Chapter 20.5
Sorry yall... I slacked... and now you're cut off at a cliff hanger
Well don't you worry... I got a little preview for yall...
Sorta like a promo, guess you can say 😉
With a great blinding white light, Lucifer disappeared screaming.
"Cas? How are you alive?" Dean stared up at his blue eyed friend.
"Dean there are alot of things you must remember. This-" Castiel waved his arms around gesturing the room. "Is not real."
"N-no... that can't be... you're not... I'm..."
"Dorothea... she's not just any nephilim. You know it. You've felt it ever since you first saw her."
"But how?"
Falling to the ground, Jean held her head as she cried out as flashes of memories ran through her head.
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