Can You Hear Me Major Tom?
Ok guys! This is the first chapter of this book! I hope you will enjoy it! This takes place in 1994
David's P.O.V
Today when I woke up, I saw MTV playing on my television. They were playing the video for wannabe. God that song is getting old. Then when that song finished they started playing this other song, that started off with a cool beat. The video looked very different from the others in MTV. I saw the person start singing. But he looked like he was in the shadows. Then there was a naked woman. What the bloody hell? Why is MTV allowing this? Then in the chorus I saw his face better. After the chorus I saw his face without the goggles. His features looked very attractive. And his music sounded unique. I must meet this man. He has some real talent. " I started calling MTV.
The call...
" This is MTV how can I help you?" A woman asked. " Hi. It is I David Bowie. I wanted to ask you what is the name of the singer of Nine Inch Nails." I asked. " His name is Micheal Trent Reznor." She said. " What is his phone number?" I asked. ( the phone number is fake guys, sorry :( I wish I knew Trent's real number) " His number is 312-345-6789" she said. " Ok. Thank you." I said, " Anytime David." She said.
End of Call...
Then I hung up. I started dialing Micheal's number. Then he answered.
The call...
" Hello?" A beautiful voice said. " Hello. Is this Micheal Trent Reznor?" I asked. " Just call me Trent, why do I recognize your voice?" Trent asked. " Because I am probably someone you know." I said smirking. " Well obviously. Who are you?" Trent asked. " Promise me that if you know me, do not scream on the phone." I said sarcastically. " Why would I?" Trent asked. " Because, I am David Robert Jones. But you might know me as David Bowie." I said. " Holy shit! David?!" Trent said. " I was calling you because I heard your song on on MTV. You have talent from what I have heard." I said. " T-thank you" Trent said. " You know what? How about we meet in person?" I asked. " Sure. Where do you want to meet?" Trent asked. " How about we meet up in front of the Chicago Music Exchange. From where I am at right now. It will be an hour or more flight." I said. " Ok. I will meet you there." Trent said.
End of call...
Then I hung up. I went to the airport of New York and got on a plane to Chicago.
Trent's P.O.V
I can't believe it! I will finally meet David Bowie today! I packed up my luggage and left to the airport. I got on a flight for Chicago.
A few hours later...
I got out of the plane and I went in a taxi. But then to my surprise. David came in with me. " Hello." David said. " David? How did you find me?" I asked. " Easy. I just had to look for a talented man with medium length black hair with green eyes." David said. I just chuckled at his comment. " Take us to the Congress hotel please." David asked. The taxi driver nodded and started driving.
30 minutes later...
Then we arrived at the Congress hotel of Chicago. (It is a real place guys! I will put a picture of it here)
(How do I know a lot about Chicago? Because I am a Chicagoan)
We both entered and David got his room. He paid for a suit so we can share a room. " How come you paid for both of us?" I asked. " I just wanted to pay for it for you. I have plenty of money. Don't worry about me." David said. " Ok." I said. Then I went in the suit with David and I chose my bed. We both had our own separate beds in this suit. It was pretty. The beds were both next to each other. Once we both put our luggage's down we both went out and we got a taxi. " Take us to the Chicago music exchange." David said. Then we both went there. We entered and I saw it was filled with guitars. All the guitars were beautiful. I tried to blend in with the people and so did David. Then he led me to a secret section. " This over here is the synth and drums section. " David said. Then I started playing with the synths. David eventually played with me and we had a jam out session. Once we finished a worker came to us. "Can I take a picture of both of you?" She asked. " Go ahead." I said smiling. Then she took a picture of both of us separately and one of us together. " Thank you so much!" She said. Then she left. I decided to buy a synth from here.
David's P.O.V
"What you were playing was awesome Trent." I said. He blushed. " Thank you" Trent said. He looks adorable when he is shy. Then we both walked to a restaurant with deep dish pizza. We both ate and talked about our bands and headed back to our hotel. Trent looked exhausted. " I will go to sleep right now." Trent said. " Alright then. Sweet dreams." I said. Then he drifted off to sleep. As he was sleeping I was watching him. He looked so beautiful. Like an angel. I am glad that I found out about his band. Then I drifted off to sleep while I was watching Trent. Then I fell asleep.
And that is it for the first chapter! I hope you liked it! Sorry if it was short.
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