and his brother.
“Ah...well…” Jean screamed as she quickly rose up, interrupting the angel. She took one look at the boys before lunging towards the knife on the table. Jean snatched up the knife and held it to the throat of the person nearest to her, which happened to be Castiel.
“Woah, Jean calm down.” Dean raised his hand as a gesture of surrender as Sam stood dumbfoundedly near the door.
“Who are you?! Where’s my daddy?” Jean screeched tightening her grip on the knife, pressing it harder against the angel. Castiel stood as still as possible trying not to lean too far back in case the young girl freaked out and slit his throat. Especially since she happened to grab the angel blade.
Dean glanced at Castiel in confusion, “Uh… We don’t know about your dad.”
“But we can help you find him.” Sam added quickly, “Just lower the knife.” Jean shoved Castiel a bit forward so he was now freed from his hostage situation. Rubbing where the knife has pressed against his skin, Castiel took a few extra steps of caution away from the girl. “So what’s your dad’s name?”
Sam elbowed his brother as Dean tried to protest about the current situation. “No… no he’s gonna kill me…” Mumbling, Jean gripped the knife tighter and raised it. Before the boys could register what was happening, she brought it down towards her abdomen.
“No!” Sam and Dean jumped forward to stop the girl. The knife never reached its destination as Castiel had teleported so he was directly in front of Jean holding her arms.
“Jean.” His deep voice sent shivers down Jean’s body. “Stop.” Castiel grabbed her arms, gripping it tighter until she dropped the knife with a yelp of pain.
“I’m sorry Daddy please don’t hurt me… please Daddy.” Sobbing, Jean curled herself into a ball hoping that would defend her against the man that loomed over her. Dean and Sam watched with widened eyes as Castiel tried calming the girl. Knowing it was partially his fault that she had began reacting like this, Dean shamefully hung his head.
Castiel tried to unfurl Jean, only to cause a more violent reaction. She thrashed around, flailing her arms, and seemed as if she couldn’t breath like she was drowning. “Cas! Do something!” The angel managed to grab both of Jean’s arms in one hand and touched her head, once again her body slumped down.
“What was that?” Sam frowned at the girl that seemed all but vulnerable now.
Castiel placed Jean onto the bed, this time cuffing her to the bed frame. “That… was one of her attacks.”
“So a panic attack?” Dean ran his fingers through his hair.
“It’s similar. She seems to react to certain situations violently.”
Frowning, Sam pushed his hair back, "Is it normal for her to not recognize anything?"
"I'm not sure. Though it does seem to be getting worst." Castiel looked down at the girl who was now peacefully asleep.
“What now?” Grabbing three bottles of beer from the fridge, Dean popped one open and handed it to his younger brother.
Gladly taking a bottle, Castiel chugged down the whole thing and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. “Now we wait. She should be up in a few hours or so.”
“Who is her father anyway? I mean for a girl to get this scared…” Sam took a sip from the beer. He welcomed the cold substance that burned his throat.
Castiel took a seat near Jean’s head, “Her father is Jim Moriarty.”
A/N Dun dun dun!!! Lovely cliffhanger ending isn’t it? Or so I would leave it buttttttttttttttt I suppose I could continue for you idjits. ENJOY!
“Jim Moriarty?! As in the criminal mastermind?” Shocked, Sam stared back and forth at Jean and Castiel. “Her?”
Whimpering ever so slightly, Jean stirred at the mention of her father. Castiel stroked her hair earning a questionable look from both brothers but seemed to put Jean as ease. “We should talk someplace else.” He walked over to the brothers and teleported them out someplace.
As soon as the guys disappeared, Jean’s eyes flew open. She took one look around the room before swinging her legs over and standing, only to be brought back down by the handcuffs. Jean huffed and took a pin out of her hair, quickly undoing the cuffs. Scanning the room, she began searching through the brothers’ stuff. Disappointed by the lack of the thing she searched for, she grabbed a lamp and threw it across the room. Her eyes seemed darker than the usual color, or maybe it was just the lack of light in the room.
Jean froze as someone knocked upon the door, “Housekeeping!” A gruff voice that seemed unusually high called out, his british accent was thick.
“Don’t need it.” Jean turned her back towards the door eyeing the window and weighing her chances.
“I heard something break, are you alright in there?”
“I’m fine!” Snapped Jean. She heard a creak of the board and spun around, only to be met with a cloth to her face. Jean clawed at the person but their grip was firm. Power left her body for the third time today as she sunk back into the darkness.
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