Chapter 17
Dean walked up to the porch and tried opening the door. He kneeled down and took out his lock picking tools. Soon the knob turned and Dean cautiously opened the door. As soon as he took a few steps in, the door slammed shut. Dean cocked his gun and walked into the only room with light illuminated.
Tied in the middle of the room was Sam with his head bleeding. “Sammy!” Dean rushed towards Sam and shook him. “Sammy? Sam!”
“Huh what?!” Sam's head jerked up and he groaned in pain. “What happened?” Pulling against the ropes, Sam tried to move but couldn’t seem to find the strength to.
“I don’t know. You were gone. I thought you would have come back to the house." Dean whipped out his pocket knife and started cutting Sam loose. Before he could finish, Dean was thrown to the side into the wall.
The brothers heard a cackle as the demon walked into the room. “Winchesters.” He snarled as it looked down at Dean and Sam like they were of lower form. Dean took the advantage of the demon underestimating them to leap at him with the demon knife. Simply laughing, the demon threw Dean across the room, the shelves breaking his fall.
“Son of a bitch!” Dean spat off to a side, blood spattering over the floor. The demon-possessed man smirked as Dean wiped the blood off his mouth. “I won’t let you take Sammy.”
“You don’t get it, do you?” The demon scoffed, he wondered why his boss was so worried about these buffoons getting in their way. With the way these two thought, the whole universe just revolved around them.
Sam, who kept the knife Dean had passed to him secretly hidden, sucked in a deep breath as he realized what this was. “It’s a trap.” He said meekly not wanting to believe it but knowing it was true. “It’s a trap!” He said louder getting both Dean and the demon’s attention. “You’re after Dorothea aren’t you?”
“You’re smarter than you look. Good for you.” The demon mocked. Neither of the boys had time to remark a snarky response because the demon lit up orange and fell on the ground.
“You boys took too long.” John said casually while wiping the blood off the angel blade. Behind him, Charlie was anxiously checking behind them.
Dean sighed and let Sam out of his restraints. “We need to go.” If this was a trap, then there would be other demons going after Lily’s group. Besides, he still wasn’t sure who that shifty figure was within Lily’s group. They seem to trust her, but Dean swore there was something up with that girl. He never got a proper look at her face due to her having a hat pressed down on her head.
“What do you mean?” John clenched and unclenched his hands, it was a habit when he was nervous or didn’t know what to do.
“It’s not after Sam.” Checking the rounds on his gun, Dean grabbed a couple more clips. “It’s going after Dorothea.”
That’s all he needed to confirm to them. They got ready to move back out but Charlie stopped in front and looked back at the boys, “Where’s Cas?”
At one look at his brother, Sam could tell something was wrong. Dean’s eyes darkened and he shook slightly. “Cas… Cas is dead.” He said with remorse, “H-he was infected.” No further words had to be said to understand what had happened.
The group had no time to mourn as a loud ear-piercing scream sounded from afar. Without any words, they moved together and consistently. Dean tried to keep his calm, for the sake of the group. He wasn’t about to let anyone else die.
*6 Hours Earlier*
“Bobby?!” Dean couldn’t believe his eyes. There he was, the man who was like a father to him. Standing right there with the same scruffy look, hat and all.
Bobby’s smile radiated off his face, “It’s damn good to see you boys alive.” He pulled the brothers into a hug. Knowing these boys for quite a while, Bobby knew that they were alive somewhere in this hell hole. He never expected to met them before he died though. Especially with all the strange things that were going on in this neighborhood.
Pulling away with a smile, Sam didn’t know what to say. “Bobby, what are you doing here? We… We thought you died. Your house was demolished.” It was true. Once this whole ordeal started, the first thing they did was go back to Bobby’s house. What they found wasn’t pretty, the house was completely leveled.
“Well I got out of it. I was lucky.” Bobby shrugged, “There was a girl with a broken car just a few miles out. I went to help her. Like I said, pure dumb luck. When I got back to my house, well… let’s just say I didn’t stay for long.”
Before either boys could comment, Lily cleared her throat loudly catching everyone’s attention. “Sorry to break up the reunion, but we don’t have much time right now.”
“What do you mean?” Castiel piped up. He felt like something was off the moment he stepped inside of this place. It made him feel fidgety, and he felt as if someone was watching them. That was never a good sign, though it could be one of the villagers, Castiel was sure this wasn’t the case.
Lily checked her wristwatch and grabbed the keys off the table. “We can talk while we move.” As soon as she said that, a loud bull horn echoed across the town.
“Son of a bitch!” Jumping at the sudden sound, Dean whipped out his pistol, or at least tried to forgetting that all their weapons were confiscated. “What the hell was that?”
“Ah sorry, probably should have warned you about that.” Said Lily shrugging apologetically while trying to hold back a laughter. “Anyway we should move fast, in about an hour we’re shutting everything down.”
“To conserve energy?” Sam questioned, that was actually a great way to keep track of how much energy was being used and save lots more. He suggested doing that back at their base but Dean figured just giving each house an amount of energy to use per week was a better solution. Of course it differed from house to house depending on how many people lived in each.
“That too. But recently, there’s been… well actually it’s better to show you. I’ll drop John and Castiel off at my place and I’ll show you two boys our problem.” Lily gestured for them to follow.
Castiel looked up at the sun as they stepped outside. It was probably about 4 o’clock. What was this problem Lily spoke of? Perhaps it was because of the nephilim baby. He couldn’t tell what it was but soon enough, he’ll get to see Dorothea. And hopefully, just hopefully, he wouldn’t have to kill her. Though that was highly unlikely.
After a few minute drive, John and Castiel hopped off the truck. “Just knock on the door, Hilda should be inside.” Receiving a questionable look from Dean, Lily laughed. “She’s an old friend of mine. Great with kids.”
“Right. Hilda the nanny.” Dean chuckled and then grunted when his brother elbowed him. “Well, call us if you get anything.” He said to Castiel, silently communicating with him. They knew what had to be done if this girl was the real deal.
Castiel nodded, “We’ll give a call if we find anything out of ordinary. You have no need to worry Lily.” Reassuring her would hopefully keep her away for a while. At least long enough for him to check the baby.
Lily smiled at the sincerity in Castiel’s bright blue eyes. Despite the harsh conditions of this world, the light in his eyes didn’t seem to diminish. Like there was something, angelic about him. “Thank you Castiel.” She didn’t noticed Castiel flinch when she thanked him. “Alright boys, we got about 40 minutes left.”
“Left until what?” The brothers asked simultaneously. They gave each other an annoyed look and looked to Lily for explanations.
“The wave.”
“Hey Lily, these guys our guests?” A man who looked like Rick from The Walking Dead approached them waving a bolt-action shotgun. Except this guy had a huge grin plastered on his face, almost like the smiles they drew on Barbie dolls. Dean couldn’t help but be creeped out by this man.
“Yup, Dan meet Sam and Dean Winchester. They’ve come with a couple others to help out.” Lily hugged Dan and pointed at each brothers as she said their names.
“Dan Parker. Sheriff in these areas, at least used to be before this plague.”
“Nice to meet you.” Sam shook his hand, Dean just gave a small wave. “So Sheriff, something you have to show us?”
Dan slinged his shotgun over his shoulder, “Please, just Dan. No need for formalities here. Follow me.” He led them up into a small tower on the walls of the town. After a long flight of stairs, they reached the top of the walls, allowing them to look over to the other side.
“I know, beautiful isn’t it?” Lily sighed as she looked at the bright colors the sun colored the sky with as it slowly began to sink down. Almost as if the ground was swallowing the sun up. “Despite the world going to hell, there’s still these small things you can’t help but appreciate.”
Dean let out a low whistle, “You can say that again.” He peeled his eyes away from the sunset and asked the question he was dying to ask. “What is this wave you were talking about?”
“Look down there.”
Grabbing onto the railings so he wouldn’t fall, Dean leaned forward as far as possible without falling to his death. All he could see was an abandoned street, with a couple of abandoned cars and a few Crots walking around in groups. “I don’t see nothing out of the usual.”
Lily shook her head, “No, look down.”
At her words, Sam joined his brother by the railing and looked at the bottom of the wall. What he saw shocked him a bit. “Dean.” He pointed to the cars that seemed to be stacked on top of each other. Almost as if they were trying to, “Climb up. That’s what they were doing? Trying to get over the walls?”
“Exactly. About a week ago, I found a group of them clawing their way up the wall. My boys and I had to shoot ‘em down.” Dan sighed rubbing the back of his neck. “Every night since then they been trying to climb over.”
“So they’re getting smarter? Great.” Grumbled Dean staring down at the stack of cars. This wasn’t going well for sure, how could they be evolving?
Even though Lily had an idea of why this might be happening, or at least who was causing it. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to tell these boys about it. Also, right now she was enjoying the silence up here. Which wasn’t something that happened often. Wait… “Something’s not right…”
Sam frowned at her words, “It’s too quiet.” All the Crots they saw, roaming around the street were gone. Even what few birds that were left made no sounds. Or just disappeared.
The four people looked over the wall trying to find anything that might be of usual. An loud explosion over by the other side of the town shook the walls almost making them fall over. Sam recovered quickly and grabbed the binoculars looking over to the opposite end. “Oh no.” There was a large hole in the wall and the sides were crumbling down like a poorly made sand castle.
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