Chapter 12
“The what?” Her eyebrows furrowed together as she heard the name of the virus. Croa... what now? Aren’t those the slippers with holes in them?
John was too busy reporting in this to the others to answer her. “We got Crots in Sector H-6.” He waited for a reply.
The radio he was holding onto buzzed and beeped four times in a rhythmic way. “Copy that. Finish up there and come on back.” A gruff baritone voice came through the radio. Is that… Cas? Becky frowned trying to remember if the voice actually matched the angel she met few months ago. It sounded like him but something was a bit different. He sounded more… human.
“Alright. Oh and Cas, tell Dean and Sam I got something for them.”
Becky crossed her arms and glared at John when he mentioned her as an object. She spent too long in Purgatory to be treated like an object. Noticing the look she gave him, John shrugged and clipped his radio back on his belt. “Well come on then.”
“So I go to hell, the world is in a apocalypse because of some virus.” Trying to organize the new information she received Becky thought out loud. It became a habit of hers from Hell when she was in a cell for god-knows how long. Her cell buddy was taken else where after her little squabble with the guard. Becky figured that Rowena was dead.
Gripping his gun tightly by his side, John shook his head. “It’s not because of the virus. It’s because of that bitch.”
John’s face clearly said that he didn’t want to talk about the issue of who started the end of the world. Not wanting to piss off the man who actually slightly… just slightly scared her, Becky stayed quiet. Or so she would have if she noticed the look on his face but the many days in Purgatory didn’t help her people reading skills.
“What bitch?” Becky asked completely oblivious to his expression. She was curious to know how the world had gone to waste. Was this like some kind of zombie virus? Being a fan of the Walking Dead made her feel excited and scared at the same time. From what she saw earlier, they acted more human than the ones from the show.
John sighed, “The boys will explain everything to you.” He forgot Becky was like this. Always speaking whatever was on her mind, not bothering to see if it bothered anyone.
They arrived at the base John mentioned earlier. Becky gaped at the sight, it was almost like the prison that Rick and his gang hanged out in. It seemed to be a old military base, with the electric fences still active and signs that said keep away. She wondered how they found this in the first place when it was in the middle of a forest. Also, what had happened to the bunker?
The gates opened allowing them inside and which point John had Becky hand over all weapons. Becky was reluctant on doing so but she didn’t want to be kicked out without knowing what the hell was going on so she obliged.
John took her through the base, it seemed quite well organized. Many were actual soldiers that patrolled the fences with big guns. This made Becky on edge as she noticed the looks she received, almost like they didn’t want any outsiders.
“They seem friendly.” Trying to get some kind of conversation started, Becky said laughing nervously. This place was freaking her out. Or maybe it was because of the lack of human contact she had, it still freaked her out.
Not even glancing at her, John replied. “They’re nice once you get to know them.” Then they walked in silence again.
Becky never liked awkward silences, but this one she just let go. She didn’t want to attract more attention than she was already receiving.
“John!” Someone yelled from behind them, causing them to stop and turn around. A tall man whose head popped up among all the other people on the base ran towards them. Becky gasped, it was that one handsome attractive fake FBI agent, Sam. Suddenly more self-conscious of the way she looked, she hid herself behind John. “Hey man, I heard you ran into a Crot in your sector.”
“Yeah it was nothing. Though I did find something more interest.” John reached behind him and pulled Becky in front.
Oh god… Becky felt like she could feel the heat radiating off her face as she turned redder each second. She hasn’t been in front of a glorious… Pursing her lips she shook her head away from the thoughts and smiled. “H..hey…” Her voice came out nervously which earned her a funny look from John.
Sam looked at the girl that John placed in front, his eyes slowly lit up in recognition and shock. “Becky?!” It was her, the girl they couldn’t save. The one that Crowley had kidnapped several months back. He pulled her into a crushing hug, “You’re alive!”
“I was never dead.” Becky blushed in his arms. She felt hotter by the minute, “Sam I can’t breath.”
“Oh sorry.” Quickly letting go of her, Sam let Becky have some space to breath. “We thought you were dead.”
“So everyone says. Apparently I’m dead in I get dragged to hell.” Throwing her hair over her shoulder Becky frowned. Why did everyone just classify her as dead? That was kinda hurtful for her but she tried not to be hurt by it.
Sam smiled awkwardly feeling bad, “Uh… Come on, I’ll fill you in on what happened.” He led them towards one of the cabins and ushered them inside.
Inside, two familiar looking men were arguing. One of them slammed his fist on the table, his black hair was messy, like he had just woken up. The other one with bright green eyes sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He noticed Sam and Becky standing at the door, “Hey Sammy.”
“Dean.” Sam nodded towards his brother, “Hey Cas.” He said towards the other man.
Becky’s eyes widened, Cas as in the angel Castiel? He looked different without his usual trenchcoat and suit attire. Also, he seemed to have more emotions than she remembered.
Castiel looked up and spotted Becky, “You.” He stalked towards her in a frightening way and pushed her on the wall. “How did you get out?” His usual bright blue eyes were dark and it searched over her.
“Cas!!! Let her go!” Sam pulled Castiel off of Becky and stepped in between them. “It’s okay.”
Holding her neck, Becky let out the breath she held unknowingly. That scared the hell out of her. She thought she experienced pretty much everything when she went to Hell and Purgatory but that was different. Having someone she used to know, suddenly see you and try to kill you was a whole new experience for her.
“Alright Cas go cool off.” Dean ordered frowning at his friend. Ever since he lost his angel mojo, Castiel hasn’t always been the happy human.
The door slammed shut as Castiel stormed out huffing. “Sorry about that.” Sam gave Becky his apologetic smile and led her to a seat. “He’s been like that ever since he became human.”
“Human? Wasn’t he an angel?” Becky gladly took the seat. Her legs were about to give away from all the information she was receiving on her first day back on earth.
Sam and Dean shared a look having a silent conversation. “Becky, how much do you remember?” Sam piped up after Dean gave him the ‘you first’ look.
“ when I woke up here?” Becky pondered for a moment, “Well… after Benny helped me escape Purgatory…”
Looking up when he heard Benny’s name, Dean stopped her. “Wait… did you say Benny?” Did she mean Benny as his blood brother? The one he spent two years with in Purgatory? Who watched his back and later saved Sammy?
Becky nodded, “Benny the vamp. He told me about you guys. Helped me escape.” She knew about Dean and Benny’s brotherhood. And how he helped both Winchesters out of Purgatory. “Then I woke up in a wilderness.
Sam looked at Dean and shrugged, “Well… while you were in Purgatory… Lucifer got loose.”
“WHAT?!” She couldn’t believe her ears. Lucifer. As in the Devil, got loose?! Becky was starting to regret ever escaping from Purgatory. “How’d that happen?” She asked after calming herself.
Both the Winchesters sighed, “It’s a long story.” They said at the same time.
*Two months ago*
“How is she Lucifer’s daughter?” Sam asked looking at Jean who was unconscious on the floor. After she had revealed that she was the devil’s daughter, Jean tried to attack them. Luckily, the holy fire had some effect on her allowing Gabriel to put her to sleep.
Gabriel was writing sigils around Jean to keep her in when she woke up. “She’s Lucifer’s creation. I don’t know how but she is.” It was hard to explain for Gabriel. Looking at Jean reminded him of his fallen brother, as well as the times they spent together during her childhood.
Sitting quietly on the table, Dean had his arms crossed while Sam paced around the room. Castiel was still mad at Gabriel for keeping his memories of Jean locked.
“So what now?”
No one seemed to know the answer. One option would be to keep Jean locked away forever but that would be another repeated situation. Plus once she got out, she may be even more pissed. Another could be to kill her, but neither Gabriel or Castiel wanted that.
“Do we know what she wants?” Dean finally asked. What could the devil’s daughter want? As far as he saw, she didn’t even know she was Lucifer’s creation when they first met.
Gabriel sighed, “She wants chaos, like her father.”
“She wasn’t like this when she was young.”
Everyone stopped when Jean stirred starting to wake. No one said a thing as she groaned and woke up glaring at them all. Noticing that she wasn’t in the holy fire anymore, Jean tried to lunge at them but hit what was like a invisible wall.
“Gabriel. Caging me up like my dad?” Jean scowled picking herself up off the floor again.
“You brought this on yourself.” Gabriel said defending his actions. It’s true she was never like this when she was young. This was really unlike Jean, perhaps during her stay in hell something changed her.
Jean let out a really exaggerated sigh and rolled her eyes, “Okay yeah maybe I did.” She shrugged in the way that reminded John of Moriarty making him shudder. “But you did mess with my head. I don’t appreciate that.”
“It had to be done…”’
“YOU LOCKED ME UP!!!” Jean yelled catching John and the Winchesters off guard. They didn’t expect her to suddenly change her attitude. “But then again, I suppose I was a loose cannon wasn’t I?” She said in a calmer voice.Gabriel and Castiel talking in hushed tones then turned to the three humans and told them of their plan.
Sam’s eyes widened, “You sure that will work? It sounds risky.”
“What if it fails?” John asked. He wasn’t a fan of the plan. God no. He wanted to kill her before she caused the end of the world or something. Jean was the devil’s daughter. They couldn’t expect him to believe she was good.
“Worst case scenario, we both end up like Michael in hell. Broken and completely bonkers.” Gabriel said this as if he was talking about going shopping. “If it goes right, we can keep her in eternal sleep."
“Why don’t we just kill her?”
Gabriel glared at Dean, “Shut your mouth. She’s still just a kid.”
“Besides, she is a part of Lucifer. To kill her, we would have to kill Lucifer as well. Would you like to risk opening the cage?” Castiel added crossing his arms.
“Planning a surprise party?” Jean was seated on the floor looking bored as she glanced at the five guys. Or she should say three guys, a clueless angel, and a backstabber. She was done with dealing with these idiots. Whatever they had planned, wasn’t going to work.
Gabriel nodded grimly to Castiel who walked over to the opposite side of Jean. Jean watched them curiously, “Whatever you’re trying, it’s not gonna work. I’m not possessed.”
The Winchesters took a few cautious steps back and kept their blades by their sides just in case. John stood by the blood sigil, ready to blast the angels away in case it went wrong.
Gabriel and Castiel both began to chant in enochian. Barely making out some of the words, the few she heard was eternal and rest. That was all she needed to know to realize they weren’t going to kill her or lock her away.
“Don’t you dare.” Jean growled trying to get either of the angels. The invisible barrier still restricted her movement. The spell begun to take effect as the angel’s powers surrounded her, Jean screamed holding her head.
Blue light came from both angels and something that sounded like a high pitch scream echoed throughout the bunker. Luckily, John and the Winchesters put earwax in their ears to block some of the noise. They could still hear it but it wasn’t as bad.
Castiel frowned as he felt something pulling him. Suddenly, the light seemed to swirl around her and she absorbed the light taking everything in. The angels screamed in pain as their grace was sucked out and with a blinding white light, Gabriel disappeared and Castiel slumped on the floor.
“Cas!” Dean yelled running towards him. He checked Castiel’s pulse and was relieved to find one beating.
Carefully, Sam approached Jean who was laying on the ground. Her eyes flew open and they flashed red. Jean’s laugh erupted from her making everyone turn. “Oh… Nice try.” She brushed herself off and cracked her neck.
Jean smirked and slowly made her way towards Sam. Where the barrier should have stopped her, Jean simply walked past. “We’re gonna have so much fun.” She reached out towards the younger Winchester.
Another blinding white light erupted and Jean disappeared, “Well… that was a total wuss.” John said, his bloody hand on the sigil.
“Hey hey hey.” Dean said as Castiel startled awake.
Castiel’s eyes were filled with fear, “Dean, I’m human.”
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